December Column'
I love the thought of new beginnings. I love the possibilities that come with starting over. How many times in life have we said or done things that we ultimately regretted? I can’t count the times I have wanted to take back something I said to someone or something I did in life. I think about how different things might have been with just one more chance. I remember as a child at Christmas my mother would give coloring books to my sister and me. Our carefree exuberance in wielding Crayola crayons often resulted in rough art forms we thought were our best pieces of work. But our final presentations were often ridden with bad color choices and too many scribbles outside of the picture lines. But as we finished our work efforts and submitted them for her review, she politely admired our efforts and without discouragement suggested we turn to the next page and try again. We were always given a second chance. A new beginning. There were no wrong ways to express our talents but just better ways that would certainly come to light with just one more chance. She would turn the page and offer her suggestions and Walla! We were starting all over again with a clean new picture and a second chance with all things being possible. I am also thankful that our loving Father in heaven is a God of second chances. He is the author of new beginnings; Through Him all things are possible. We see it in every aspect of His wonderful creation. Did you know that every time you see a sunrise, someone sees a sunset? Someone sees a new day beginning and someone sees their day come to a close. This repetitive miracle happens every minute of every day to people all around the world. God also has created us His people and He loves every one of us. (John 3:16) He knows us intimately. He knows what worries you and every care you have. He knows your inner heart; you’re coming and going, and He delights in you. He tells us in advance that the day to come will have worries of its own. He urges us to focus on the day that is at hand and let tomorrow be tomorrow. (Matthew 6:34) He created the world and our life for living one day at a time. That was our intended capacity. What we find or lose today we will have the possibility of retrieving tomorrow. When we fall short in sin and disappointments today, He gives us hope and a second chance through Christ on the morrow. For this reason, He sent Jesus into the world as a Savior. The one who would save us from our sins. Over 2000 years ago Jesus came to be the light of the world who would pay the price for our sins on a cross He did not deserve. What a wonderful gift from God. He is the reason we celebrate Christmas. He is the author of new beginnings and hope of salvation for our future. God has given us a life full of second chances and new beginnings. He knows our humanity of flesh full of shortcomings. He knows the world of sin in which we live. He knows we need a Savior and a new and fresh beginning in our souls to overcome the fatal effects of sin. For the ultimate new beginning in life, we need a Savior. His name is Jesus. Are you ready for a fresh and new beginning, a second chance at life? Imagine a new beginning with God. You could be forgiven of all your sins with all things new and possible. Splash the colors of your heart and soul into the hands of God and let Him put you back within the lines of His care and love. He has a full and beautiful picture of your future that He has always planned and seen for you. (Jeremiah 29:11-13) Let God turn the page and share it with you. Receive His gift of salvation. Jesus is our new beginning, and I thank God for Christmas and Jesus for new beginnings. May God bless you richly and often. Rev. Dalton Lilly Fredericksburg, Va.
I love the thought of new beginnings. I love the possibilities that come with starting over. How many times in life have we said or done things that we ultimately regretted? I can’t count the times I have wanted to take back something I said to someone or something I did in life. I think about how different things might have been with just one more chance. I remember as a child at Christmas my mother would give coloring books to my sister and me. Our carefree exuberance in wielding Crayola crayons often resulted in rough art forms we thought were our best pieces of work. But our final presentations were often ridden with bad color choices and too many scribbles outside of the picture lines. But as we finished our work efforts and submitted them for her review, she politely admired our efforts and without discouragement suggested we turn to the next page and try again. We were always given a second chance. A new beginning. There were no wrong ways to express our talents but just better ways that would certainly come to light with just one more chance. She would turn the page and offer her suggestions and Walla! We were starting all over again with a clean new picture and a second chance with all things being possible. I am also thankful that our loving Father in heaven is a God of second chances. He is the author of new beginnings; Through Him all things are possible. We see it in every aspect of His wonderful creation. Did you know that every time you see a sunrise, someone sees a sunset? Someone sees a new day beginning and someone sees their day come to a close. This repetitive miracle happens every minute of every day to people all around the world. God also has created us His people and He loves every one of us. (John 3:16) He knows us intimately. He knows what worries you and every care you have. He knows your inner heart; you’re coming and going, and He delights in you. He tells us in advance that the day to come will have worries of its own. He urges us to focus on the day that is at hand and let tomorrow be tomorrow. (Matthew 6:34) He created the world and our life for living one day at a time. That was our intended capacity. What we find or lose today we will have the possibility of retrieving tomorrow. When we fall short in sin and disappointments today, He gives us hope and a second chance through Christ on the morrow. For this reason, He sent Jesus into the world as a Savior. The one who would save us from our sins. Over 2000 years ago Jesus came to be the light of the world who would pay the price for our sins on a cross He did not deserve. What a wonderful gift from God. He is the reason we celebrate Christmas. He is the author of new beginnings and hope of salvation for our future. God has given us a life full of second chances and new beginnings. He knows our humanity of flesh full of shortcomings. He knows the world of sin in which we live. He knows we need a Savior and a new and fresh beginning in our souls to overcome the fatal effects of sin. For the ultimate new beginning in life, we need a Savior. His name is Jesus. Are you ready for a fresh and new beginning, a second chance at life? Imagine a new beginning with God. You could be forgiven of all your sins with all things new and possible. Splash the colors of your heart and soul into the hands of God and let Him put you back within the lines of His care and love. He has a full and beautiful picture of your future that He has always planned and seen for you. (Jeremiah 29:11-13) Let God turn the page and share it with you. Receive His gift of salvation. Jesus is our new beginning, and I thank God for Christmas and Jesus for new beginnings. May God bless you richly and often. Rev. Dalton Lilly Fredericksburg, Va.
November Column
As the beautiful fall colors turn to deeper shades of brown they soon usher in the months of winter. As I witness the subtle and inevitable changing of the seasons I think about the harvest of fall that has come and gone. The crops grown in farm fields across the country have been brought in, trees and flowers have dropped their seeds and soon winter will pass. Spring will bring hope and the growth of new plants full of life. It is a miracle of God that He continues to sustain this cycle of growth. Did you know that as we pass through the four seasons we can see a caricature of even human life? God’s reproductive process is burgeoning with things in the world that start from small seeds that when planted, mature and grow. As we ponder this wonderful miracle of God one of the vital life-sustaining components is; where the seeds happen to fall! Where a seed is planted and nurtured will make all the difference in its survival. Jesus wanted us to know that these same principles of new life and growth apply to our spiritual potential when we hear the Word of God. In fact, He uses this exact analogy in Matthew 13:3-9 to illustrate the various attitudes of man’s heart toward the gospel of Christ. He made His point by comparing the human heart to three kinds of soil conditions. The first kind of soil Jesus compares the heart to is stony soil. This is soil that makes it difficult for a seed to even begin to grow. The seed may take root, but the soil is so shallow that it cannot sustain a root system and with difficult and intense conditions, it will die. This is the person who hears the Word of God and receives it with joy. It all sounded good, but they never allow the Word to penetrate their lives. They did not comprehend what they almost had. They soon forget what they heard and continue on as the Word dies out of their life. Life just stays the same. The second kind of soil that Jesus compares our hearts to is a place that is ridden with thorn bushes. The thorns are so thick that the spiritual seed of God starts root but is choked out by the overwhelming thorns. This is the one who receives the Word of God and is excited about serving God. They begin to do so, but their life is another story. Soon the cares of life, riches, lifestyle, and everything opposed to God chokes out their spiritual life. Their priorities put God last. They never really devote their lives to following and serving God. Nothing begins to grow through their distractions. The third kind of soil that Jesus compares our hearts to is the best and most fertile soil of all. It is the rich soil of a heart that is receptive to a serious spiritual relationship with God. When this person hears God’s voice their heart allows the seed to begin to grow and the presence of God becomes greater and greater in their life. They become spiritual light, changing the lives of others. They become the salt of the world and spread the seasoning of Christ to those around them. What kind of soil is your heart made of today? Do you possess the soil of the third kind? Only soil of the third kind is acceptable to God. He is calling on each of us to be productive farmers for the Kingdom of heaven. Choose Jesus today. He is coming soon. “And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to everyone according to his work.” (Rev. 22:12) May God bless you amazingly and often. Rev. Dalton Lilly Narrow Road Ministries Fredericksburg VA [email protected] Photo: Secure your eternity in heaven, trust God, repent of sin, and ask Jesus the Messiah into your heart right now, today. Today is the day of salvation! God’s Word says there is no second chance after death.
As the beautiful fall colors turn to deeper shades of brown they soon usher in the months of winter. As I witness the subtle and inevitable changing of the seasons I think about the harvest of fall that has come and gone. The crops grown in farm fields across the country have been brought in, trees and flowers have dropped their seeds and soon winter will pass. Spring will bring hope and the growth of new plants full of life. It is a miracle of God that He continues to sustain this cycle of growth. Did you know that as we pass through the four seasons we can see a caricature of even human life? God’s reproductive process is burgeoning with things in the world that start from small seeds that when planted, mature and grow. As we ponder this wonderful miracle of God one of the vital life-sustaining components is; where the seeds happen to fall! Where a seed is planted and nurtured will make all the difference in its survival. Jesus wanted us to know that these same principles of new life and growth apply to our spiritual potential when we hear the Word of God. In fact, He uses this exact analogy in Matthew 13:3-9 to illustrate the various attitudes of man’s heart toward the gospel of Christ. He made His point by comparing the human heart to three kinds of soil conditions. The first kind of soil Jesus compares the heart to is stony soil. This is soil that makes it difficult for a seed to even begin to grow. The seed may take root, but the soil is so shallow that it cannot sustain a root system and with difficult and intense conditions, it will die. This is the person who hears the Word of God and receives it with joy. It all sounded good, but they never allow the Word to penetrate their lives. They did not comprehend what they almost had. They soon forget what they heard and continue on as the Word dies out of their life. Life just stays the same. The second kind of soil that Jesus compares our hearts to is a place that is ridden with thorn bushes. The thorns are so thick that the spiritual seed of God starts root but is choked out by the overwhelming thorns. This is the one who receives the Word of God and is excited about serving God. They begin to do so, but their life is another story. Soon the cares of life, riches, lifestyle, and everything opposed to God chokes out their spiritual life. Their priorities put God last. They never really devote their lives to following and serving God. Nothing begins to grow through their distractions. The third kind of soil that Jesus compares our hearts to is the best and most fertile soil of all. It is the rich soil of a heart that is receptive to a serious spiritual relationship with God. When this person hears God’s voice their heart allows the seed to begin to grow and the presence of God becomes greater and greater in their life. They become spiritual light, changing the lives of others. They become the salt of the world and spread the seasoning of Christ to those around them. What kind of soil is your heart made of today? Do you possess the soil of the third kind? Only soil of the third kind is acceptable to God. He is calling on each of us to be productive farmers for the Kingdom of heaven. Choose Jesus today. He is coming soon. “And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to everyone according to his work.” (Rev. 22:12) May God bless you amazingly and often. Rev. Dalton Lilly Narrow Road Ministries Fredericksburg VA [email protected] Photo: Secure your eternity in heaven, trust God, repent of sin, and ask Jesus the Messiah into your heart right now, today. Today is the day of salvation! God’s Word says there is no second chance after death.
October Column
Silence is Not Golden lifestyle and to be vocal concerning God’s Word in all matters of life. Yet in many of our denominations and churches in America, we see clergy failing to teach these fundamental biblical principles to their congregations. More and more we are seeing the dwindling of church congregations who are leaving their churches after many years of attendance. Could it be that God is removing the lampstand from the churches (Rev. 2:4-5) because church leaders have failed to adhere to the inerrant Word of God while embracing the woke humanistic views of the world order that is becoming more and more pervasive in these last days? We are called to teach the explicit Word of God in all seasons. In 2nd Timothy 4:2-3, it is abundantly clear, the days in which we live are those spoken of by the Apostle Paul in his letter to Timothy. “Preach the Word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap up for themselves teachers, having itching ears, and they will turn away from the truth and will listen to lies and fables.” The lies and fables have become the false doctrine being embraced by churches around the world that are now accepting ideologies of humanism. Among these teachings are the acceptance of killing unborn children, sexual promiscuity, worship of the planet, idolatry, fornication, and a long list of things in opposition to God’s Word. Silence is not golden for God’s people or America. It’s time we adhere to every line of God’s inerrant Word. Parents, teach it to your children, clergy proclaim it from the pulpit. Public leaders, bring it back to our courtrooms, schools, and every public place. Be the salt and the light of the world. We can’t be the salt and light while being silent. Amen. May God bless you amazingly and often. Rev. Dalton Lilly Narrow Road Ministries Fredericksburg VA [email protected] Photo: Secure your eternity in heaven, trust God, repent of sin, and ask Jesus the Messiah into your heart right now, today. Today is the day of salvation! God’s Word says there is no second chance after death. We have often heard that silence is golden. It may be true in some cases but certainly not for God’s people. In fact, silence from God’s people can be dangerous. It may get you into some trouble with God. He actually tells us to be the opposite of silent! One of the very last things that Jesus said after His resurrection and before He ascended into heaven was “Go tell!” In Matt. 28:19-20 Jesus said, “Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Teach them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.” This certainly is not a command to be silent! And you know Jesus is right. Where has silence gotten the Church in America? The church has been silent for the most part for many years in America. Christian silence has contributed to the moral decline of our culture for nearly two hundred years. We have gone from a nation that was founded on Biblical principles from God’s Holy Word to a humanistic culture whose desire is to eliminate God and His Word from every facet of our society. Is it any wonder that Jesus told us not to be silent and hide our faith? In Matt. 5:14-16 Jesus said, “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” We can easily deduct from these biblical passages that God is not interested in you and I being silent. We are called rather to live out an unmistakable Godl
Silence is Not Golden lifestyle and to be vocal concerning God’s Word in all matters of life. Yet in many of our denominations and churches in America, we see clergy failing to teach these fundamental biblical principles to their congregations. More and more we are seeing the dwindling of church congregations who are leaving their churches after many years of attendance. Could it be that God is removing the lampstand from the churches (Rev. 2:4-5) because church leaders have failed to adhere to the inerrant Word of God while embracing the woke humanistic views of the world order that is becoming more and more pervasive in these last days? We are called to teach the explicit Word of God in all seasons. In 2nd Timothy 4:2-3, it is abundantly clear, the days in which we live are those spoken of by the Apostle Paul in his letter to Timothy. “Preach the Word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap up for themselves teachers, having itching ears, and they will turn away from the truth and will listen to lies and fables.” The lies and fables have become the false doctrine being embraced by churches around the world that are now accepting ideologies of humanism. Among these teachings are the acceptance of killing unborn children, sexual promiscuity, worship of the planet, idolatry, fornication, and a long list of things in opposition to God’s Word. Silence is not golden for God’s people or America. It’s time we adhere to every line of God’s inerrant Word. Parents, teach it to your children, clergy proclaim it from the pulpit. Public leaders, bring it back to our courtrooms, schools, and every public place. Be the salt and the light of the world. We can’t be the salt and light while being silent. Amen. May God bless you amazingly and often. Rev. Dalton Lilly Narrow Road Ministries Fredericksburg VA [email protected] Photo: Secure your eternity in heaven, trust God, repent of sin, and ask Jesus the Messiah into your heart right now, today. Today is the day of salvation! God’s Word says there is no second chance after death. We have often heard that silence is golden. It may be true in some cases but certainly not for God’s people. In fact, silence from God’s people can be dangerous. It may get you into some trouble with God. He actually tells us to be the opposite of silent! One of the very last things that Jesus said after His resurrection and before He ascended into heaven was “Go tell!” In Matt. 28:19-20 Jesus said, “Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Teach them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.” This certainly is not a command to be silent! And you know Jesus is right. Where has silence gotten the Church in America? The church has been silent for the most part for many years in America. Christian silence has contributed to the moral decline of our culture for nearly two hundred years. We have gone from a nation that was founded on Biblical principles from God’s Holy Word to a humanistic culture whose desire is to eliminate God and His Word from every facet of our society. Is it any wonder that Jesus told us not to be silent and hide our faith? In Matt. 5:14-16 Jesus said, “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” We can easily deduct from these biblical passages that God is not interested in you and I being silent. We are called rather to live out an unmistakable Godl
September Column
Are You Growing Up In Your Spirit and designed to never stop growing. His spirit is a fire within us, a flame that should never be reduced to embers and surely never go out. Our spirit is alive and well and we are on our way to heaven! God has always intended for us to be in constant spiritual growth. Even though our bodies in the flesh are growing old and wearing out, our spirit is meant to thrive with the Holy Spirit. The problem is that many times Christians forget this wonderful reality and become stagnant in their relationship with God. Many have become satisfied with their spiritual stature and are not moving to the levels of joy and fellowship that God has planned for them. When we do this we smother the activity of the Holy Spirit in our life. We hinder the spiritual growth that God has planned for us. As Christians, we should always remember God has given us a spirit to grow into. Spiritual sleeves that are too long, spiritual pants that have cuffs, and our feet are walking in shoes with room to grow. God calls us to draw closer to Him and grow! “Call to me and I will answer you and I will show you great and mighty things you never knew.” (Jeremiah 33.3) Our relationship with God is meant to be a growing living experience. Jesus said, “I am the vine, and you are the branch, you can do nothing without me.” (John15:5) We grow spiritually when we desire more of Him. When we read and study God’s Word, talk to Him daily, and keep company with other Christians who are walking in the presence of the Holy Spirit. I hope this September will be your month to begin seeking spiritual growth! Seek the Lord with all your heart. Jesus is coming soon. Give Him your best service today! May God bless you amazingly and often. Rev. Dalton Lilly Narrow Road Ministries Fredericksburg VA [email protected] Photo: Secure your eternity in heaven, trust God, repent of sin, and ask Jesus the Messiah into your heart right now, today. Today is the day of salvation! God’s Word says there is no second chance after death. I love September. It reminds me of my days as a child going back to school. It was the end of summer; mornings were cool, and the smell of fall was in the air. I remember the colors of autumn leaves that hovered the country roads on our way to school. I even remember the sound of the big yellow school bus coming down the road and stopping at our driveway. I still see the tall steps I climbed to find a seat with friends I hadn’t seen since the previous spring. Yes, there are great memories of September but there were also uncomfortable memories as well. My mother always made sure we had new clothes to start the new school year. The boxes from Sears and Roebuck were always on time. I was glad to get the new clothes but the trouble for me was that they never really fit well. My mother always bought our clothes a bit too large. Our complaints were dismissed without mercy. She simply reminded us that we were growing children and soon our clothes would not only fit but then soon be too small. Her logic was never much comfort to me. I still wore shirts with rolled-up sleeves, pants with cuffs, and shoes that were roomier in the toes than I desired. Looking back, I suppose she was right. Kids grow up and then one day, I guess we reach our set point. Our shirts become a certain size, pants fit, and feet stop growing. We become adults and a lot of things in life reach a point where new growth stops. As I think about the miracle of growing up and becoming an adult I marvel at the complexity of God’s design in us as humans. Our bodies are created to reach a set point in physical growth, but our spirit is much different. The spirit that God has placed within us at conception is eternal Column By Dalton Lill
Are You Growing Up In Your Spirit and designed to never stop growing. His spirit is a fire within us, a flame that should never be reduced to embers and surely never go out. Our spirit is alive and well and we are on our way to heaven! God has always intended for us to be in constant spiritual growth. Even though our bodies in the flesh are growing old and wearing out, our spirit is meant to thrive with the Holy Spirit. The problem is that many times Christians forget this wonderful reality and become stagnant in their relationship with God. Many have become satisfied with their spiritual stature and are not moving to the levels of joy and fellowship that God has planned for them. When we do this we smother the activity of the Holy Spirit in our life. We hinder the spiritual growth that God has planned for us. As Christians, we should always remember God has given us a spirit to grow into. Spiritual sleeves that are too long, spiritual pants that have cuffs, and our feet are walking in shoes with room to grow. God calls us to draw closer to Him and grow! “Call to me and I will answer you and I will show you great and mighty things you never knew.” (Jeremiah 33.3) Our relationship with God is meant to be a growing living experience. Jesus said, “I am the vine, and you are the branch, you can do nothing without me.” (John15:5) We grow spiritually when we desire more of Him. When we read and study God’s Word, talk to Him daily, and keep company with other Christians who are walking in the presence of the Holy Spirit. I hope this September will be your month to begin seeking spiritual growth! Seek the Lord with all your heart. Jesus is coming soon. Give Him your best service today! May God bless you amazingly and often. Rev. Dalton Lilly Narrow Road Ministries Fredericksburg VA [email protected] Photo: Secure your eternity in heaven, trust God, repent of sin, and ask Jesus the Messiah into your heart right now, today. Today is the day of salvation! God’s Word says there is no second chance after death. I love September. It reminds me of my days as a child going back to school. It was the end of summer; mornings were cool, and the smell of fall was in the air. I remember the colors of autumn leaves that hovered the country roads on our way to school. I even remember the sound of the big yellow school bus coming down the road and stopping at our driveway. I still see the tall steps I climbed to find a seat with friends I hadn’t seen since the previous spring. Yes, there are great memories of September but there were also uncomfortable memories as well. My mother always made sure we had new clothes to start the new school year. The boxes from Sears and Roebuck were always on time. I was glad to get the new clothes but the trouble for me was that they never really fit well. My mother always bought our clothes a bit too large. Our complaints were dismissed without mercy. She simply reminded us that we were growing children and soon our clothes would not only fit but then soon be too small. Her logic was never much comfort to me. I still wore shirts with rolled-up sleeves, pants with cuffs, and shoes that were roomier in the toes than I desired. Looking back, I suppose she was right. Kids grow up and then one day, I guess we reach our set point. Our shirts become a certain size, pants fit, and feet stop growing. We become adults and a lot of things in life reach a point where new growth stops. As I think about the miracle of growing up and becoming an adult I marvel at the complexity of God’s design in us as humans. Our bodies are created to reach a set point in physical growth, but our spirit is much different. The spirit that God has placed within us at conception is eternal Column By Dalton Lill
August Column
The Anchor Holds bad direction and few government leaders will acknowledge this decline nor work together to set things back on the right path. Religious institutions I should say, not the true Church, are just as much at fault for their softening of doctrine and failure to resist and speak out about these conditions. But one day at a time, one sunrise one sunset, we still hold out hope for America. We still believe that God is sovereign, and He is ultimately in control of all things under His creation including planet earth and the confused and lost people who live here. In fact, God tells us in His Word “When you see these things begin to take form do not be afraid and do not fear, look up for your redemption is nye.” (Luke 21:28) We may be facing difficult times in America but for believers in Christ, our anchor holds. The anchor is Jesus Christ the Messiah, the one and only true God. He alone can save us from sin and provide us a future home in heaven. “He is the way, the truth, and the life.” (John 14:6) Life is temporal at best and one day we will all be moving on to another place. Things in this world will never be perfect. Heaven alone is perfect and if we want to go there we must follow God’s ways and not our own tendencies and desires in life. I love the words of Jesus where He spells out our only way to avoid separation from God forever. “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My Word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life.” (John 5:24) This is great news! Do not be discouraged about the things that are happening in this world. There is hope! Trust in Jesus for your salvation. He is the anchor in life and throughout eternity. He is the anchor that holds! May God bless you amazingly and often. Rev. Dalton Lilly Narrow Road Ministries Fredericksburg VA [email protected] Photo: Secure your eternity in heaven, trust God, repent of sin, and ask Jesus the Messiah into your heart right now, today. Today is the day of salvation! God’s Word says there is no second chance after death. “The Anchor Holds” is the title of a song written by Lawrence Chewning in 1992. He declares in the lyrics “Though the ship is battered, and the sails are torn, the anchor holds.” The song is a testimony of surviving difficult times. Chewning’s lyrics vividly reveal the comfort he and his wife received from God who was their anchor of strength during some very difficult times of life. I guess I also feel like this song may depict America in many ways as it faces difficult times. We have experienced so much decline in our country in the past few years. We have seen a failing economy and an inflation rate far beyond anything we have seen in decades. The price of gasoline has skyrocketed, and the cost of groceries has become the highest ever. We see shortages of durable goods on shelves and our dollar just doesn’t seem to ever go far enough to buy the things we need to survive. Ten years ago, this word picture would have been describing a third-world country but today I am talking about America. In recent polls over 70 percent of Americans feel like our country is moving in the wrong direction. Some of this sentiment is a result of the departure from our Godly Judeo principles upon which our nation was originally founded. Criminal behavior is now more acceptable. In our judicial systems, the punishment of crime no longer holds the fiber required to be a deterrent to criminals. A vast number of Americans now find it tolerable to take the life of an unborn child. Church attendance is on a decline while more denominations continue to emerge debating doctrine transformation through the watering down of God’s Word. Our country seems to be sliding in a
The Anchor Holds bad direction and few government leaders will acknowledge this decline nor work together to set things back on the right path. Religious institutions I should say, not the true Church, are just as much at fault for their softening of doctrine and failure to resist and speak out about these conditions. But one day at a time, one sunrise one sunset, we still hold out hope for America. We still believe that God is sovereign, and He is ultimately in control of all things under His creation including planet earth and the confused and lost people who live here. In fact, God tells us in His Word “When you see these things begin to take form do not be afraid and do not fear, look up for your redemption is nye.” (Luke 21:28) We may be facing difficult times in America but for believers in Christ, our anchor holds. The anchor is Jesus Christ the Messiah, the one and only true God. He alone can save us from sin and provide us a future home in heaven. “He is the way, the truth, and the life.” (John 14:6) Life is temporal at best and one day we will all be moving on to another place. Things in this world will never be perfect. Heaven alone is perfect and if we want to go there we must follow God’s ways and not our own tendencies and desires in life. I love the words of Jesus where He spells out our only way to avoid separation from God forever. “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My Word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life.” (John 5:24) This is great news! Do not be discouraged about the things that are happening in this world. There is hope! Trust in Jesus for your salvation. He is the anchor in life and throughout eternity. He is the anchor that holds! May God bless you amazingly and often. Rev. Dalton Lilly Narrow Road Ministries Fredericksburg VA [email protected] Photo: Secure your eternity in heaven, trust God, repent of sin, and ask Jesus the Messiah into your heart right now, today. Today is the day of salvation! God’s Word says there is no second chance after death. “The Anchor Holds” is the title of a song written by Lawrence Chewning in 1992. He declares in the lyrics “Though the ship is battered, and the sails are torn, the anchor holds.” The song is a testimony of surviving difficult times. Chewning’s lyrics vividly reveal the comfort he and his wife received from God who was their anchor of strength during some very difficult times of life. I guess I also feel like this song may depict America in many ways as it faces difficult times. We have experienced so much decline in our country in the past few years. We have seen a failing economy and an inflation rate far beyond anything we have seen in decades. The price of gasoline has skyrocketed, and the cost of groceries has become the highest ever. We see shortages of durable goods on shelves and our dollar just doesn’t seem to ever go far enough to buy the things we need to survive. Ten years ago, this word picture would have been describing a third-world country but today I am talking about America. In recent polls over 70 percent of Americans feel like our country is moving in the wrong direction. Some of this sentiment is a result of the departure from our Godly Judeo principles upon which our nation was originally founded. Criminal behavior is now more acceptable. In our judicial systems, the punishment of crime no longer holds the fiber required to be a deterrent to criminals. A vast number of Americans now find it tolerable to take the life of an unborn child. Church attendance is on a decline while more denominations continue to emerge debating doctrine transformation through the watering down of God’s Word. Our country seems to be sliding in a
July Column
It’s finally summer again! The flowers
and trees here on the lane where we
live have new life in shades of every
color imaginable. They are a sight to
behold. As I enjoy an early cup of
coffee, I am mesmerized as the morning sun rises and reflects the vibrant
colors of the flower gardens filled
with Hosta, Roses, and Daylilies. The
beauty of summer has also come to
the mountains and countryside of
The grass and forests in their pastels cast almost a storybook image
across the land, but we all know that
the cascade of newness and beauty is
short-lived. The brisk air will soon
come with the frost of fall and winter
snow will soon follow. As I see each
season come and go, I think how exciting and wonderful the world is that
we live in. God has given us seasons
of change. His creation is full of
changes that keep life fresh and new
to us for our enjoyment and pleasure.
The seasons are all so wonderful! But
when the flowers and foliage on the
lane begin to change, I am reminded
that change is a part of life.
King Solomon wrote “For everything, there is a season.” (Ecclesiastes
3:1) This is so true in life. In our
youth, we enjoy new beginnings
through the Spring of life, but that
carefree and wonderful time of life
soon passes. Spring with its sunshine
and newness prepares us to enjoy the
days of summer as we begin to enter
a new time of responsibility and fullness of life. Autumn then comes with out a whisper of warning as we
find ourselves reflecting on everything that has passed in life. And
then winter arrives with the inevitable prospect of closure.
Every season is a wonderful gift
from God. Every experience and
every road we travel is a journey.
In Jeremiah 29:11 God tells us,
“For I know the plans I have for
you, plans to prosper you and not
to harm you, plans to give you
hope and a future.” God wants to
walk with us through every season
of life. Enriching us He provides
His Spirit for every need along the
way. As we grow in His wisdom
and apply His strength to our
weaknesses we are able to overcome the trials of life. We can live
in His peace and find contentment
through all seasons, if we trust
Him and love Him, even into eternity we shall be with Him.
In John 6:35 Jesus said, “I am the
bread of life, he that comes to me
shall never hunger, and he that believes on me shall never thirst.” Jesus
gave us the perfect prescription for
contentment and assurance of eternal life. His presence in your life can
change everything through the forgiveness of sin and new life.
It’s now summer in Virginia. But
what season of life are you walking
through today? I hope you will not let
another summer come and go without reaching out to the Lord Jesus
Christ. He will make every season of
your life complete and full of contentment and hope. God is calling you
today to a relationship with Him. I
pray you will call upon His name today for truth, hope, and salvation.
The Bible tells us, “There is no other
name given under heaven among
men whereby we can be saved.” (Acts
4:12) Today is the day of salvation.
Jesus said He would come back for
His people and that could be yet today. I pray you choose Jesus while
there is still time. Don’t be left behind.
May God bless you amazingly and
Rev. Dalton Lilly
Narrow Road Ministries
Fredericksburg VA
[email protected]
Photo: Amanda Hathcock
It’s finally summer again! The flowers
and trees here on the lane where we
live have new life in shades of every
color imaginable. They are a sight to
behold. As I enjoy an early cup of
coffee, I am mesmerized as the morning sun rises and reflects the vibrant
colors of the flower gardens filled
with Hosta, Roses, and Daylilies. The
beauty of summer has also come to
the mountains and countryside of
The grass and forests in their pastels cast almost a storybook image
across the land, but we all know that
the cascade of newness and beauty is
short-lived. The brisk air will soon
come with the frost of fall and winter
snow will soon follow. As I see each
season come and go, I think how exciting and wonderful the world is that
we live in. God has given us seasons
of change. His creation is full of
changes that keep life fresh and new
to us for our enjoyment and pleasure.
The seasons are all so wonderful! But
when the flowers and foliage on the
lane begin to change, I am reminded
that change is a part of life.
King Solomon wrote “For everything, there is a season.” (Ecclesiastes
3:1) This is so true in life. In our
youth, we enjoy new beginnings
through the Spring of life, but that
carefree and wonderful time of life
soon passes. Spring with its sunshine
and newness prepares us to enjoy the
days of summer as we begin to enter
a new time of responsibility and fullness of life. Autumn then comes with out a whisper of warning as we
find ourselves reflecting on everything that has passed in life. And
then winter arrives with the inevitable prospect of closure.
Every season is a wonderful gift
from God. Every experience and
every road we travel is a journey.
In Jeremiah 29:11 God tells us,
“For I know the plans I have for
you, plans to prosper you and not
to harm you, plans to give you
hope and a future.” God wants to
walk with us through every season
of life. Enriching us He provides
His Spirit for every need along the
way. As we grow in His wisdom
and apply His strength to our
weaknesses we are able to overcome the trials of life. We can live
in His peace and find contentment
through all seasons, if we trust
Him and love Him, even into eternity we shall be with Him.
In John 6:35 Jesus said, “I am the
bread of life, he that comes to me
shall never hunger, and he that believes on me shall never thirst.” Jesus
gave us the perfect prescription for
contentment and assurance of eternal life. His presence in your life can
change everything through the forgiveness of sin and new life.
It’s now summer in Virginia. But
what season of life are you walking
through today? I hope you will not let
another summer come and go without reaching out to the Lord Jesus
Christ. He will make every season of
your life complete and full of contentment and hope. God is calling you
today to a relationship with Him. I
pray you will call upon His name today for truth, hope, and salvation.
The Bible tells us, “There is no other
name given under heaven among
men whereby we can be saved.” (Acts
4:12) Today is the day of salvation.
Jesus said He would come back for
His people and that could be yet today. I pray you choose Jesus while
there is still time. Don’t be left behind.
May God bless you amazingly and
Rev. Dalton Lilly
Narrow Road Ministries
Fredericksburg VA
[email protected]
Photo: Amanda Hathcock
June Column
Sometimes I feel like I don’t praise God enough. After all, He is the one and only true God. But if I believe that, which I do, then why don’t I speak of Him more and give Him praise for all things in my life. He brought the world and all its fullness into existence by simply speaking His Words (Gen. 1). He certainly is al[1]mighty, sovereign, and worthy of the praises of all creation. I could write a book about the sovereignty and holiness of God, but the Bible already does that. The point is, that we are here for a purpose in this world. We are the creation of God and Him alone. Praising Him and thanking Him in all things should be a natural response to who He is. Praise is important to God, and He is worthy of it. From His people, it is the testimony of His greatness, goodness, and sovereignty to the people around us. When we praise God great and mighty things happen! People are changed. What happens when we praise God? The Bible tells us “You are Holy, enthroned in the praises of Israel.” (Psalms 22:3) God inhabits the praises of His people. When we begin praising God He joins us, and His presence is with us, and He becomes more real to us and others. Did you know that God moves into action when we praise Him! This verse actually when translated in Hebrew means “God dwells in the praises of His people.” We should never take credit for what God does in our life or in the world. He alone is worthy of praise, and He dwells in this acknowledgment that is due Him and Him alone. We live not of ourselves, but we live because God has created us and sustains us through His good[1]ness and Grace. (Psalm 100:3) We belong to Him and Him alone. God hates a proud look and a deceitful heart (Prov. 6:16-19), but He is pleased when we acknowledge Him in truth and praise. I love the passages in Acts 16:25 when the apostle Paul and Silas were arrested and locked up in the dungeon of a prison. Instead of crying and cursing their situation, they began praising God and singing hymns. It was then at the mid[1]night hour the jail shook, and doors were opened. God began to move in the midst of their praise and worship. In that same verse, we also see the words “The prisoners were listening to them”. As a result of their praises during difficult and unbearable times, others heard them, observed them, and believed in the Lord Jesus Christ for their own salvation. There is no time in this world for “Moments of silence!” It is time for the church to stand up in boldness and reach out to please God in praise and worship. Not just on the good days but also in the midst of our worst circumstances. On this side of heaven, we will never understand why bad things happen to good people in this world, but we know one thing. God is good, He loves us (John 3:16) and there is a purpose for everything that happens in life. We must remember “The earth is the Lord’s and all its fullness, the world and those who dwell there[1]in.” (Psalm 24:1) I hope that today you will praise God more in all things. Even when life is hard and difficult to understand. Trust God with all your heart and give Him praise! The world is watching the church. The world is listening. No more moments of silence! Let there be boldness through praise and worship from the Church to Jesus the Messiah. The one and only true God. Amen May God bless you amazingly and often. Rev. Dalton Lilly Narrow Road Ministries Fredericksburg VA [email protected] Photo: Amanda Hathcock.
Sometimes I feel like I don’t praise God enough. After all, He is the one and only true God. But if I believe that, which I do, then why don’t I speak of Him more and give Him praise for all things in my life. He brought the world and all its fullness into existence by simply speaking His Words (Gen. 1). He certainly is al[1]mighty, sovereign, and worthy of the praises of all creation. I could write a book about the sovereignty and holiness of God, but the Bible already does that. The point is, that we are here for a purpose in this world. We are the creation of God and Him alone. Praising Him and thanking Him in all things should be a natural response to who He is. Praise is important to God, and He is worthy of it. From His people, it is the testimony of His greatness, goodness, and sovereignty to the people around us. When we praise God great and mighty things happen! People are changed. What happens when we praise God? The Bible tells us “You are Holy, enthroned in the praises of Israel.” (Psalms 22:3) God inhabits the praises of His people. When we begin praising God He joins us, and His presence is with us, and He becomes more real to us and others. Did you know that God moves into action when we praise Him! This verse actually when translated in Hebrew means “God dwells in the praises of His people.” We should never take credit for what God does in our life or in the world. He alone is worthy of praise, and He dwells in this acknowledgment that is due Him and Him alone. We live not of ourselves, but we live because God has created us and sustains us through His good[1]ness and Grace. (Psalm 100:3) We belong to Him and Him alone. God hates a proud look and a deceitful heart (Prov. 6:16-19), but He is pleased when we acknowledge Him in truth and praise. I love the passages in Acts 16:25 when the apostle Paul and Silas were arrested and locked up in the dungeon of a prison. Instead of crying and cursing their situation, they began praising God and singing hymns. It was then at the mid[1]night hour the jail shook, and doors were opened. God began to move in the midst of their praise and worship. In that same verse, we also see the words “The prisoners were listening to them”. As a result of their praises during difficult and unbearable times, others heard them, observed them, and believed in the Lord Jesus Christ for their own salvation. There is no time in this world for “Moments of silence!” It is time for the church to stand up in boldness and reach out to please God in praise and worship. Not just on the good days but also in the midst of our worst circumstances. On this side of heaven, we will never understand why bad things happen to good people in this world, but we know one thing. God is good, He loves us (John 3:16) and there is a purpose for everything that happens in life. We must remember “The earth is the Lord’s and all its fullness, the world and those who dwell there[1]in.” (Psalm 24:1) I hope that today you will praise God more in all things. Even when life is hard and difficult to understand. Trust God with all your heart and give Him praise! The world is watching the church. The world is listening. No more moments of silence! Let there be boldness through praise and worship from the Church to Jesus the Messiah. The one and only true God. Amen May God bless you amazingly and often. Rev. Dalton Lilly Narrow Road Ministries Fredericksburg VA [email protected] Photo: Amanda Hathcock.
March Column
Dalton's most recent column
I have been a Christian now for most
of my life. My interaction with the
Christian community is fairly extensive. In talking with Christians, one of
the things I hear most from them is
“How do I know the will of God for my
life?” Most live with a deep feeling
inside that begs the question, where
do I fit into God’s plan.
The question can become overwhelming and even cause feelings of
doubt about our salvation and relationship with God. The answer may
sound simplistic and even frustrating
but the pathway to knowing God’s
will for our life is in His Word.
Many Christians attend church, listen to well-prepared sermons, sing
church songs, and socialize with other
Christians but for some reason, neglect the most important part of their
walk with God. The part where we
are supposed to spend quiet time
alone with God and meditate on His
Word. Reading God’s Word and listening for His voice is central to our
relationship with Him. This wonderful
process is how God reveals Himself
and His will for our life.
I love God’s promise to His people
in Jeremiah 33:3, “Call unto me, and I
will answer thee, and show thee great
and mighty things, which thou knowest not.” God continually stands
ready in our presence to offer such
knowledge, wisdom, and direction for
our lives. But do we want it bad
enough to slow down from our busy
confusing lives and listen to Him? Because that’s what it requires.
In 1 Peter 4:7-10 His Word
speaks directly to the last days in
which we are now living, “But the
end of all things is at hand: be ye
therefore sober and watch unto
prayer. Above all things have fervent love among yourselves for
love shall cover the multitude of
sins.” This is an example of His
clear guidance for all of us concerning His will for our lives. Loving others is a tall order. But are
we willing to follow God’s directions when we know exactly what
they are for us personally?
His direction for our lives is not
always easy. It requires discipline
and courage. His commandments
are intended to usher you into a
place where you become the salt
and the light of this darkened
place called planet earth.
By our obedience to His will and
direction in our life, we become
the living example of Jesus. This
transformation through His Holy Spirit then allows us to become an attraction to those in this world seeking the
truth. This can only come from God.
In the final analysis, God is pleased
when you ask and desire to know His
will for your life. Knowing His will is
essential to us. It is a question we
absolutely must have answered to be
at peace with God. It can only come
from spending time with Him and
meditating on His infallible Word. The
short answer is to study your Bible to
understand God’s will for your life.
When you begin to read it and ask for
wisdom to understand, you will see it
God never meant for our relationship with Him to be complicated. It is
a relationship of love. He loves you so
much He gave His only Son Jesus to
pay for every sin in your earthly life.
To know and trust Him and become
like Him is His desire for you. Through
His Word and indwelling of His Holy
Spirit, He will transform you daily to
become more like Him.
I pray that you will ask Him into
your life this very hour. Start reading
His Word and listening for His voice
and you will know God’s will for your
May God bless you amazingly and
Rev. Dalton Lilly
Narrow Road Ministries
Fredericksburg VA
[email protected]
Dalton's most recent column
I have been a Christian now for most
of my life. My interaction with the
Christian community is fairly extensive. In talking with Christians, one of
the things I hear most from them is
“How do I know the will of God for my
life?” Most live with a deep feeling
inside that begs the question, where
do I fit into God’s plan.
The question can become overwhelming and even cause feelings of
doubt about our salvation and relationship with God. The answer may
sound simplistic and even frustrating
but the pathway to knowing God’s
will for our life is in His Word.
Many Christians attend church, listen to well-prepared sermons, sing
church songs, and socialize with other
Christians but for some reason, neglect the most important part of their
walk with God. The part where we
are supposed to spend quiet time
alone with God and meditate on His
Word. Reading God’s Word and listening for His voice is central to our
relationship with Him. This wonderful
process is how God reveals Himself
and His will for our life.
I love God’s promise to His people
in Jeremiah 33:3, “Call unto me, and I
will answer thee, and show thee great
and mighty things, which thou knowest not.” God continually stands
ready in our presence to offer such
knowledge, wisdom, and direction for
our lives. But do we want it bad
enough to slow down from our busy
confusing lives and listen to Him? Because that’s what it requires.
In 1 Peter 4:7-10 His Word
speaks directly to the last days in
which we are now living, “But the
end of all things is at hand: be ye
therefore sober and watch unto
prayer. Above all things have fervent love among yourselves for
love shall cover the multitude of
sins.” This is an example of His
clear guidance for all of us concerning His will for our lives. Loving others is a tall order. But are
we willing to follow God’s directions when we know exactly what
they are for us personally?
His direction for our lives is not
always easy. It requires discipline
and courage. His commandments
are intended to usher you into a
place where you become the salt
and the light of this darkened
place called planet earth.
By our obedience to His will and
direction in our life, we become
the living example of Jesus. This
transformation through His Holy Spirit then allows us to become an attraction to those in this world seeking the
truth. This can only come from God.
In the final analysis, God is pleased
when you ask and desire to know His
will for your life. Knowing His will is
essential to us. It is a question we
absolutely must have answered to be
at peace with God. It can only come
from spending time with Him and
meditating on His infallible Word. The
short answer is to study your Bible to
understand God’s will for your life.
When you begin to read it and ask for
wisdom to understand, you will see it
God never meant for our relationship with Him to be complicated. It is
a relationship of love. He loves you so
much He gave His only Son Jesus to
pay for every sin in your earthly life.
To know and trust Him and become
like Him is His desire for you. Through
His Word and indwelling of His Holy
Spirit, He will transform you daily to
become more like Him.
I pray that you will ask Him into
your life this very hour. Start reading
His Word and listening for His voice
and you will know God’s will for your
May God bless you amazingly and
Rev. Dalton Lilly
Narrow Road Ministries
Fredericksburg VA
[email protected]
February Column
How Can I Know God’s Will For My Life In 1 Peter 4:7-10 His Word speaks directly to the last days in which we are now living, “But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober and watch unto prayer. Above all things have fervent love among yourselves for love shall cover the multitude of sins.” This is an example of His clear guidance for all of us concerning His will for our lives. Loving others is a tall order. But are we willing to follow God’s directions when we know exactly what they are for us personally? His direction for our lives is not always easy. It requires discipline and courage. His commandments are intended to usher you into a place where you become the salt and the light of this darkened place called planet earth. By our obedience to His will and direction in our life, we become the living example of Jesus. This transformation through His Holy Spirit then allows us to become an attraction to those in this world seeking the truth. This can only come from God. In the final analysis, God is pleased when you ask and desire to know His will for your life. Knowing His will is essential to us. It is a question we absolutely must have answered to be at peace with God. It can only come from spending time with Him and meditating on His infallible Word. The short answer is to study your Bible to understand God’s will for your life. When you begin to read it and ask for wisdom to understand, you will see it clearly. God never meant for our relationship with Him to be complicated. It is a relationship of love. He loves you so much He gave His only Son Jesus to pay for every sin in your earthly life. To know and trust Him and become like Him is His desire for you. Through His Word and indwelling of His Holy Spirit, He will transform you daily to become more like Him. I pray that you will ask Him into your life this very hour. Start reading His Word and listening for His voice and you will know God’s will for your life. May God bless you amazingly and often. Rev. Dalton Lilly Narrow Road Ministries Fredericksburg VA [email protected] Photo: I Stock I have been a Christian now for most of my life. My interaction with the Christian community is fairly extensive. In talking with Christians, one of the things I hear most from them is “How do I know the will of God for my life?” Most live with a deep feeling inside that begs the question, where do I fit into God’s plan. The question can become overwhelming and even cause feelings of doubt about our salvation and relationship with God. The answer may sound simplistic and even frustrating but the pathway to knowing God’s will for our life is in His Word. Many Christians attend church, listen to well-prepared sermons, sing church songs, and socialize with other Christians but for some reason, neglect the most important part of their walk with God. The part where we are supposed to spend quiet time alone with God and meditate on His Word. Reading God’s Word and listening for His voice is central to our relationship with Him. This wonderful process is how God reveals Himself and His will for our life. I love God’s promise to His people in Jeremiah 33:3, “Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.” God continually stands ready in our presence to offer such knowledge, wisdom, and direction for our lives. But do we want it bad enough to slow down from our busy confusing lives and listen to Him? Because that’s what it requires.
How Can I Know God’s Will For My Life In 1 Peter 4:7-10 His Word speaks directly to the last days in which we are now living, “But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober and watch unto prayer. Above all things have fervent love among yourselves for love shall cover the multitude of sins.” This is an example of His clear guidance for all of us concerning His will for our lives. Loving others is a tall order. But are we willing to follow God’s directions when we know exactly what they are for us personally? His direction for our lives is not always easy. It requires discipline and courage. His commandments are intended to usher you into a place where you become the salt and the light of this darkened place called planet earth. By our obedience to His will and direction in our life, we become the living example of Jesus. This transformation through His Holy Spirit then allows us to become an attraction to those in this world seeking the truth. This can only come from God. In the final analysis, God is pleased when you ask and desire to know His will for your life. Knowing His will is essential to us. It is a question we absolutely must have answered to be at peace with God. It can only come from spending time with Him and meditating on His infallible Word. The short answer is to study your Bible to understand God’s will for your life. When you begin to read it and ask for wisdom to understand, you will see it clearly. God never meant for our relationship with Him to be complicated. It is a relationship of love. He loves you so much He gave His only Son Jesus to pay for every sin in your earthly life. To know and trust Him and become like Him is His desire for you. Through His Word and indwelling of His Holy Spirit, He will transform you daily to become more like Him. I pray that you will ask Him into your life this very hour. Start reading His Word and listening for His voice and you will know God’s will for your life. May God bless you amazingly and often. Rev. Dalton Lilly Narrow Road Ministries Fredericksburg VA [email protected] Photo: I Stock I have been a Christian now for most of my life. My interaction with the Christian community is fairly extensive. In talking with Christians, one of the things I hear most from them is “How do I know the will of God for my life?” Most live with a deep feeling inside that begs the question, where do I fit into God’s plan. The question can become overwhelming and even cause feelings of doubt about our salvation and relationship with God. The answer may sound simplistic and even frustrating but the pathway to knowing God’s will for our life is in His Word. Many Christians attend church, listen to well-prepared sermons, sing church songs, and socialize with other Christians but for some reason, neglect the most important part of their walk with God. The part where we are supposed to spend quiet time alone with God and meditate on His Word. Reading God’s Word and listening for His voice is central to our relationship with Him. This wonderful process is how God reveals Himself and His will for our life. I love God’s promise to His people in Jeremiah 33:3, “Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.” God continually stands ready in our presence to offer such knowledge, wisdom, and direction for our lives. But do we want it bad enough to slow down from our busy confusing lives and listen to Him? Because that’s what it requires.
January Column
Jesus Can Bring Change In 2022 ginnings and transformation of all things in our lives now and beyond. Did you know that God loves it when you and I ponder, and desire change in our lives? In fact, God is so excited about us changing things around that He offers help with our endeavors. He wants to be in the midst of our new beginnings. The Bible says, “Call upon the name of the Lord and He will answer you and He will show you great and wonderful things you never knew” (Jeremiah 33:3). He is talking about you and the wonderful person that He has always intended you to be. Change is good in the eyes of God! He offers you forgiveness of sin, new beginnings, and a new start in life. The Bible tells us, “If any man turns to Jesus, he becomes a new man! All old things pass away, and he becomes completely new!” (2nd Corinthians 5:17) Now that’s the kind of change we all need. Transformation by God is the segue to life more abundant in this world and into eternity.. When you call upon the name of Jesus, He brings newness to the most important and central part of your life, your heart. True life-changing transformation is only possible when we surrender our heart and our life to the one Jesus, Son of God. He came to the world to give us ultimate change and transformation. If we trust Him, He forgets our past and offers a perfect future through forgiveness of sin. He is the Son of God, Savior of the world. The only agent of truth, transformation, and eternal life. (John 14:6) I pray you will turn to Jesus today for real change that will make 2022 a new beginning for the rest of your life. Today is the day of salvation. Jesus is coming back soon. I pray He finds you with new beginnings, transforming daily through the power of His Spirit. May God bless you amazingly and often. Rev. Dalton Lilly Narrow Road Ministries Fredericksburg VA [email protected] Photo: Dalton Lilly When I think about ushering in a brand-new year, I think about new beginnings. I like to think about how I lived through the past year and what things I might like to change if I could live it all over again. I think we all do this in some degree by committing to those fateful new year resolutions. Most of us like the idea of new beginnings, and the new year seems to be the perfect time for transition and change in our lives. Beginnings can be exciting, they hold potential, promise and possibilities. The truth is, beginnings actually start with endings. Most of us want to end some of the less desirable things in our life to begin pursuit of new things and that requires change. Change can come to our lives in so many ways. Maybe this year you will visit your friends and family more often. Maybe you will adopt a kitten. Maybe you will stop eating the foods that caused that bulge around the waistline. Maybe you will start to write that book. Maybe you will start giving more to others and maybe you will work on that temper or grow some much-needed patience. Whatever it is that you are thinking about changing in your life, the new year is the perfect time to get those things started. Change is interesting. As hard as we sometimes want to change, we find ourselves lacking the ability to accomplish it through our own strength. Our willpower most of the time is weak at best. We are easily called away from our goals through the distractions of this complicated world that we live in. Did you know there is one who can help with new beginnings? God is the ultimate agent of spectacular new be
Jesus Can Bring Change In 2022 ginnings and transformation of all things in our lives now and beyond. Did you know that God loves it when you and I ponder, and desire change in our lives? In fact, God is so excited about us changing things around that He offers help with our endeavors. He wants to be in the midst of our new beginnings. The Bible says, “Call upon the name of the Lord and He will answer you and He will show you great and wonderful things you never knew” (Jeremiah 33:3). He is talking about you and the wonderful person that He has always intended you to be. Change is good in the eyes of God! He offers you forgiveness of sin, new beginnings, and a new start in life. The Bible tells us, “If any man turns to Jesus, he becomes a new man! All old things pass away, and he becomes completely new!” (2nd Corinthians 5:17) Now that’s the kind of change we all need. Transformation by God is the segue to life more abundant in this world and into eternity.. When you call upon the name of Jesus, He brings newness to the most important and central part of your life, your heart. True life-changing transformation is only possible when we surrender our heart and our life to the one Jesus, Son of God. He came to the world to give us ultimate change and transformation. If we trust Him, He forgets our past and offers a perfect future through forgiveness of sin. He is the Son of God, Savior of the world. The only agent of truth, transformation, and eternal life. (John 14:6) I pray you will turn to Jesus today for real change that will make 2022 a new beginning for the rest of your life. Today is the day of salvation. Jesus is coming back soon. I pray He finds you with new beginnings, transforming daily through the power of His Spirit. May God bless you amazingly and often. Rev. Dalton Lilly Narrow Road Ministries Fredericksburg VA [email protected] Photo: Dalton Lilly When I think about ushering in a brand-new year, I think about new beginnings. I like to think about how I lived through the past year and what things I might like to change if I could live it all over again. I think we all do this in some degree by committing to those fateful new year resolutions. Most of us like the idea of new beginnings, and the new year seems to be the perfect time for transition and change in our lives. Beginnings can be exciting, they hold potential, promise and possibilities. The truth is, beginnings actually start with endings. Most of us want to end some of the less desirable things in our life to begin pursuit of new things and that requires change. Change can come to our lives in so many ways. Maybe this year you will visit your friends and family more often. Maybe you will adopt a kitten. Maybe you will stop eating the foods that caused that bulge around the waistline. Maybe you will start to write that book. Maybe you will start giving more to others and maybe you will work on that temper or grow some much-needed patience. Whatever it is that you are thinking about changing in your life, the new year is the perfect time to get those things started. Change is interesting. As hard as we sometimes want to change, we find ourselves lacking the ability to accomplish it through our own strength. Our willpower most of the time is weak at best. We are easily called away from our goals through the distractions of this complicated world that we live in. Did you know there is one who can help with new beginnings? God is the ultimate agent of spectacular new be
December Column
Jesus Can Bring Change In 2022 ginnings and transformation of all things in our lives now and beyond. Did you know that God loves it when you and I ponder, and desire change in our lives? In fact, God is so excited about us changing things around that He offers help with our endeavors. He wants to be in the midst of our new beginnings. The Bible says, “Call upon the name of the Lord and He will answer you and He will show you great and wonderful things you never knew” (Jeremiah 33:3). He is talking about you and the wonderful person that He has always intended you to be. Change is good in the eyes of God! He offers you forgiveness of sin, new beginnings, and a new start in life. The Bible tells us, “If any man turns to Jesus, he becomes a new man! All old things pass away, and he becomes completely new!” (2nd Corinthians 5:17) Now that’s the kind of change we all need. Transformation by God is the segue to life more abundant in this world and into eternity.. When you call upon the name of Jesus, He brings newness to the most important and central part of your life, your heart. True life-changing transformation is only possible when we surrender our heart and our life to the one Jesus, Son of God. He came to the world to give us ultimate change and transformation. If we trust Him, He forgets our past and offers a perfect future through forgiveness of sin. He is the Son of God, Savior of the world. The only agent of truth, transformation, and eternal life. (John 14:6) I pray you will turn to Jesus today for real change that will make 2022 a new beginning for the rest of your life. Today is the day of salvation. Jesus is coming back soon. I pray He finds you with new beginnings, transforming daily through the power of His Spirit. May God bless you amazingly and often. Rev. Dalton Lilly Narrow Road Ministries Fredericksburg VA [email protected] Photo: Dalton Lilly When I think about ushering in a brand-new year, I think about new beginnings. I like to think about how I lived through the past year and what things I might like to change if I could live it all over again. I think we all do this in some degree by committing to those fateful new year resolutions. Most of us like the idea of new beginnings, and the new year seems to be the perfect time for transition and change in our lives. Beginnings can be exciting, they hold potential, promise and possibilities. The truth is, beginnings actually start with endings. Most of us want to end some of the less desirable things in our life to begin pursuit of new things and that requires change. Change can come to our lives in so many ways. Maybe this year you will visit your friends and family more often. Maybe you will adopt a kitten. Maybe you will stop eating the foods that caused that bulge around the waistline. Maybe you will start to write that book. Maybe you will start giving more to others and maybe you will work on that temper or grow some much-needed patience. Whatever it is that you are thinking about changing in your life, the new year is the perfect time to get those things started. Change is interesting. As hard as we sometimes want to change, we find ourselves lacking the ability to accomplish it through our own strength. Our willpower most of the time is weak at best. We are easily called away from our goals through the distractions of this complicated world that we live in. Did you know there is one who can help with new beginnings? God is the ultimate agent of spectacular new be
Jesus Can Bring Change In 2022 ginnings and transformation of all things in our lives now and beyond. Did you know that God loves it when you and I ponder, and desire change in our lives? In fact, God is so excited about us changing things around that He offers help with our endeavors. He wants to be in the midst of our new beginnings. The Bible says, “Call upon the name of the Lord and He will answer you and He will show you great and wonderful things you never knew” (Jeremiah 33:3). He is talking about you and the wonderful person that He has always intended you to be. Change is good in the eyes of God! He offers you forgiveness of sin, new beginnings, and a new start in life. The Bible tells us, “If any man turns to Jesus, he becomes a new man! All old things pass away, and he becomes completely new!” (2nd Corinthians 5:17) Now that’s the kind of change we all need. Transformation by God is the segue to life more abundant in this world and into eternity.. When you call upon the name of Jesus, He brings newness to the most important and central part of your life, your heart. True life-changing transformation is only possible when we surrender our heart and our life to the one Jesus, Son of God. He came to the world to give us ultimate change and transformation. If we trust Him, He forgets our past and offers a perfect future through forgiveness of sin. He is the Son of God, Savior of the world. The only agent of truth, transformation, and eternal life. (John 14:6) I pray you will turn to Jesus today for real change that will make 2022 a new beginning for the rest of your life. Today is the day of salvation. Jesus is coming back soon. I pray He finds you with new beginnings, transforming daily through the power of His Spirit. May God bless you amazingly and often. Rev. Dalton Lilly Narrow Road Ministries Fredericksburg VA [email protected] Photo: Dalton Lilly When I think about ushering in a brand-new year, I think about new beginnings. I like to think about how I lived through the past year and what things I might like to change if I could live it all over again. I think we all do this in some degree by committing to those fateful new year resolutions. Most of us like the idea of new beginnings, and the new year seems to be the perfect time for transition and change in our lives. Beginnings can be exciting, they hold potential, promise and possibilities. The truth is, beginnings actually start with endings. Most of us want to end some of the less desirable things in our life to begin pursuit of new things and that requires change. Change can come to our lives in so many ways. Maybe this year you will visit your friends and family more often. Maybe you will adopt a kitten. Maybe you will stop eating the foods that caused that bulge around the waistline. Maybe you will start to write that book. Maybe you will start giving more to others and maybe you will work on that temper or grow some much-needed patience. Whatever it is that you are thinking about changing in your life, the new year is the perfect time to get those things started. Change is interesting. As hard as we sometimes want to change, we find ourselves lacking the ability to accomplish it through our own strength. Our willpower most of the time is weak at best. We are easily called away from our goals through the distractions of this complicated world that we live in. Did you know there is one who can help with new beginnings? God is the ultimate agent of spectacular new be
I love the holidays. America just celebrated the fun season of Thanksgiving. Lord knows we have so much in America to be thankful for. We can truly be thankful for everything that God has blessed us with as a nation. And I am so thankful for the many blessings He has bestowed upon my life. We are now approaching one of my most favorite holidays, Christmas. The day we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus the Messiah. He came from heaven to bring peace, joy, and the light of salvation to the entire world. It is the most amazing time of year. A birthday celebration of a King of Kings. A baby was born in the small town of Bethlehem 2021 years ago. He brought us the way, the truth, and the gift of life. This is the essence of the joy we share even today as believers in the Son of God. But even now there are many today who have not heard of this baby who came to change and save all mankind so many years ago. For many of us, Christmas is a delightful and joyful time of year. Jesus being the reason for Christmas, brings us true joy. But we should also remember that the holiday seasons can be difficult for a lot of people. While many enjoy the company of family and friends in festivities there are many who never experience much joy during this lovely time of year. I think of those who are in nursing homes who may have no one to visit or share in their life. There are also many who are in hospitals suffering from illnesses and even the curse of COVID. Many are lonely in prisons separated from their loved ones. There are those who have lost family members having no one at home with them this Christmas. Loneliness exists in the shadows of holidays. But in the midst of what is harsh and real I want to remind us that Jesus came so that we would not be lonely. He came to deliver us from this shroud of darkness. My heart goes out to the many families across our Midwest and Southeast who have recently experienced some of the most devastating storms our country has seen. Many have lost their families and homes being robbed of all that mattered in their lives. This Christmas will be the most difficult they have ever seen. But for others more fortunate, some will celebrate and go on as if nothing has happened. My hope and prayer is that we never forget the lost, the lonely, and the suffering. Jesus came to this darkened world so that all would have hope. Jesus brought us love beyond all understanding. He brought us forgiveness of our sins and eternal life with a future for those who call upon His name and trust Him. If you are alone and have lost hope this Christmas, if life seems impossible to you right now, remember this is the very reason that Jesus came into this world. Call upon the name of Jesus. He is the gift you must receive and open. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that who so ever believeth on Him shall have eternal life.” (John 3:16) “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.” (Isaiah 9:6) Rev. Dalton Lilly Narrow Road Ministries Fredericksburg VA [email protected] Photo: Deborah Lilly
November Column
Hello everyone. Hope you're having a great month of November. I have attached my November Column "Impact Of A Lifetime". October was a very difficult month for me as my lovely wife Deborah went home to be with the Lord on October 9th. She had been ill with kidney and heart disease. I will miss her very much, but we will continue the ministry and keep our focus on life one day at a time. Thank you all for reading and thank you for sharing. Many Blessings to you all. Dalton Lilly
Speaking of Gates….. ciples, “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.” When I consider these words of Jesus it stirs my heart to think that He cared and loved us enough to warn us about these two contrasting gates. He makes it clear that there are two roads in life which lead to two separate distinctive and real places with real gates. One road will lead us to eternal life and the gates of heaven. The other road which is compared to a superhighway will lead us to death and destruction with only separation and torment at its end. The spiritual road that leads us to eternal life begins with repentance. We have to turn from our sin in life and admit we are on the road that leads to destruction. Romans 3:23 “We have all sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” In Romans 6:23 we see, “The wage of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord.” What a wonderful proclamation, to know the truth about ourselves as humans and even to understand what God has done to fix us and our sin dilemma. The good news is that no matter who we are today in this lost and confusing world, we have hope! Hope because there is a place that has been prepared for those who desire God and choose His goodness and mercy. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever would believe upon Him would not perish but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16) I am thankful today that heaven is for real. I am thankful for the gates to heaven and the Lord Jesus who is the only one who can save us and lead us there. I hope and pray that you will turn to God today and follow the narrow road set by Jesus. He is the only way to eternal life. Choose the narrow gate today. Jesus, King of Kings is coming back soon. Will you be ready to meet Him when He comes? Rev. Dalton Lilly Narrow Road Ministries Fredericksburg VA [email protected] Photo: Deborah Lilly I love gates. They are fascinating to me. In the world around us gates are everywhere. Some are wide, some narrow, some tall and some short. They come in every style and shape. Some are rickety and made of wood and some stronger and made of steel. Some are beautiful and some are not so attractive. Gates do two things. They allow people or things entrance to spaces, but they also keep people or things out of protected spaces. In our yard we have a fenced garden with a small gate that leads into it. That simple little picket gate covered with flowers and vines allows me special access to tend my garden. That same small gate is enough to keep out deer and other critters that would also love to have access to our precious plants. Our garden gate is small but very useful. Did you know that God is also very interested in gates? He has created a few gates of His own. In Revelation 21:10-12, the Bible tells us that the Apostle John saw a mighty city coming down from heaven with foundations made of precious stone, high walls and twelve beautiful gates, and twelve beautiful angels, one at each gate. As I think about that word picture, I am really looking forward to seeing God’s gates with my own eyes and walking through them one day soon. But there is also another interesting mention of a spiritual gate in Matthew 7:14. Jesus said to His dis
Hello everyone. Hope you're having a great month of November. I have attached my November Column "Impact Of A Lifetime". October was a very difficult month for me as my lovely wife Deborah went home to be with the Lord on October 9th. She had been ill with kidney and heart disease. I will miss her very much, but we will continue the ministry and keep our focus on life one day at a time. Thank you all for reading and thank you for sharing. Many Blessings to you all. Dalton Lilly
Speaking of Gates….. ciples, “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.” When I consider these words of Jesus it stirs my heart to think that He cared and loved us enough to warn us about these two contrasting gates. He makes it clear that there are two roads in life which lead to two separate distinctive and real places with real gates. One road will lead us to eternal life and the gates of heaven. The other road which is compared to a superhighway will lead us to death and destruction with only separation and torment at its end. The spiritual road that leads us to eternal life begins with repentance. We have to turn from our sin in life and admit we are on the road that leads to destruction. Romans 3:23 “We have all sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” In Romans 6:23 we see, “The wage of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord.” What a wonderful proclamation, to know the truth about ourselves as humans and even to understand what God has done to fix us and our sin dilemma. The good news is that no matter who we are today in this lost and confusing world, we have hope! Hope because there is a place that has been prepared for those who desire God and choose His goodness and mercy. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever would believe upon Him would not perish but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16) I am thankful today that heaven is for real. I am thankful for the gates to heaven and the Lord Jesus who is the only one who can save us and lead us there. I hope and pray that you will turn to God today and follow the narrow road set by Jesus. He is the only way to eternal life. Choose the narrow gate today. Jesus, King of Kings is coming back soon. Will you be ready to meet Him when He comes? Rev. Dalton Lilly Narrow Road Ministries Fredericksburg VA [email protected] Photo: Deborah Lilly I love gates. They are fascinating to me. In the world around us gates are everywhere. Some are wide, some narrow, some tall and some short. They come in every style and shape. Some are rickety and made of wood and some stronger and made of steel. Some are beautiful and some are not so attractive. Gates do two things. They allow people or things entrance to spaces, but they also keep people or things out of protected spaces. In our yard we have a fenced garden with a small gate that leads into it. That simple little picket gate covered with flowers and vines allows me special access to tend my garden. That same small gate is enough to keep out deer and other critters that would also love to have access to our precious plants. Our garden gate is small but very useful. Did you know that God is also very interested in gates? He has created a few gates of His own. In Revelation 21:10-12, the Bible tells us that the Apostle John saw a mighty city coming down from heaven with foundations made of precious stone, high walls and twelve beautiful gates, and twelve beautiful angels, one at each gate. As I think about that word picture, I am really looking forward to seeing God’s gates with my own eyes and walking through them one day soon. But there is also another interesting mention of a spiritual gate in Matthew 7:14. Jesus said to His dis
October Column
Impact Of A Lifetime faith and trust in Christ, it is the very thing that God will measure us by when we meet Him face to face. How well did we accomplish our work of the great commission, sharing the light of Jesus? How well did we spread the savory taste of the unmistakable sweetness of God’s Holy Spirit? Sometimes it takes the death of a person close to us to realize just how great a life can impact the world around us. My loving wife Debbie went home to be with the Lord on October 9th just a few weeks ago. She was my lifelong friend and love for 52 years from the day we met in a small high school in Northern Michigan. She was a woman of grace and unmeasurable talents. She was a wonderful mom and she loved others without reservation. Her faith and love of God filled every day of her life and the people she touched with love and kindness is innumerable. Her legacy was being the salt and light of this world and she accomplished it so gracefully. Today I want you to know that your life matters. God has brought you into this world for a specific purpose and you are an important part of much more than you know. God wants a personal relationship with you so that He can empower you to be that special person of light He has always meant for you to be. The Bible tells us in 1 st Peter 1:17 “Conduct yourselves throughout the time of your stay here in fear (carefully), knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, but rather with the blood shed by Christ.” We perceive life as a long and distant journey, but our lives are so fragile, disappearing so quickly. Psalm 103:15-16 “As for man, his days are like grass; As a flower of the field, so he flourishes. For the wind passes over it, and it is gone, it’s place remembers it no more.” Life is painfully short and though brief; it is a precious gift from God and not our own. When we live our life pleasing to God, it is our personal gift back to Him. Rev. Dalton Lilly Narrow Road Ministries Fredericksburg VA [email protected] Photo: Deborah Lilly Have you ever thought about the number of people you will impact in a lifetime? When we think about the oceans of people we may meet in a lifetime it is overwhelming. But for most of us, we spend little time thinking about our potential impact on them. Studies show that on average we live to be about 78 years old. Most of us remember people we meet after the age of 5. When the math is done it turns out that we may meet up to 80,000 people in a lifetime. That’s a lot of people. These are all people who could potentially be touched by your life. There are many more people that you may never meet that might love to have what you could offer. Where do we meet people? We start with our family, our circle of growing friends, the workplace, our place of worship, grocery stores, schools, or possibly colleges and universities. Or maybe organizations we belong to and when you add in the multiplier of social media, that even makes our impact greater. The numbers are amazing, and they grow every day of our lives. Maybe that’s why Jesus was so adamant about emphasizing our great individual impact potential on the world around us. You and I will make a major impact in this world before we leave it. What kind of an impact will you leave? The trail we leave behind and the people we touch is called our legacy. Beyond our
Impact Of A Lifetime faith and trust in Christ, it is the very thing that God will measure us by when we meet Him face to face. How well did we accomplish our work of the great commission, sharing the light of Jesus? How well did we spread the savory taste of the unmistakable sweetness of God’s Holy Spirit? Sometimes it takes the death of a person close to us to realize just how great a life can impact the world around us. My loving wife Debbie went home to be with the Lord on October 9th just a few weeks ago. She was my lifelong friend and love for 52 years from the day we met in a small high school in Northern Michigan. She was a woman of grace and unmeasurable talents. She was a wonderful mom and she loved others without reservation. Her faith and love of God filled every day of her life and the people she touched with love and kindness is innumerable. Her legacy was being the salt and light of this world and she accomplished it so gracefully. Today I want you to know that your life matters. God has brought you into this world for a specific purpose and you are an important part of much more than you know. God wants a personal relationship with you so that He can empower you to be that special person of light He has always meant for you to be. The Bible tells us in 1 st Peter 1:17 “Conduct yourselves throughout the time of your stay here in fear (carefully), knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, but rather with the blood shed by Christ.” We perceive life as a long and distant journey, but our lives are so fragile, disappearing so quickly. Psalm 103:15-16 “As for man, his days are like grass; As a flower of the field, so he flourishes. For the wind passes over it, and it is gone, it’s place remembers it no more.” Life is painfully short and though brief; it is a precious gift from God and not our own. When we live our life pleasing to God, it is our personal gift back to Him. Rev. Dalton Lilly Narrow Road Ministries Fredericksburg VA [email protected] Photo: Deborah Lilly Have you ever thought about the number of people you will impact in a lifetime? When we think about the oceans of people we may meet in a lifetime it is overwhelming. But for most of us, we spend little time thinking about our potential impact on them. Studies show that on average we live to be about 78 years old. Most of us remember people we meet after the age of 5. When the math is done it turns out that we may meet up to 80,000 people in a lifetime. That’s a lot of people. These are all people who could potentially be touched by your life. There are many more people that you may never meet that might love to have what you could offer. Where do we meet people? We start with our family, our circle of growing friends, the workplace, our place of worship, grocery stores, schools, or possibly colleges and universities. Or maybe organizations we belong to and when you add in the multiplier of social media, that even makes our impact greater. The numbers are amazing, and they grow every day of our lives. Maybe that’s why Jesus was so adamant about emphasizing our great individual impact potential on the world around us. You and I will make a major impact in this world before we leave it. What kind of an impact will you leave? The trail we leave behind and the people we touch is called our legacy. Beyond our
September Column
America Must Get Back To Church I Cor. 12:27 “Now you are the body of Christ and members individually.” Christians make a body of believers who serve and worship the one living God Jehovah and who is also our Savior Jesus the Messiah. God created each person in this world uniquely and distinctly special. Each one of us has talents, skills, and abilities all given by God for the purpose of glorifying Him. When we extend our talents, skills, abilities, and resources to serve God, that translates into love for others. Your local church and your neighborhood are perfect places for accomplishing all of the wonderful things that God intends for us His people to do. It is time we all got back to church and join our congregations in furthering the work of the Kingdom of God. If you don’t have a church, God is calling each of us to find an assembly. Finding a church is not always easy. Begin praying that God will lead you to a fellowship of believers where He will invite you to serve with the talents and skills that He has provided you. Get up this Sunday and start visiting churches in your community. If you diligently seek a place of congregation and worship, God will show you where that place is for you. You will know when it feels right, and God’s Holy Spirit will confirm it. We are now living in some of the most challenging times our nation has ever experienced. There is an increase in lawlessness and many people have turned away from God. The healing of a nation comes when we turn back to God, repent of our sin, and ask for forgiveness (II Chronicles 7:14). It starts with us as individuals. You will find peace and strength and contentment in the Spirit of the Lord. Why not ask Jesus into your life today? He will forgive you of your sin and through His Grace, give you eternal life. Rev. Dalton Lilly Narrow Road Ministries [email protected] Won’t you ask Jesus to come into your life today? Ask Him to be your Lord and Savior right now. (Acts 2:21) Dear Lord I’m a sinner. Please forgive me of my sins. Come into my heart, be my Lord and Savior from this day forward. I believe that you died on that cross for my sins. I believe you are the God of all creation. Save me today and walk with me all the days of my life. Amen After a year or more of fears and consternation of assembling, the pestilent called COVID 19 seems to be fading away. It is time for America to get back to church. There is no doubt that the pandemic that cursed the world has had a terrible impact on all of us. But it’s time to accept God’s healing presence and His mercy and get back to our public worship services. Even before the pandemic America’s church congregations were shrinking. According to national studies less than 26% of Americans attended weekly worship service prior to the pandemic. Now even less attend weekly church meetings and are sluggish getting back to church after COVID19. We should all know that this is not a good sign for America. Christians are called by God to assemble and worship for many reasons. Church is one of the best places for people to learn who Christ is and to share in His work. In Hebrews 10:25 the Apostle Paul warns Christians not to forsake gathering together. When Christians gather together we raise our prayers and praises up to God in worship. All humankind was created by God for a relationship with God and to fellowship with Him. We establish closer and more open meaningful relationships with the Lord Jesus our Savior through our church congregations. We also encourage other believers by our presence, and we enjoy the support and the love of others who love God. God views the church, His people, as an autonomous body and an extension of Himself. He even refers to us as His bride. The church is important to God and each person who is a part of God’s Church enhances the body of believers
America Must Get Back To Church I Cor. 12:27 “Now you are the body of Christ and members individually.” Christians make a body of believers who serve and worship the one living God Jehovah and who is also our Savior Jesus the Messiah. God created each person in this world uniquely and distinctly special. Each one of us has talents, skills, and abilities all given by God for the purpose of glorifying Him. When we extend our talents, skills, abilities, and resources to serve God, that translates into love for others. Your local church and your neighborhood are perfect places for accomplishing all of the wonderful things that God intends for us His people to do. It is time we all got back to church and join our congregations in furthering the work of the Kingdom of God. If you don’t have a church, God is calling each of us to find an assembly. Finding a church is not always easy. Begin praying that God will lead you to a fellowship of believers where He will invite you to serve with the talents and skills that He has provided you. Get up this Sunday and start visiting churches in your community. If you diligently seek a place of congregation and worship, God will show you where that place is for you. You will know when it feels right, and God’s Holy Spirit will confirm it. We are now living in some of the most challenging times our nation has ever experienced. There is an increase in lawlessness and many people have turned away from God. The healing of a nation comes when we turn back to God, repent of our sin, and ask for forgiveness (II Chronicles 7:14). It starts with us as individuals. You will find peace and strength and contentment in the Spirit of the Lord. Why not ask Jesus into your life today? He will forgive you of your sin and through His Grace, give you eternal life. Rev. Dalton Lilly Narrow Road Ministries [email protected] Won’t you ask Jesus to come into your life today? Ask Him to be your Lord and Savior right now. (Acts 2:21) Dear Lord I’m a sinner. Please forgive me of my sins. Come into my heart, be my Lord and Savior from this day forward. I believe that you died on that cross for my sins. I believe you are the God of all creation. Save me today and walk with me all the days of my life. Amen After a year or more of fears and consternation of assembling, the pestilent called COVID 19 seems to be fading away. It is time for America to get back to church. There is no doubt that the pandemic that cursed the world has had a terrible impact on all of us. But it’s time to accept God’s healing presence and His mercy and get back to our public worship services. Even before the pandemic America’s church congregations were shrinking. According to national studies less than 26% of Americans attended weekly worship service prior to the pandemic. Now even less attend weekly church meetings and are sluggish getting back to church after COVID19. We should all know that this is not a good sign for America. Christians are called by God to assemble and worship for many reasons. Church is one of the best places for people to learn who Christ is and to share in His work. In Hebrews 10:25 the Apostle Paul warns Christians not to forsake gathering together. When Christians gather together we raise our prayers and praises up to God in worship. All humankind was created by God for a relationship with God and to fellowship with Him. We establish closer and more open meaningful relationships with the Lord Jesus our Savior through our church congregations. We also encourage other believers by our presence, and we enjoy the support and the love of others who love God. God views the church, His people, as an autonomous body and an extension of Himself. He even refers to us as His bride. The church is important to God and each person who is a part of God’s Church enhances the body of believers
August column
It was a warm August morning in Marquette Michigan. The sun was rising from the water up into the Eastern sky. On a wooden park bench in the lower Marquette harbor, I sat just feet away from the most beautiful ship I had ever seen. She was a schooner more than thirty feet long. Black and sleek. The smooth rounded hull shined in the morning sun. She was a sight to behold. As I studied her more in amazement, I discovered she was empty, Hope’ had no crew aboard. The ropes from her hull were drawn tightly to the steel dock mooring. This beautiful ship named Hope’ was meant for strong rolling waves, brisk wind, and open seas. She was surely built to sail. As I beheld this beautiful ship anchored, tied to the dock, I wondered if some of God’s people have become like this beautiful schooner. Built strong through the power of His transforming Spirit, ready for the work of testimony to bring hope to the world, but nowhere near the oceans of the lost who need Christ so desperately. Is your Christian life lost in obscurity? Do you transcend a message of hope to those around you? Jesus tells us in Matt. 5:13-14 that we are to be the salt and light of the world. But how are we to be the salt and the light of the world if we remain unseen? Can salt have savor when diluted? Can light come from a candle beneath a basket? Jesus asked these questions a long time ago. Today we have to ask ourselves these same questions. Are we taking our faith in God serious enough that it becomes noticeable to those around us? When we are in public places and around other people, will they see Christ in us, or have we become obscure and difficult to see? The bible tells us that faith comes by hearing and by hearing the word of God (Romans 10:17). The lost in this world will not hear the word of God or see His presence if we withhold His Spirit. “Do not quench the Holy Spirit” 1st (Thessalonians 5:1). We must not be fearful of the times in which we live. We must never withhold our testimony of Christ that is within us. In doing so, we can become like great seaworthy ships, clad in Gods Spirit, but tied to the moorings of our own safe harbors. Christians are not meant for safe harbors! They are warriors in Christ meant to do battle against Satan, the prince of evil. This battle rages around us in the world today. The Bible tells us that our battles are against principalities. “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly places (Ephesians 6:12). God’s people are not to be weak, but are to have a Spirit of boldness, places and around other people, will they see Christ in us, or have we become obscure and difficult to see? The bible tells us that faith comes by hearing and by hearing the word of God (Romans 10:17). The lost in this world will not hear the word of God or see His presence if we withhold His Spirit. “Do not quench the Holy Spirit” 1st (Thessalonians 5:1). We must not be fearful of the times in which we live. We must never withhold our testimony of Christ that is within us. In doing so, we can become like great seaworthy ships, clad in Gods Spirit, but tied to the moorings of our own safe harbors. Christians are not meant for safe harbors! They are warriors in Christ meant to do battle against Satan, the prince of evil. This battle rages around us in the world today. The Bible tells us that our battles are against principalities. “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly places (Ephesians 6:12). God’s people are not to be weak, but are to have a Spirit of boldness, without fear (2nd Tim.1:7). The apostle Paul wrote, “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might, put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil” (Ephesians 6:10). Life in this world is becoming more and more difficult for believers. I encourage you not to be fearful but be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. Pray for strength and boldness. Leave safe harbors. Enter the open waters of this unsaved world. Walk daily in the light and let others see Christ in you. Bring goodness and hope to the world around you. Do not be a Christian of obscurity. Rev. Dalton Lilly Narrow Road Ministries Fredericksburg VA [email protected] Photo By Deborah Lilly Won’t you ask Jesus to come into your life today? He will forgive you of all your sins and give you new life. Life eternal. You can know that you are saved and that you are on your way to heaven. Ask Him to be your Lord and Savior right now. (Acts 2:21) Dear Lord I’m a sinner. Please forgive me of my sins. Come into my heart, be my Lord and Savior from this day forward. I believe that you died on that cross for my sins. I believe you are the God of all creation. Save me today and walk with me all the days of my life. Amen
It was a warm August morning in Marquette Michigan. The sun was rising from the water up into the Eastern sky. On a wooden park bench in the lower Marquette harbor, I sat just feet away from the most beautiful ship I had ever seen. She was a schooner more than thirty feet long. Black and sleek. The smooth rounded hull shined in the morning sun. She was a sight to behold. As I studied her more in amazement, I discovered she was empty, Hope’ had no crew aboard. The ropes from her hull were drawn tightly to the steel dock mooring. This beautiful ship named Hope’ was meant for strong rolling waves, brisk wind, and open seas. She was surely built to sail. As I beheld this beautiful ship anchored, tied to the dock, I wondered if some of God’s people have become like this beautiful schooner. Built strong through the power of His transforming Spirit, ready for the work of testimony to bring hope to the world, but nowhere near the oceans of the lost who need Christ so desperately. Is your Christian life lost in obscurity? Do you transcend a message of hope to those around you? Jesus tells us in Matt. 5:13-14 that we are to be the salt and light of the world. But how are we to be the salt and the light of the world if we remain unseen? Can salt have savor when diluted? Can light come from a candle beneath a basket? Jesus asked these questions a long time ago. Today we have to ask ourselves these same questions. Are we taking our faith in God serious enough that it becomes noticeable to those around us? When we are in public places and around other people, will they see Christ in us, or have we become obscure and difficult to see? The bible tells us that faith comes by hearing and by hearing the word of God (Romans 10:17). The lost in this world will not hear the word of God or see His presence if we withhold His Spirit. “Do not quench the Holy Spirit” 1st (Thessalonians 5:1). We must not be fearful of the times in which we live. We must never withhold our testimony of Christ that is within us. In doing so, we can become like great seaworthy ships, clad in Gods Spirit, but tied to the moorings of our own safe harbors. Christians are not meant for safe harbors! They are warriors in Christ meant to do battle against Satan, the prince of evil. This battle rages around us in the world today. The Bible tells us that our battles are against principalities. “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly places (Ephesians 6:12). God’s people are not to be weak, but are to have a Spirit of boldness, places and around other people, will they see Christ in us, or have we become obscure and difficult to see? The bible tells us that faith comes by hearing and by hearing the word of God (Romans 10:17). The lost in this world will not hear the word of God or see His presence if we withhold His Spirit. “Do not quench the Holy Spirit” 1st (Thessalonians 5:1). We must not be fearful of the times in which we live. We must never withhold our testimony of Christ that is within us. In doing so, we can become like great seaworthy ships, clad in Gods Spirit, but tied to the moorings of our own safe harbors. Christians are not meant for safe harbors! They are warriors in Christ meant to do battle against Satan, the prince of evil. This battle rages around us in the world today. The Bible tells us that our battles are against principalities. “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly places (Ephesians 6:12). God’s people are not to be weak, but are to have a Spirit of boldness, without fear (2nd Tim.1:7). The apostle Paul wrote, “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might, put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil” (Ephesians 6:10). Life in this world is becoming more and more difficult for believers. I encourage you not to be fearful but be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. Pray for strength and boldness. Leave safe harbors. Enter the open waters of this unsaved world. Walk daily in the light and let others see Christ in you. Bring goodness and hope to the world around you. Do not be a Christian of obscurity. Rev. Dalton Lilly Narrow Road Ministries Fredericksburg VA [email protected] Photo By Deborah Lilly Won’t you ask Jesus to come into your life today? He will forgive you of all your sins and give you new life. Life eternal. You can know that you are saved and that you are on your way to heaven. Ask Him to be your Lord and Savior right now. (Acts 2:21) Dear Lord I’m a sinner. Please forgive me of my sins. Come into my heart, be my Lord and Savior from this day forward. I believe that you died on that cross for my sins. I believe you are the God of all creation. Save me today and walk with me all the days of my life. Amen
June column
Have you ever entered a contest or a drawing for some very cool gift knowing that you were guaranteed to lose? I mean absolutely no chance at all that you would win. Of course you wouldn’t. It would be like jumping up and down in the dark thinking you could touch the moon. Did you know that your chances of going to heaven is just as impossible without a Savior? Sin has you and I running a race we can’t win. I want to explain to you something that theologians call the sin dilemma. It is a serious dilemma by all means. All people born into this world are in what is known as a sin dilemma. No matter what we think or do, all people of the world are born into a life of sin. Original sin began when Adam and Eve strayed away from God and disobeyed His commandments. The first people of creation lived a wonderful life in a garden called Eden. It was a place prepared perfectly by God for people to live in a sin free world. In the beginning man lived in harmony with God and there was complete fullness in their relationship without sin. Then Adam and Eve disobeyed God’s instructions to remain completely away from the evil one (Satan), who also visited the garden of Eden. God’s Word refers to Satan as the tree of “good and evil”. Disobeying God, they spoke to Satan. Believing his lies they broke their full and close relationship with God who had created them. Because Adam and Eve disobeyed God they were punished and cast out of the garden of Eden (Genesis 3:23). Satan was cursed by God and made then to be a serpent on the ground (Genesis 3:14). The relationship with man and God was broken from that point forward. Sin was released into the world influencing all mankind. God will not tolerate sin. He is holy, perfect, and without blemish of sin (Psalm 11:7). God is sovereign. There is no one or anything that is higher than the one and only true God Jehovah of heaven. Where there is sin on earth there is separation from God. In man there is sin. “We all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23). Since Adam and Eve, man has always tried to bridge this sin separation between man and God, by good works, philosophy, ethics, and even by religion, but the only one who could ever solve the sin dilemma was and is Jesus the true Son of God. God loved us so much He sent His only Son Jesus to the world to be the total and complete perfect payment and sacrifice for our sins (John 3:16). Jesus is the only one who can restore the relationship between man and God. As Jesus was crucified on the cross (Mark 15:24), His last words were “It is finished” (John19:30). The sin dilemma was solved. Jesus paid it all for you and I and all people of the world forever. Because of Jesus, we are no longer hopeless and lost in sin without a solution. Do not trust false solutions for your sin dilemma. Jumping up and down in the dark trying to touch the moon will not work. You are not tall enough and your arms are not long enough. The futility in that is as ridiculous as trying to resolve your sin dilemma without Jesus. “Under no other name can a man be saved but Jesus” (Acts 4:12). Jesus is the only one who gave His life for yours and mine. Choose Jesus today. He is the solution to our sin dilemma. He is your absolute and only sure way to heaven and eternal life. Amen. Rev. Dalton Lilly Narrow Road Ministries [email protected] Won’t you ask Jesus to come into your life today? Ask Him to be your Lord and Savior right now. (Acts 2:21) Dear Lord I’m a sinner. Please forgive me of my sins. Come into my heart, be my Lord and Savior from this day forward. I believe that you died on that cross for my sins. I believe you are the God of all creation. Save me today and walk with me all the days of my life. Amen
Have you ever entered a contest or a drawing for some very cool gift knowing that you were guaranteed to lose? I mean absolutely no chance at all that you would win. Of course you wouldn’t. It would be like jumping up and down in the dark thinking you could touch the moon. Did you know that your chances of going to heaven is just as impossible without a Savior? Sin has you and I running a race we can’t win. I want to explain to you something that theologians call the sin dilemma. It is a serious dilemma by all means. All people born into this world are in what is known as a sin dilemma. No matter what we think or do, all people of the world are born into a life of sin. Original sin began when Adam and Eve strayed away from God and disobeyed His commandments. The first people of creation lived a wonderful life in a garden called Eden. It was a place prepared perfectly by God for people to live in a sin free world. In the beginning man lived in harmony with God and there was complete fullness in their relationship without sin. Then Adam and Eve disobeyed God’s instructions to remain completely away from the evil one (Satan), who also visited the garden of Eden. God’s Word refers to Satan as the tree of “good and evil”. Disobeying God, they spoke to Satan. Believing his lies they broke their full and close relationship with God who had created them. Because Adam and Eve disobeyed God they were punished and cast out of the garden of Eden (Genesis 3:23). Satan was cursed by God and made then to be a serpent on the ground (Genesis 3:14). The relationship with man and God was broken from that point forward. Sin was released into the world influencing all mankind. God will not tolerate sin. He is holy, perfect, and without blemish of sin (Psalm 11:7). God is sovereign. There is no one or anything that is higher than the one and only true God Jehovah of heaven. Where there is sin on earth there is separation from God. In man there is sin. “We all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23). Since Adam and Eve, man has always tried to bridge this sin separation between man and God, by good works, philosophy, ethics, and even by religion, but the only one who could ever solve the sin dilemma was and is Jesus the true Son of God. God loved us so much He sent His only Son Jesus to the world to be the total and complete perfect payment and sacrifice for our sins (John 3:16). Jesus is the only one who can restore the relationship between man and God. As Jesus was crucified on the cross (Mark 15:24), His last words were “It is finished” (John19:30). The sin dilemma was solved. Jesus paid it all for you and I and all people of the world forever. Because of Jesus, we are no longer hopeless and lost in sin without a solution. Do not trust false solutions for your sin dilemma. Jumping up and down in the dark trying to touch the moon will not work. You are not tall enough and your arms are not long enough. The futility in that is as ridiculous as trying to resolve your sin dilemma without Jesus. “Under no other name can a man be saved but Jesus” (Acts 4:12). Jesus is the only one who gave His life for yours and mine. Choose Jesus today. He is the solution to our sin dilemma. He is your absolute and only sure way to heaven and eternal life. Amen. Rev. Dalton Lilly Narrow Road Ministries [email protected] Won’t you ask Jesus to come into your life today? Ask Him to be your Lord and Savior right now. (Acts 2:21) Dear Lord I’m a sinner. Please forgive me of my sins. Come into my heart, be my Lord and Savior from this day forward. I believe that you died on that cross for my sins. I believe you are the God of all creation. Save me today and walk with me all the days of my life. Amen
May column
May 2021
Walking the Narrow Road
Math 7:14 Narrow is the way that leads to Eternal Life.
Hello Brothers and Sisters in Christ! May Is upon us!
Welcome to God’s month of May 2021! Rejoice in the Lord always again I say Rejoice! (Philippians 4:4-8)
To rejoice in means to “have or possess.” So, the Scripture conveys that to rejoice in the Lord is to have joy or delight in the Lord; to feel joy when you think of Him always. How do you do that, you might ask?
Watch this!
This is our Bible study for May! It will be easy. Just do these things and you will Rejoice In The Lord Always! Do not let the things of this world take your eyes off Jesus. That is what Satan wants you to do. Don’t fall for it! Soon we will all be going home. Keep looking up. “When you see these things lift your heads because your redemption draws near.” (Luke 21:28)
Because of Jesus and what He did on the cross for us we can rejoice and live with great hope. Hope in Christ knowing our future is secure and we have a living Savior and a future home forever in heaven. Knowing this truth builds our faith and allows us to live each day with vigor and peace within our souls. We can live with contentment and peace knowing we will not always be in this world but one day soon we will be redeemed by our Lord and Savior and we will reside with Him forever. Wow. Think about that!
The Father knows your heart and sees your good works. Never, never quit or give up on what you are doing for the Lord! Be kind to all people continuing in good works. Help your neighbors. Be determined in your testimony of God’s love. Make sure that Jesus and His teaching remains your first love. Amen
In Ephesians 4:13-15 We are reminded to “come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; that we should no longer be children tossed to and fro, carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting, but speaking the truth in love, we may grow up in all things into Him who is the head, Christ.”
God’s Word is giving us good instruction for the current days we live in here in America. There are many who attempt to teach us false doctrine and their desire is to lead us away from God, but we must be aware of their lies and stand fast in the truth of the Lord. In doing so we will grow in Christ and be pleasing to Him in these last days. Amen
(Please call or write to us and let us know of any prayer needs and we will add them to the monthly letter to the Church)
On matters of prayer, please pray for Pastor Jim and wife Cindy as they continue to seek God’s wisdom to serve the Lord’s church through these difficult days. We are hearing that more are returning to church to worship in the house of the Lord. This is good news. We are praying that we can return also soon.
God loves to hear your prayers. He delights in your prayerful heart. He also delights in meeting our needs and directing us in His ways. Don’t ask God so much why but ask God what He would like you to do in the midst of your circumstances. Remember that what you are going through, your life and circumstances are ordained by God. He knows what is best for each of us. His perfect will is more important than our understanding all things in this world. Look back to yesterday and what He has brought you through. Why would you think that He would stop blessing you now? Amen.
We love you all and we pray that you will be strong in your faith. Read your Bibles and pray without ceasing. Do not forsake getting together and trust that God will guide you in all things.
I have enclosed a copy of our May 2021 column, “God’s People Are Called To Be The Salt And Light Of This World”. It is for your encouragement and for sharing with others. Please, copy the column if you like and pass them on to someone else. Help us in furthering the gospel of Jesus Christ in these last days. Every time you share the Word of God and the Gospel with another person you will be blessed by God. He will do the work in the hearts of man; we must do the work of sharing the great truth of salvation. For you and I it is the great commission to go forth and tell the world about Jesus. (Matthew 28:19)
Read The Book of James this month of May. James is the half-brother of Jesus. The book of James is only 5 chapters. It is found in the new testament right after Hebrews. This book is filled with wise statements about every day living for Christians in difficult times. The folksy comments of James will encourage you to stop along the way and carry out the Lords work that you are called to do. His clear and concise directions help us return to the simplicity of daily walking in the Spirit of the Lord. Faith requires change and it requires a diligence to do something for the Kingdom of God. James guides us and gives us that pragmatic insight. Do not miss this book. It is absolutely delightful and illuminating!
Blessings, Dalton n Debbie Lilly
540-785-9919 [email protected]
P.S. Advice from us…..Stop using Facebook and Twitter. We mean it. Seriously! The owners and their acts of evil are a force for evil and a threat to our democracy and freedom of speech in this Country. God will judge them. Many folks are moving to “Parler” it is a free communication network for all Americans and does not sensor our writing. For conservative browsers go to “Duck-Duck-Go” get this app. It is just as good as Google. Stop using Google! These people are persecuting God’s Church!
Consider writing a letter to people you know. Send a note, or a card. It still works and it is not censored. Debbie and I have been receiving cards and letters from many of you and it is encouraging and delightful to receive them in the mail. We hope you will enjoy this letter and please pass on the column for the Kingdom of God.
May 2021
Walking the Narrow Road
Math 7:14 Narrow is the way that leads to Eternal Life.
Hello Brothers and Sisters in Christ! May Is upon us!
Welcome to God’s month of May 2021! Rejoice in the Lord always again I say Rejoice! (Philippians 4:4-8)
To rejoice in means to “have or possess.” So, the Scripture conveys that to rejoice in the Lord is to have joy or delight in the Lord; to feel joy when you think of Him always. How do you do that, you might ask?
Watch this!
- Listen. Listen to Gods Word. Listen to gospel music. Listen to preaching, messaging, and teaching of God. Fill your ears with Jesus. Stop listening to the foolishness on the radio and television. Be careful what you listen to. I tried this for a week and my walk with the Lord became absolutely wonderful, full and I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit with me in a way not before. Take out the noise and add Jesus and God’s Holy Word!
- Read. Read God’s Word every day. As much as you are able to. If it is a verse, that’s fine. Read a verse and think about it. Read God’s Word every day. If you have time multiple times a day. His Word will saturate your soul and you will feel His Spirit lifting you up continually.
- Study. Study God’s Word. Think about what you have read and ask God to reveal the meaning of your reading in everyday life. Don’t flop your Bible open read and close it. Find even one verse and study it. Let God speak to you concerning that verse.
- Memorize. If you can remember God’s Word as you read it or hear it that is plenty. You may not remember the exact verse in the Bible and even word for word but keep the essence of His Word in your heart. I am older now. I have trouble remembering a lot of things, but I remember that God gave His only Son Jesus to die for my sins. So, I can recite that to others, and I can declare it if I have the opportunity. Do you see how that works? You can do it.
- Meditate. Meditate on God’s Words and His truth. Do not spend all of your time thinking about the state of the country and what is going to happen in the next election. God is in control of all thing’s in heaven and earth. He has it all in His hands. Meditate and think about Gods will for your life every day. Do not fall for transcendental meditation! That is evil. Don’t clear your mind for the devil. Open your mind to God and draw around His word and His voice in prayer and meditation on Him every day. Every hour. “Draw close unto the Lord and He will draw near you.” (James 4:8)
This is our Bible study for May! It will be easy. Just do these things and you will Rejoice In The Lord Always! Do not let the things of this world take your eyes off Jesus. That is what Satan wants you to do. Don’t fall for it! Soon we will all be going home. Keep looking up. “When you see these things lift your heads because your redemption draws near.” (Luke 21:28)
Because of Jesus and what He did on the cross for us we can rejoice and live with great hope. Hope in Christ knowing our future is secure and we have a living Savior and a future home forever in heaven. Knowing this truth builds our faith and allows us to live each day with vigor and peace within our souls. We can live with contentment and peace knowing we will not always be in this world but one day soon we will be redeemed by our Lord and Savior and we will reside with Him forever. Wow. Think about that!
The Father knows your heart and sees your good works. Never, never quit or give up on what you are doing for the Lord! Be kind to all people continuing in good works. Help your neighbors. Be determined in your testimony of God’s love. Make sure that Jesus and His teaching remains your first love. Amen
In Ephesians 4:13-15 We are reminded to “come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; that we should no longer be children tossed to and fro, carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting, but speaking the truth in love, we may grow up in all things into Him who is the head, Christ.”
God’s Word is giving us good instruction for the current days we live in here in America. There are many who attempt to teach us false doctrine and their desire is to lead us away from God, but we must be aware of their lies and stand fast in the truth of the Lord. In doing so we will grow in Christ and be pleasing to Him in these last days. Amen
(Please call or write to us and let us know of any prayer needs and we will add them to the monthly letter to the Church)
On matters of prayer, please pray for Pastor Jim and wife Cindy as they continue to seek God’s wisdom to serve the Lord’s church through these difficult days. We are hearing that more are returning to church to worship in the house of the Lord. This is good news. We are praying that we can return also soon.
- Please remember to pray for Steve Giles for healing. He is having problems with his stomach and losing weight. We claim the healing power of Jesus for him.
- Please pray for Debbie as she has started dialysis. We are praying for a kidney transplant in the near future. Please pray for our ministry and all those who serve the Lord. God has been so good to us. We thank Him for His continuing love and care. Amen
- On other matters of prayer, please continue to pray for the United States government, the Supreme Courte, and the Congress.
- Pray for our entire church family. Pray also for other unknown needs for those who are aging and those who are sick with various illnesses. Remember one another in prayer for God hears your voice and loves to listen and help us through each living day.
- Please pray for our unsaved loved ones and our family members who do not know the Lord.
- Pray for our missionaries in many nations. Pray for missions around the world that they will be powerful in the Spirit and delivered from persecutions.
- Pray for peace and strength in the nation of Israel. Blessed are those who care for God’s nations and His people.
God loves to hear your prayers. He delights in your prayerful heart. He also delights in meeting our needs and directing us in His ways. Don’t ask God so much why but ask God what He would like you to do in the midst of your circumstances. Remember that what you are going through, your life and circumstances are ordained by God. He knows what is best for each of us. His perfect will is more important than our understanding all things in this world. Look back to yesterday and what He has brought you through. Why would you think that He would stop blessing you now? Amen.
We love you all and we pray that you will be strong in your faith. Read your Bibles and pray without ceasing. Do not forsake getting together and trust that God will guide you in all things.
I have enclosed a copy of our May 2021 column, “God’s People Are Called To Be The Salt And Light Of This World”. It is for your encouragement and for sharing with others. Please, copy the column if you like and pass them on to someone else. Help us in furthering the gospel of Jesus Christ in these last days. Every time you share the Word of God and the Gospel with another person you will be blessed by God. He will do the work in the hearts of man; we must do the work of sharing the great truth of salvation. For you and I it is the great commission to go forth and tell the world about Jesus. (Matthew 28:19)
Read The Book of James this month of May. James is the half-brother of Jesus. The book of James is only 5 chapters. It is found in the new testament right after Hebrews. This book is filled with wise statements about every day living for Christians in difficult times. The folksy comments of James will encourage you to stop along the way and carry out the Lords work that you are called to do. His clear and concise directions help us return to the simplicity of daily walking in the Spirit of the Lord. Faith requires change and it requires a diligence to do something for the Kingdom of God. James guides us and gives us that pragmatic insight. Do not miss this book. It is absolutely delightful and illuminating!
Blessings, Dalton n Debbie Lilly
540-785-9919 [email protected]
P.S. Advice from us…..Stop using Facebook and Twitter. We mean it. Seriously! The owners and their acts of evil are a force for evil and a threat to our democracy and freedom of speech in this Country. God will judge them. Many folks are moving to “Parler” it is a free communication network for all Americans and does not sensor our writing. For conservative browsers go to “Duck-Duck-Go” get this app. It is just as good as Google. Stop using Google! These people are persecuting God’s Church!
Consider writing a letter to people you know. Send a note, or a card. It still works and it is not censored. Debbie and I have been receiving cards and letters from many of you and it is encouraging and delightful to receive them in the mail. We hope you will enjoy this letter and please pass on the column for the Kingdom of God.
April column
This month we celebrate Easter, a spring day that is recognized in many different ways around the world. I have a question for you. What is happening in your life this Easter? What does Easter mean to you personally? I ask because Easter has become one of the most misunderstood holidays on our calendar. In the last few decades, it has lost much of its true meaning in America. For many it is a day of chocolate rabbits, Easter egg hunts, festive parades and the notion of an Easter Bunny bringing baskets of candy to children in the night. For some it’s new clothes for spring. For some it’s the one day a year they get up early and attend church to hear an Easter sermon. For some it is a spring break from college and a few days of rest from the classroom. Yes, Easter has become so many things, it is hard for some to tell what Easter really is. Our family no longer refers to Easter as just “Easter.” To us it is “Resurrection Day.” We memorialize it as the greatest life-changing event that ever took place on planet earth. The death and resurrection of Jesus the Christ, the Messiah. According to God’s Word, He is the Son of God, born of a virgin into the world and lived a sinless life giving His life for our sins. Even the sins of the world. It is “Resurrection Day” that marks the beginning of new life. A pathway for every man and woman to receive forgiveness of all sin and to have eternal life through believing in the Savior Jesus the Christ.
Many people have forgotten what really took place in Jerusalem two thousand years ago. Jesus humbly road a small donkey into the city and was celebrated by multitudes of people who even laid palm leaves before him honoring him as a king for His compassion and love for them. That same week Pharisees in their jealousy, hatred, and disbelief plotted to murder Him. On Thursday of that holy week they began persecuting Him and finally declared Him guilty in a Roman court on Friday of crimes He never committed. They mocked Him, scourged Him and drug Him through the streets bleeding and suffering to a hill called Golgotha (The place of death). There they nailed his hands and feet to a rugged wooden cross and as He bled, they crucified Him. It was there He cried out “Forgive them Father for they know not what they do.” And there He said, “It is finished” and gave up His spirit for the sins of every human being that will ever touch foot on planet earth. It was there He paid for my sins and yours. But the greatest and most wonderful thing then happened. They laid His dead body in a tomb and shut it up with a stone. Then on Sunday, the third day, Jesus rose from the dead, the angels rolled away the stone. He was not there. He had risen! He has risen indeed! Jesus triumphed over death and sin. He alone was born into the world to give himself for our sins so that we may have life. So now you see why Easter is not just another holiday to us. It is “Resurrection Day.” It is about new life in Christ, our hope and salvation. What does Easter mean to you? I hope it will mean this to you from this day forward.
May God bless you amazingly and often, Rev. Dalton Lilly
Narrow Road Ministries
Fredericksburg VA
[email protected] Photo:
Won’t you ask Jesus to come into your life today? He will forgive you of all your sins and give you new life. Life eternal. You can know that you are saved and that you are on your way to heaven. Just pray and ask Him to be your Lord and Savior right now. (Acts 2:21) Dear Lord I’m a sinner. Please forgive me of my sins. Come into my heart and be my Lord and Savior from this day forward. I believe that you died on that cross for my sins. I believe you are the God of all creation. Save me today and walk with me all the days of my life. Amen
This month we celebrate Easter, a spring day that is recognized in many different ways around the world. I have a question for you. What is happening in your life this Easter? What does Easter mean to you personally? I ask because Easter has become one of the most misunderstood holidays on our calendar. In the last few decades, it has lost much of its true meaning in America. For many it is a day of chocolate rabbits, Easter egg hunts, festive parades and the notion of an Easter Bunny bringing baskets of candy to children in the night. For some it’s new clothes for spring. For some it’s the one day a year they get up early and attend church to hear an Easter sermon. For some it is a spring break from college and a few days of rest from the classroom. Yes, Easter has become so many things, it is hard for some to tell what Easter really is. Our family no longer refers to Easter as just “Easter.” To us it is “Resurrection Day.” We memorialize it as the greatest life-changing event that ever took place on planet earth. The death and resurrection of Jesus the Christ, the Messiah. According to God’s Word, He is the Son of God, born of a virgin into the world and lived a sinless life giving His life for our sins. Even the sins of the world. It is “Resurrection Day” that marks the beginning of new life. A pathway for every man and woman to receive forgiveness of all sin and to have eternal life through believing in the Savior Jesus the Christ.
Many people have forgotten what really took place in Jerusalem two thousand years ago. Jesus humbly road a small donkey into the city and was celebrated by multitudes of people who even laid palm leaves before him honoring him as a king for His compassion and love for them. That same week Pharisees in their jealousy, hatred, and disbelief plotted to murder Him. On Thursday of that holy week they began persecuting Him and finally declared Him guilty in a Roman court on Friday of crimes He never committed. They mocked Him, scourged Him and drug Him through the streets bleeding and suffering to a hill called Golgotha (The place of death). There they nailed his hands and feet to a rugged wooden cross and as He bled, they crucified Him. It was there He cried out “Forgive them Father for they know not what they do.” And there He said, “It is finished” and gave up His spirit for the sins of every human being that will ever touch foot on planet earth. It was there He paid for my sins and yours. But the greatest and most wonderful thing then happened. They laid His dead body in a tomb and shut it up with a stone. Then on Sunday, the third day, Jesus rose from the dead, the angels rolled away the stone. He was not there. He had risen! He has risen indeed! Jesus triumphed over death and sin. He alone was born into the world to give himself for our sins so that we may have life. So now you see why Easter is not just another holiday to us. It is “Resurrection Day.” It is about new life in Christ, our hope and salvation. What does Easter mean to you? I hope it will mean this to you from this day forward.
May God bless you amazingly and often, Rev. Dalton Lilly
Narrow Road Ministries
Fredericksburg VA
[email protected] Photo:
Won’t you ask Jesus to come into your life today? He will forgive you of all your sins and give you new life. Life eternal. You can know that you are saved and that you are on your way to heaven. Just pray and ask Him to be your Lord and Savior right now. (Acts 2:21) Dear Lord I’m a sinner. Please forgive me of my sins. Come into my heart and be my Lord and Savior from this day forward. I believe that you died on that cross for my sins. I believe you are the God of all creation. Save me today and walk with me all the days of my life. Amen
March column
Harmony is a wonderful thing. When we hear the word harmony most of us think about music and the beautiful sound that occurs when voices and instruments blend together perfectly. Webster’s dictionary says harmony is a “pleasing arrangement of parts, with all things coming together through coordination.” We think of harmony mostly in music, but harmony exists in every aspect of God’s creation. Harmony is all around us. It’s everywhere. For example, the harmony of honey bees determine whether the entire world will have food supplies to exist for another year. Without pollination of plants there would be no food for human consumption. In other words, the world would starve without honey bees. What a small but vital part of creation! Have you ever considered the harmony that exists in the depths of the oceans? Small one-cell animals invisible to the naked eye exist with mammals as large as 70- ton whales. Or the rising and the lowering of the ocean tides every day. All of these things are God’s creation and are held together in harmony by His sustaining power and glory. Consider the harmony of the heavens and the world in which we live. The earth revolving every twentyfour hours to the minute gives us another day. The moon continues its thirty-day journey around earth giving us a month. The stars remain in place and the four seasons continue their ballet one to another giving us the ice and snow of winter, the flowers of spring, the warmth of summer, and the colors of autumn. The harmony and beauty of everything we enjoy are the dynamics of God’s glory throughout His creation. Interestingly, harmony is the opposite of chaos. Chaos exists when there is no order or coordination. In chaos nothing comes together. Nothing works. In the absence of created normality and harmony everything falls apart. That is the reason God has given us His Word. His ten commandments were given to mankind as guidance for a healthy and prosperous existence. They are the universal and timeless standard for right and wrong. Unfortunately, here in America and around the world many have disregarded the Word of God and refuse to obey His commandments. When people of nations and their leaders disregard God’s Word, the result is nothing less than chaos. The opposite of God’s intended harmony. If you disagree with this assessment then simply look at the world around you and the condition that it is in. Imagine then how life would be if all people lived by God’s Word. The good news is that it is never too late for anyone to turn to God for help. In 2nd Chronicles 7:14, God pursues a right relationship with us His people. “If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear them from Heaven, and I will forgive their sins and heal their land.” Our country and our government are ravaged with chaos because we have turned from God. If we want to live in prosperity and harmony then we must turn back to God and obey His Word immediately. This should be the priority of our government and our nation as a people. I pray that today revival will begin with you and I. Will you trust in the name of Jesus the Messiah, turn from your sin, and follow the invitation that God has given the world? The way of truth, salvation, and harmony is only through the Lord Jesus Christ. The one true God of all creation. “There is no other name under heaven in which we can be saved.” (Acts 4:12) May God bless you amazingly and often,
Rev. Dalton Lilly Narrow Road Ministries Fredericksburg VA debbndalt1@gmail.
Harmony is a wonderful thing. When we hear the word harmony most of us think about music and the beautiful sound that occurs when voices and instruments blend together perfectly. Webster’s dictionary says harmony is a “pleasing arrangement of parts, with all things coming together through coordination.” We think of harmony mostly in music, but harmony exists in every aspect of God’s creation. Harmony is all around us. It’s everywhere. For example, the harmony of honey bees determine whether the entire world will have food supplies to exist for another year. Without pollination of plants there would be no food for human consumption. In other words, the world would starve without honey bees. What a small but vital part of creation! Have you ever considered the harmony that exists in the depths of the oceans? Small one-cell animals invisible to the naked eye exist with mammals as large as 70- ton whales. Or the rising and the lowering of the ocean tides every day. All of these things are God’s creation and are held together in harmony by His sustaining power and glory. Consider the harmony of the heavens and the world in which we live. The earth revolving every twentyfour hours to the minute gives us another day. The moon continues its thirty-day journey around earth giving us a month. The stars remain in place and the four seasons continue their ballet one to another giving us the ice and snow of winter, the flowers of spring, the warmth of summer, and the colors of autumn. The harmony and beauty of everything we enjoy are the dynamics of God’s glory throughout His creation. Interestingly, harmony is the opposite of chaos. Chaos exists when there is no order or coordination. In chaos nothing comes together. Nothing works. In the absence of created normality and harmony everything falls apart. That is the reason God has given us His Word. His ten commandments were given to mankind as guidance for a healthy and prosperous existence. They are the universal and timeless standard for right and wrong. Unfortunately, here in America and around the world many have disregarded the Word of God and refuse to obey His commandments. When people of nations and their leaders disregard God’s Word, the result is nothing less than chaos. The opposite of God’s intended harmony. If you disagree with this assessment then simply look at the world around you and the condition that it is in. Imagine then how life would be if all people lived by God’s Word. The good news is that it is never too late for anyone to turn to God for help. In 2nd Chronicles 7:14, God pursues a right relationship with us His people. “If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear them from Heaven, and I will forgive their sins and heal their land.” Our country and our government are ravaged with chaos because we have turned from God. If we want to live in prosperity and harmony then we must turn back to God and obey His Word immediately. This should be the priority of our government and our nation as a people. I pray that today revival will begin with you and I. Will you trust in the name of Jesus the Messiah, turn from your sin, and follow the invitation that God has given the world? The way of truth, salvation, and harmony is only through the Lord Jesus Christ. The one true God of all creation. “There is no other name under heaven in which we can be saved.” (Acts 4:12) May God bless you amazingly and often,
Rev. Dalton Lilly Narrow Road Ministries Fredericksburg VA debbndalt1@gmail.
February column
Finding Peace
In The Eye Of The Storm
Have you ever experienced a large and dangerous storm? I have. Many years ago, my wife and I experienced a frightening hurricane while living on the Island of Taiwan. Storms like hurricanes can be terrifying and they can bring with them massive destruction. They are formed over the oceans when certain atmospheric conditions exist. In a matter of hours or days they can develop extremely high winds and their paths can stretch for hundreds of miles. But in the middle of every destructive hurricane there is an eye which forms the center of the storm where it is quiet without winds and the sky is clear. The eye of the hurricane is always peaceful while surrounded by massive high winds, chaos, and destruction. We all know that life can be like that. Storms can develop that seem to come from nowhere. Storms of life, like hurricanes inevitably can leave paths of destruction and chaos. Many times, we think we are the only ones who experience the difficulties we face in life. If the truth is known, we all go through storms that frighten us at one time or another, dreading the wake of circumstances and aftermath.
Our country too, will face major storms and events that are hard for us to understand and to cope with. When these times arise and we are facing them, we must remember that God operates perfectly in the midst of storms and chaos. God shines brightly in every storm with his hand upon all circumstances, He is always in complete control. Though we may think differently as we experience difficult times, He is always there willing to hold us in His quiet place, the eye of the storm. As their boat began to rock violently the disciples thought the boat would surely capsize and sink. In the front of the boat, Jesus leaned against the forward hull asleep. The frightened disciples shook Jesus awake declaring that the boat was about to sink. As Jesus saw their desperation, He stood up in the boat and simply commanded the wind and the sea to be still. In doing so, the wind completely stopped, the waves disappeared into glass like water and the storm was overtaken at the words of the Lord. We simply do not know the truth about our circumstances in this world until we hear a word of truth from Jesus. When we are frightened and convinced that everything around us is lost, our perception cannot be trusted. When we keep our eyes on Jesus and stay close to His Word, we remain in the placid eye of the storm. He alone can change our circumstances. He can calm the storms of life and He can change the country in which we live. He is the master of overcoming chaos and He is not surprised or afraid of the storms of this world. Call upon the name of the Lord Jesus today and repent of your sin. Invite Him to come into your heart and be your Lord and Savior. He alone can save you from sin and give you the hope of eternal life and a future home in heaven. He is coming back soon. I pray you will know Him and be ready to meet Him. He stands waiting for you in the eye of the storm.
May God bless you amazingly and often,
Rev. Dalton Lilly Narrow Road Ministries
Fredericksburg VA
[email protected]
Feb. 2021 Published in: Culpeper Star Exponent Culpeper VA
Finding Peace
In The Eye Of The Storm
Have you ever experienced a large and dangerous storm? I have. Many years ago, my wife and I experienced a frightening hurricane while living on the Island of Taiwan. Storms like hurricanes can be terrifying and they can bring with them massive destruction. They are formed over the oceans when certain atmospheric conditions exist. In a matter of hours or days they can develop extremely high winds and their paths can stretch for hundreds of miles. But in the middle of every destructive hurricane there is an eye which forms the center of the storm where it is quiet without winds and the sky is clear. The eye of the hurricane is always peaceful while surrounded by massive high winds, chaos, and destruction. We all know that life can be like that. Storms can develop that seem to come from nowhere. Storms of life, like hurricanes inevitably can leave paths of destruction and chaos. Many times, we think we are the only ones who experience the difficulties we face in life. If the truth is known, we all go through storms that frighten us at one time or another, dreading the wake of circumstances and aftermath.
Our country too, will face major storms and events that are hard for us to understand and to cope with. When these times arise and we are facing them, we must remember that God operates perfectly in the midst of storms and chaos. God shines brightly in every storm with his hand upon all circumstances, He is always in complete control. Though we may think differently as we experience difficult times, He is always there willing to hold us in His quiet place, the eye of the storm. As their boat began to rock violently the disciples thought the boat would surely capsize and sink. In the front of the boat, Jesus leaned against the forward hull asleep. The frightened disciples shook Jesus awake declaring that the boat was about to sink. As Jesus saw their desperation, He stood up in the boat and simply commanded the wind and the sea to be still. In doing so, the wind completely stopped, the waves disappeared into glass like water and the storm was overtaken at the words of the Lord. We simply do not know the truth about our circumstances in this world until we hear a word of truth from Jesus. When we are frightened and convinced that everything around us is lost, our perception cannot be trusted. When we keep our eyes on Jesus and stay close to His Word, we remain in the placid eye of the storm. He alone can change our circumstances. He can calm the storms of life and He can change the country in which we live. He is the master of overcoming chaos and He is not surprised or afraid of the storms of this world. Call upon the name of the Lord Jesus today and repent of your sin. Invite Him to come into your heart and be your Lord and Savior. He alone can save you from sin and give you the hope of eternal life and a future home in heaven. He is coming back soon. I pray you will know Him and be ready to meet Him. He stands waiting for you in the eye of the storm.
May God bless you amazingly and often,
Rev. Dalton Lilly Narrow Road Ministries
Fredericksburg VA
[email protected]
Feb. 2021 Published in: Culpeper Star Exponent Culpeper VA
Jan column
Finding Peace
In The Eye Of The Storm
Have you ever experienced a large and dangerous storm? I have. Many years ago, my wife and I experienced a frightening hurricane while living on the Island of Taiwan. Storms like hurricanes can be terrifying and they can bring with them massive destruction. They are formed over the oceans when certain atmospheric conditions exist. In a matter of hours or days they can develop extremely high winds and their paths can stretch for hundreds of miles. But in the middle of every destructive hurricane there is an eye which forms the center of the storm where it is quiet without winds and the sky is clear. The eye of the hurricane is always peaceful while surrounded by massive high winds, chaos, and destruction. We all know that life can be like that. Storms can develop that seem to come from nowhere. Storms of life, like hurricanes inevitably can leave paths of destruction and chaos. Many times, we think we are the only ones who experience the difficulties we face in life. If the truth is known, we all go through storms that frighten us at one time or another, dreading the wake of circumstances and aftermath.
Our country too, will face major storms and events that are hard for us to understand and to cope with. When these times arise and we are facing them, we must remember that God operates perfectly in the midst of storms and chaos. God shines brightly in every storm with his hand upon all circumstances, He is always in complete control. Though we may think differently as we experience difficult times, He is always there willing to hold us in His quiet place, the eye of the storm. As their boat began to rock violently the disciples thought the boat would surely capsize and sink. In the front of the boat, Jesus leaned against the forward hull asleep. The frightened disciples shook Jesus awake declaring that the boat was about to sink. As Jesus saw their desperation, He stood up in the boat and simply commanded the wind and the sea to be still. In doing so, the wind completely stopped, the waves disappeared into glass like water and the storm was overtaken at the words of the Lord. We simply do not know the truth about our circumstances in this world until we hear a word of truth from Jesus. When we are frightened and convinced that everything around us is lost, our perception cannot be trusted. When we keep our eyes on Jesus and stay close to His Word, we remain in the placid eye of the storm. He alone can change our circumstances. He can calm the storms of life and He can change the country in which we live. He is the master of overcoming chaos and He is not surprised or afraid of the storms of this world. Call upon the name of the Lord Jesus today and repent of your sin. Invite Him to come into your heart and be your Lord and Savior. He alone can save you from sin and give you the hope of eternal life and a future home in heaven. He is coming back soon. I pray you will know Him and be ready to meet Him. He stands waiting for you in the eye of the storm.
May God bless you amazingly and often,
Rev. Dalton Lilly Narrow Road Ministries
Fredericksburg VA
[email protected]
Feb. 2021 Published in: Culpeper Star Exponent Culpeper VA
Finding Peace
In The Eye Of The Storm
Have you ever experienced a large and dangerous storm? I have. Many years ago, my wife and I experienced a frightening hurricane while living on the Island of Taiwan. Storms like hurricanes can be terrifying and they can bring with them massive destruction. They are formed over the oceans when certain atmospheric conditions exist. In a matter of hours or days they can develop extremely high winds and their paths can stretch for hundreds of miles. But in the middle of every destructive hurricane there is an eye which forms the center of the storm where it is quiet without winds and the sky is clear. The eye of the hurricane is always peaceful while surrounded by massive high winds, chaos, and destruction. We all know that life can be like that. Storms can develop that seem to come from nowhere. Storms of life, like hurricanes inevitably can leave paths of destruction and chaos. Many times, we think we are the only ones who experience the difficulties we face in life. If the truth is known, we all go through storms that frighten us at one time or another, dreading the wake of circumstances and aftermath.
Our country too, will face major storms and events that are hard for us to understand and to cope with. When these times arise and we are facing them, we must remember that God operates perfectly in the midst of storms and chaos. God shines brightly in every storm with his hand upon all circumstances, He is always in complete control. Though we may think differently as we experience difficult times, He is always there willing to hold us in His quiet place, the eye of the storm. As their boat began to rock violently the disciples thought the boat would surely capsize and sink. In the front of the boat, Jesus leaned against the forward hull asleep. The frightened disciples shook Jesus awake declaring that the boat was about to sink. As Jesus saw their desperation, He stood up in the boat and simply commanded the wind and the sea to be still. In doing so, the wind completely stopped, the waves disappeared into glass like water and the storm was overtaken at the words of the Lord. We simply do not know the truth about our circumstances in this world until we hear a word of truth from Jesus. When we are frightened and convinced that everything around us is lost, our perception cannot be trusted. When we keep our eyes on Jesus and stay close to His Word, we remain in the placid eye of the storm. He alone can change our circumstances. He can calm the storms of life and He can change the country in which we live. He is the master of overcoming chaos and He is not surprised or afraid of the storms of this world. Call upon the name of the Lord Jesus today and repent of your sin. Invite Him to come into your heart and be your Lord and Savior. He alone can save you from sin and give you the hope of eternal life and a future home in heaven. He is coming back soon. I pray you will know Him and be ready to meet Him. He stands waiting for you in the eye of the storm.
May God bless you amazingly and often,
Rev. Dalton Lilly Narrow Road Ministries
Fredericksburg VA
[email protected]
Feb. 2021 Published in: Culpeper Star Exponent Culpeper VA
Dec column
G o d ’ s P e r f e c t G i f t
I love Christmas. It is such a wonderful time of year. I wish the season would last all year instead of just between Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. People seem to change during this short period of time each year. They seem happier and they become more friendly. They decorate their homes for the season and they even become more generous. Some who never give anything to anyone suddenly get an urge to give gifts. Moms and dads give to their children, families give to one another and friends exchange gifts across the country. December office parties spring up everywhere and people even give gifts to those they hardly speak to all year long. It’s quite amazing how the Christmas season primes people all over the world to begin thinking about giving a gift whether it be to a loved one or to a friend. What a wonderful season it is. As I reflect on the spirit of giving, I also reflect on a very disappointing aspect of giving. What if the people who received gifts refused their gift? What if a very special and costly gift were given to someone you loved, and they refused to even open the gift? What a heartbreaking experience Christmas would be if people all over the world purchased costly and wonderful gifts for their friends and loved ones and no one accepted them. What a dark Christmas it would be. Sometimes I think that God must feel that way when we reject the wonderful and priceless gift that He gave us so long ago. When I ponder Christmas, I still experience and cherish the gift that was given by God over 2000 years ago in the small town of Bethlehem. The gift was Jesus, His only begotten son. Yes, one starry special night in December He was born in a lowly stable next to the animals because there was no room that night anywhere in town where His mother could give birth to the child. He was born of the virgin Mary. He was and is the Son of God, Emanuel, which means “God with us.” He was the One whom God sent to the world to be the perfect gift. He was the “Word, the Son of God.” “He became flesh and dwelt among us.” (John 1:14) He was the one Messiah spoken of by God’s prophets 740 years earlier. Yes, Jesus, who after only 33 years of life on earth gave Himself sinless to a terrible wooden cross where He was scourged, beaten and crucified for the sins of the world. In His death He bled His precious perfect blood for every sin of man. In a tomb He was laid and on the third day He rose from the grave and conquered death for us all. Yes, it is God who has given the most excellent Gift to us, His Son Jesus. He has given us the gift of life through forgiveness of our sins. When we realize that there is absolutely no way that we ourselves can pay for our sin, we then realize that the only way to eternal life is through Jesus, the Messiah (Rom. 6:23). It is He and He alone who can save us and give eternal life. Christmas is receiving and celebrating the gift of life from God Himself. Won’t you receive God’s perfect gift this Christmas? His name is Jesus. He is the reason for this wonderful Christmas season. Receive God’s gift and pass it on to others. May God bless you amazingly and often. Rev. Dalton Lilly Narrow Road Ministries Fredericksburg VA [email protected] Dec. 2020 Published in: Culpeper Star Exponent Culpeper VA
G o d ’ s P e r f e c t G i f t
I love Christmas. It is such a wonderful time of year. I wish the season would last all year instead of just between Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. People seem to change during this short period of time each year. They seem happier and they become more friendly. They decorate their homes for the season and they even become more generous. Some who never give anything to anyone suddenly get an urge to give gifts. Moms and dads give to their children, families give to one another and friends exchange gifts across the country. December office parties spring up everywhere and people even give gifts to those they hardly speak to all year long. It’s quite amazing how the Christmas season primes people all over the world to begin thinking about giving a gift whether it be to a loved one or to a friend. What a wonderful season it is. As I reflect on the spirit of giving, I also reflect on a very disappointing aspect of giving. What if the people who received gifts refused their gift? What if a very special and costly gift were given to someone you loved, and they refused to even open the gift? What a heartbreaking experience Christmas would be if people all over the world purchased costly and wonderful gifts for their friends and loved ones and no one accepted them. What a dark Christmas it would be. Sometimes I think that God must feel that way when we reject the wonderful and priceless gift that He gave us so long ago. When I ponder Christmas, I still experience and cherish the gift that was given by God over 2000 years ago in the small town of Bethlehem. The gift was Jesus, His only begotten son. Yes, one starry special night in December He was born in a lowly stable next to the animals because there was no room that night anywhere in town where His mother could give birth to the child. He was born of the virgin Mary. He was and is the Son of God, Emanuel, which means “God with us.” He was the One whom God sent to the world to be the perfect gift. He was the “Word, the Son of God.” “He became flesh and dwelt among us.” (John 1:14) He was the one Messiah spoken of by God’s prophets 740 years earlier. Yes, Jesus, who after only 33 years of life on earth gave Himself sinless to a terrible wooden cross where He was scourged, beaten and crucified for the sins of the world. In His death He bled His precious perfect blood for every sin of man. In a tomb He was laid and on the third day He rose from the grave and conquered death for us all. Yes, it is God who has given the most excellent Gift to us, His Son Jesus. He has given us the gift of life through forgiveness of our sins. When we realize that there is absolutely no way that we ourselves can pay for our sin, we then realize that the only way to eternal life is through Jesus, the Messiah (Rom. 6:23). It is He and He alone who can save us and give eternal life. Christmas is receiving and celebrating the gift of life from God Himself. Won’t you receive God’s perfect gift this Christmas? His name is Jesus. He is the reason for this wonderful Christmas season. Receive God’s gift and pass it on to others. May God bless you amazingly and often. Rev. Dalton Lilly Narrow Road Ministries Fredericksburg VA [email protected] Dec. 2020 Published in: Culpeper Star Exponent Culpeper VA
Nov column
Has anyone bought a candy bar lately? If not, don’t be surprised when you find the cost of a small candy bar is over a dollar. Candy bars have gotten much smaller, and so has the value of the dollar. I remember when you could buy a candy bar for ten cents and a bottle of soda for fifteen cents. I guess those days are gone for good. While everything around us is changing, the value of certain things in life also changes. But hasn’t the value of things always been a matter of personal perspective? What a person is willing to pay for something pretty much determines its worth.
I remember buying my first car when I was back in high school. It was a 1963 Pontiac. I bought it from my uncle at a very discounted price of four hundred dollars. I couldn’t wait to get my first car home and go through every inch of it cleaning, waxing, and shining it. As I began vacuuming and cleaning the seats and carpet, I went through every crevasse I could find. Reaching under the seats my fingers pulled back dust, dirt, and a ton of unknown things, but way back under the front seat to my surprise, I raked back a wadded and wrinkled up dollar bill.
The dollar bill was hardly recognizable. Over the years it had been lost back under the car seat in a dark dusty corner. Covered with dust and dirt, it was stained and faded, its edges were rough and torn. The dollar that I had just found was hardly spendable, but in spite of its condition, I knew what it was worth. Immediately I washed the dollar
removing as many stains as I could. I gently repaired the edges and carefully taped the torn pieces together. When I had finished, it was ready for a trip to the bank. Arriving at the teller’s window, a young lady smiled at my repair job making note of the dollars battered condition. “It must have had a rough life,” she noted. She placed it in a drawer and redeemed my old dollar for a brand new crisp one-dollar bill. It may not sound like much now, but it was a lot to me in 1969.
Thinking back to that place in time reminds me of another great story of redemption between us and God. Did you know God sees you and I not for what we are right now, but for the full potential in life that He can bring to us through His love and redeeming grace? We may feel sometimes like a lost dollar bill, forgotten in some dark place, torn, and covered with the stains of the past. You may think your condition and circumstances are hopeless, but that is not true. God sees you in that place where you are, and He wants to restore you through the beauty of His
redemption. God has always known you and the plans He has for you even from your conception. (Jeremiah 29:11)
To Him you are worth more than any treasure in the world. He wants to renew your life, forgive your sin, and give you a future of light and hope for eternity.
Won’t you call on the name of Jesus now and be saved (Romans 10:13)? Invite Him into your life. He alone will forgive your sin and restore your life with a peace beyond all understanding. Jesus the Messiah is coming back soon for His people just as He said He would. Don’t wait another moment.
May God bless you amazingly
and often,
Rev. Dalton Lilly
Narrow Road Ministries
Fredericksburg VA
[email protected]
Nov. 2020
Published in:
Culpeper Star Exponent
Culpeper VA
Photography: Deborah Lilly
Has anyone bought a candy bar lately? If not, don’t be surprised when you find the cost of a small candy bar is over a dollar. Candy bars have gotten much smaller, and so has the value of the dollar. I remember when you could buy a candy bar for ten cents and a bottle of soda for fifteen cents. I guess those days are gone for good. While everything around us is changing, the value of certain things in life also changes. But hasn’t the value of things always been a matter of personal perspective? What a person is willing to pay for something pretty much determines its worth.
I remember buying my first car when I was back in high school. It was a 1963 Pontiac. I bought it from my uncle at a very discounted price of four hundred dollars. I couldn’t wait to get my first car home and go through every inch of it cleaning, waxing, and shining it. As I began vacuuming and cleaning the seats and carpet, I went through every crevasse I could find. Reaching under the seats my fingers pulled back dust, dirt, and a ton of unknown things, but way back under the front seat to my surprise, I raked back a wadded and wrinkled up dollar bill.
The dollar bill was hardly recognizable. Over the years it had been lost back under the car seat in a dark dusty corner. Covered with dust and dirt, it was stained and faded, its edges were rough and torn. The dollar that I had just found was hardly spendable, but in spite of its condition, I knew what it was worth. Immediately I washed the dollar
removing as many stains as I could. I gently repaired the edges and carefully taped the torn pieces together. When I had finished, it was ready for a trip to the bank. Arriving at the teller’s window, a young lady smiled at my repair job making note of the dollars battered condition. “It must have had a rough life,” she noted. She placed it in a drawer and redeemed my old dollar for a brand new crisp one-dollar bill. It may not sound like much now, but it was a lot to me in 1969.
Thinking back to that place in time reminds me of another great story of redemption between us and God. Did you know God sees you and I not for what we are right now, but for the full potential in life that He can bring to us through His love and redeeming grace? We may feel sometimes like a lost dollar bill, forgotten in some dark place, torn, and covered with the stains of the past. You may think your condition and circumstances are hopeless, but that is not true. God sees you in that place where you are, and He wants to restore you through the beauty of His
redemption. God has always known you and the plans He has for you even from your conception. (Jeremiah 29:11)
To Him you are worth more than any treasure in the world. He wants to renew your life, forgive your sin, and give you a future of light and hope for eternity.
Won’t you call on the name of Jesus now and be saved (Romans 10:13)? Invite Him into your life. He alone will forgive your sin and restore your life with a peace beyond all understanding. Jesus the Messiah is coming back soon for His people just as He said He would. Don’t wait another moment.
May God bless you amazingly
and often,
Rev. Dalton Lilly
Narrow Road Ministries
Fredericksburg VA
[email protected]
Nov. 2020
Published in:
Culpeper Star Exponent
Culpeper VA
Photography: Deborah Lilly
October Column
My wife and I just returned from a road trip to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. We traveled by car the one thousand miles there. It is quite a journey through mountains, valleys, forests, and farmlands of five states. The trip was wonderful until the return. We found ourselves on the Ohio Turnpike at the end of day heading directly into a frightening storm. Hurricane Laura sent storm clouds clear across the Ohio valley that were now looming in our path ahead. The sky grew black, clouds swirled, and rain could be seen filling the sky ahead. Headlights of cars and trucks emerged from the storm in the oncoming lanes, windshield wipers sloshing, lights flashing they searched through the wind and rain to find their way through the ever-present storm. As the distance shortened between us and the storm, dark clouds drew closer. My hands gripped the steering wheel as I feared the storm we were about to enter. But as I drove on, I remembered that we were not alone facing this frightening storm. My heart calmed as I realized the God who created the clouds, the wind, the lightening and the darkness was also the God who brought sunlight to our lives and was now with us, protecting us, keeping us safe from what was now on the road ahead. He was the same God who calmed a storm on the Sea of Galilee for a boat full of frightened and doubting disciples two thousand years ago. Now it was me and my wife in a small car and we were the ones facing the storm. Like then, the frightened passengers in the boat did not know what would happen to them until Jesus spoke. His words alone “Peace be still” in the midst of a storm calmed the waters.
My wife and I just returned from a road trip to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. We traveled by car the one thousand miles there. It is quite a journey through mountains, valleys, forests, and farmlands of five states. The trip was wonderful until the return. We found ourselves on the Ohio Turnpike at the end of day heading directly into a frightening storm. Hurricane Laura sent storm clouds clear across the Ohio valley that were now looming in our path ahead. The sky grew black, clouds swirled, and rain could be seen filling the sky ahead. Headlights of cars and trucks emerged from the storm in the oncoming lanes, windshield wipers sloshing, lights flashing they searched through the wind and rain to find their way through the ever-present storm. As the distance shortened between us and the storm, dark clouds drew closer. My hands gripped the steering wheel as I feared the storm we were about to enter. But as I drove on, I remembered that we were not alone facing this frightening storm. My heart calmed as I realized the God who created the clouds, the wind, the lightening and the darkness was also the God who brought sunlight to our lives and was now with us, protecting us, keeping us safe from what was now on the road ahead. He was the same God who calmed a storm on the Sea of Galilee for a boat full of frightened and doubting disciples two thousand years ago. Now it was me and my wife in a small car and we were the ones facing the storm. Like then, the frightened passengers in the boat did not know what would happen to them until Jesus spoke. His words alone “Peace be still” in the midst of a storm calmed the waters.
September 2020
My wife loves to bake. It is quite evident by some of the wonderful and tempting food creations that come from her kitchen. We make a lovely pair because everything she creates in that kitchen; I love to eat. Lately we have been spending a lot of time at our home in Virginia, so there is much opportunity for her to churn out a lot of wonderful treats. Likewise, there is also plenty of opportunity for me to indulge in those treats. She bakes some of the most beautiful loaves of homemade bread and this summer has been a great season for peaches. Her peach cobbler and pies are beyond description good. The only thing I have to consider is my waistline as I indulge in all of her wonderful cooking. I do take some spiritual comfort in the words from Ecclesiastes 9:15 as King Solomon commends the enjoyment of simply eating and enjoying good food. He declares it one of the many pleasures in life that God has so richly given to us to enjoy. I’m smiling; Now I don’t feel guilty about enjoying all that good food. Good food in this world is certainly a blessing to our bodies and it can add a lot of enjoyment to life, but there is another kind of food we need for our soul to survive and grow spiritually. The Bible tells us “Oh taste and see that the Lord is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!” (Psalm 34:8-9). Sometimes we may not understand why we feel so empty and lonely deep down inside. This emptiness we feel is our souls’ way of saying it hungers and longs for the sweet taste of God’s love and His Spiritual presence. In each of us, God has created a soul that needs and desires His Spiritual presence and fellowship. It’s the very reason we were created. When we are in fellowship with God, He reveals His plans for us, walks with us daily and guides our soul to an obedient and purposeful life. When we finally understand this and call upon the name of Jesus, He hears us and reaches back with forgiveness through his amazing gift of Grace. In that moment we turn to Him He allows us to taste the sweetness of His love and kindness through the fruits of His Spirit. He is the only one who can bring living water to our soul. He fills our emptiness with peace beyond all understanding as He forgives our sins of an entire lifetime. He alone can fill our hearts with hope and joy with a future far beyond the corrupted world in which we now live. He promises never to leave us or forsake us even until the end of the world (Math. 28:20). Still there are many people in this world today who are searching for the one thing that will finally satisfy the emptiness and hunger that lies deep within their souls. The food they most need will not be found in possessions, money, work, pleasure, hobbies, people, or anything like that. The hunger void within them can only be filled by God’s presence through His Holy Spirit. If your soul hungers today and your feeling empty, turn from sin, call upon the name of Jesus and you will be saved (Acts 2:21). Taste of His forgiveness and the fruits of His lovely Spirit. He will quench your thirst with living water. Your soul will never hunger or thirst again. May God Bless you, Rev. Dalton Lilly Narrow Road Ministries Fredericksburg VA [email protected] Sept. 2020 Published in: Culpeper Star Exponent Culpeper VA Photography: Deborah Lilly
My wife loves to bake. It is quite evident by some of the wonderful and tempting food creations that come from her kitchen. We make a lovely pair because everything she creates in that kitchen; I love to eat. Lately we have been spending a lot of time at our home in Virginia, so there is much opportunity for her to churn out a lot of wonderful treats. Likewise, there is also plenty of opportunity for me to indulge in those treats. She bakes some of the most beautiful loaves of homemade bread and this summer has been a great season for peaches. Her peach cobbler and pies are beyond description good. The only thing I have to consider is my waistline as I indulge in all of her wonderful cooking. I do take some spiritual comfort in the words from Ecclesiastes 9:15 as King Solomon commends the enjoyment of simply eating and enjoying good food. He declares it one of the many pleasures in life that God has so richly given to us to enjoy. I’m smiling; Now I don’t feel guilty about enjoying all that good food. Good food in this world is certainly a blessing to our bodies and it can add a lot of enjoyment to life, but there is another kind of food we need for our soul to survive and grow spiritually. The Bible tells us “Oh taste and see that the Lord is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!” (Psalm 34:8-9). Sometimes we may not understand why we feel so empty and lonely deep down inside. This emptiness we feel is our souls’ way of saying it hungers and longs for the sweet taste of God’s love and His Spiritual presence. In each of us, God has created a soul that needs and desires His Spiritual presence and fellowship. It’s the very reason we were created. When we are in fellowship with God, He reveals His plans for us, walks with us daily and guides our soul to an obedient and purposeful life. When we finally understand this and call upon the name of Jesus, He hears us and reaches back with forgiveness through his amazing gift of Grace. In that moment we turn to Him He allows us to taste the sweetness of His love and kindness through the fruits of His Spirit. He is the only one who can bring living water to our soul. He fills our emptiness with peace beyond all understanding as He forgives our sins of an entire lifetime. He alone can fill our hearts with hope and joy with a future far beyond the corrupted world in which we now live. He promises never to leave us or forsake us even until the end of the world (Math. 28:20). Still there are many people in this world today who are searching for the one thing that will finally satisfy the emptiness and hunger that lies deep within their souls. The food they most need will not be found in possessions, money, work, pleasure, hobbies, people, or anything like that. The hunger void within them can only be filled by God’s presence through His Holy Spirit. If your soul hungers today and your feeling empty, turn from sin, call upon the name of Jesus and you will be saved (Acts 2:21). Taste of His forgiveness and the fruits of His lovely Spirit. He will quench your thirst with living water. Your soul will never hunger or thirst again. May God Bless you, Rev. Dalton Lilly Narrow Road Ministries Fredericksburg VA [email protected] Sept. 2020 Published in: Culpeper Star Exponent Culpeper VA Photography: Deborah Lilly
July 2020
What are you looking forward to?
Looking forward to something
near and far keeps life fun and
exciting. When we were chil-
dren my sister and I looked
forward to road trips with fa-
ther in the old truck to the
farmers co-op. Though it was
but a few, it seemed like many
miles away. Down winding
roads through the countryside,
we traveled to purchase ani-
mal feed. Those trips to the
feed store also meant a double
dip of our favorite ice cream
stacked high on a golden
crispy cone. The anticipation
of those ice cream cones on
hot summer days was fun.
Then there was the last day of
school in June, free at last!
There were summer vacations
to visit grandparents in lower
Michigan. There was the mid-
summer picnics, Fourth of July
and the excitement of seeing
the fireworks. We always had
something to look forward to.
But how the years have
passed so quickly, we are old-
er now but even as adults we
still enjoy having things to look
forward to.
As Christians our eyes now
look far away past winding
roads to a place that God has
promised. Jesus said, “I am
going away to prepare a place
for you, and if I go and prepare
a place for you, I will come
again and receive you to My-
self where I am.” (John 14:3)
With our time on earth slowly
fading, the promise of a future
home in heaven is a glorious
thing that we look forward to
as believers in Christ. Our sal-
vation and forgiveness of sin
through Jesus brings the
promise of a new life here in
the near term and a glorious
eternal future in a place called
As we live each day in a world
that is rapidly changing, we
see our society burgeoning
with social challenges and un-
certainty. More than ever I
now look forward to a place
one day of peace and joy and
happiness in a city where God
himself is King. A place where
there is no presence of sin. A
place where people will live in
the light of perfect harmony
without fear of darkness and
If life in this world has become
difficult and even unbearable
for you, I want you to know
that today there is hope. Hope
comes from God. Hope is in
the name of a Savior called
Jesus. Asking Him into your
life today can change every-
thing. He alone can forgive
your sin and change your life.
God tells us in Jeremiah 29:11
“For I know the plans I have
for you, says the Lord,
thoughts of peace and not of
evil, to give you a future and a
Did you know that the God of
heaven and all creation holds
your eternal future in His
hands? He has loved you from
your inception and desires the
best possible future for you.
That is why through His loving
kindness and grace He contin-
ues to call you from your sin
while there is still time. He will
blot out your past, forgive your
sin and give you a future of
hope. He will fill your heart with
peace, and you will inherit eter-
nal life. Now that is something
to look forward to.
What are you looking forward
to in the near and far? I hope
you will look past this temporal
world you now live in and put
your hope in a place called
heaven. “Call upon the name of
the Lord today and you shall be
saved” (Acts 2:21). I look for-
ward to seeing you there.
May God bless you richly and
Rev. Dalton Lilly
Narrow Road Ministries
Fredericksburg VA
[email protected]
August 2020
Published in:
Culpeper Star Exponent
Culpeper VA
What are you looking forward to?
Looking forward to something
near and far keeps life fun and
exciting. When we were chil-
dren my sister and I looked
forward to road trips with fa-
ther in the old truck to the
farmers co-op. Though it was
but a few, it seemed like many
miles away. Down winding
roads through the countryside,
we traveled to purchase ani-
mal feed. Those trips to the
feed store also meant a double
dip of our favorite ice cream
stacked high on a golden
crispy cone. The anticipation
of those ice cream cones on
hot summer days was fun.
Then there was the last day of
school in June, free at last!
There were summer vacations
to visit grandparents in lower
Michigan. There was the mid-
summer picnics, Fourth of July
and the excitement of seeing
the fireworks. We always had
something to look forward to.
But how the years have
passed so quickly, we are old-
er now but even as adults we
still enjoy having things to look
forward to.
As Christians our eyes now
look far away past winding
roads to a place that God has
promised. Jesus said, “I am
going away to prepare a place
for you, and if I go and prepare
a place for you, I will come
again and receive you to My-
self where I am.” (John 14:3)
With our time on earth slowly
fading, the promise of a future
home in heaven is a glorious
thing that we look forward to
as believers in Christ. Our sal-
vation and forgiveness of sin
through Jesus brings the
promise of a new life here in
the near term and a glorious
eternal future in a place called
As we live each day in a world
that is rapidly changing, we
see our society burgeoning
with social challenges and un-
certainty. More than ever I
now look forward to a place
one day of peace and joy and
happiness in a city where God
himself is King. A place where
there is no presence of sin. A
place where people will live in
the light of perfect harmony
without fear of darkness and
If life in this world has become
difficult and even unbearable
for you, I want you to know
that today there is hope. Hope
comes from God. Hope is in
the name of a Savior called
Jesus. Asking Him into your
life today can change every-
thing. He alone can forgive
your sin and change your life.
God tells us in Jeremiah 29:11
“For I know the plans I have
for you, says the Lord,
thoughts of peace and not of
evil, to give you a future and a
Did you know that the God of
heaven and all creation holds
your eternal future in His
hands? He has loved you from
your inception and desires the
best possible future for you.
That is why through His loving
kindness and grace He contin-
ues to call you from your sin
while there is still time. He will
blot out your past, forgive your
sin and give you a future of
hope. He will fill your heart with
peace, and you will inherit eter-
nal life. Now that is something
to look forward to.
What are you looking forward
to in the near and far? I hope
you will look past this temporal
world you now live in and put
your hope in a place called
heaven. “Call upon the name of
the Lord today and you shall be
saved” (Acts 2:21). I look for-
ward to seeing you there.
May God bless you richly and
Rev. Dalton Lilly
Narrow Road Ministries
Fredericksburg VA
[email protected]
August 2020
Published in:
Culpeper Star Exponent
Culpeper VA
- Photography: Albert Jurado
June 2020
WHAT YOU DO IN THIS WORLD May Be More Important Than You Think
Have you ever felt that what you do in life doesn’t matter
I think we have all felt that way at one time or another. Sometimes we feel like our words fall on deaf ears and our deeds simply go unnoticed. We may feel that way sometimes but in reality, it’s not true. God’s Word tells us that every person is important to all mankind, our deeds and actions are vitally important. Jesus said, “Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven” (Math 5:16). Jesus was talking to every single human being who trusted in Him when He made this illustration. He meant that the power of the Holy Spirit working in us has the potential to light up the world around us and bring attention to Jesus who is the author of such life-changing behavior. Our lives when lived for Christ can be a powerful and significant influence with potential to change the entire world. You may say, really, how is that possible in this big world we live in? When you give a smile to someone who has none, when you encourage someone who is losing hope, when you allow someone ahead in the line at the grocery store, when you slow down and let a car into your lane, when you help a struggling waitress with a generous tip or help your neighbor with a job too big for one to handle or you wave at a police car or an officer on the street to show you appreciate them, when you thank every person in your doctor’s office before leaving your appointment, H
when you hug your children and tell them you love them, when you forgive a hurt by another, or when you call a friend and let them know you’re thinking of them, when you love your country, pray for your President and always speak the truth … you make a difference. You are a power of one to share God’s light with the world around you through His love and kindness. You may not realize it, but when you do these simple things you can change the world for someone. Jesus chose twelve people to affect a revolutionary change of love for mankind more than two thousand years ago. Today His gift of passion on the cross and His love for mankind continues through His Holy Spirit working in peoples lives. He chose ordinary people like you and I to be His instruments of change. Jesus promised to never leave us even until the end. Through Christ we have the power to continue changing the world until He comes for us. The apostle Paul wrote, “I can do
all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philip. 4:13). What part of all things is not all things? Think about this. If you can change your own family, you could affect change in your neighbor’s life. If you can change a neighbor through goodness and kindness, you could change your community. If you could change a community, you could change the town where you live. If you can change a town you change the state. If you change the state, you could change our country. If you can change a country, you may change the entire world. So, you see, what YOU do each day matters more than you know. God’s Word has already become reality. Sharing God’s love through your life makes you like a shining city on a hill. Yes, all things are possible through Christ who strengthens us through each day. May God bless you richly and often.
Rev. Dalton Lilly
Narrow Road Ministries
Fredericksburg VA
[email protected]
Published in: Culpeper Star Exponent Culpeper VA Photography: Owen Pearson
WHAT YOU DO IN THIS WORLD May Be More Important Than You Think
Have you ever felt that what you do in life doesn’t matter
I think we have all felt that way at one time or another. Sometimes we feel like our words fall on deaf ears and our deeds simply go unnoticed. We may feel that way sometimes but in reality, it’s not true. God’s Word tells us that every person is important to all mankind, our deeds and actions are vitally important. Jesus said, “Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven” (Math 5:16). Jesus was talking to every single human being who trusted in Him when He made this illustration. He meant that the power of the Holy Spirit working in us has the potential to light up the world around us and bring attention to Jesus who is the author of such life-changing behavior. Our lives when lived for Christ can be a powerful and significant influence with potential to change the entire world. You may say, really, how is that possible in this big world we live in? When you give a smile to someone who has none, when you encourage someone who is losing hope, when you allow someone ahead in the line at the grocery store, when you slow down and let a car into your lane, when you help a struggling waitress with a generous tip or help your neighbor with a job too big for one to handle or you wave at a police car or an officer on the street to show you appreciate them, when you thank every person in your doctor’s office before leaving your appointment, H
when you hug your children and tell them you love them, when you forgive a hurt by another, or when you call a friend and let them know you’re thinking of them, when you love your country, pray for your President and always speak the truth … you make a difference. You are a power of one to share God’s light with the world around you through His love and kindness. You may not realize it, but when you do these simple things you can change the world for someone. Jesus chose twelve people to affect a revolutionary change of love for mankind more than two thousand years ago. Today His gift of passion on the cross and His love for mankind continues through His Holy Spirit working in peoples lives. He chose ordinary people like you and I to be His instruments of change. Jesus promised to never leave us even until the end. Through Christ we have the power to continue changing the world until He comes for us. The apostle Paul wrote, “I can do
all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philip. 4:13). What part of all things is not all things? Think about this. If you can change your own family, you could affect change in your neighbor’s life. If you can change a neighbor through goodness and kindness, you could change your community. If you could change a community, you could change the town where you live. If you can change a town you change the state. If you change the state, you could change our country. If you can change a country, you may change the entire world. So, you see, what YOU do each day matters more than you know. God’s Word has already become reality. Sharing God’s love through your life makes you like a shining city on a hill. Yes, all things are possible through Christ who strengthens us through each day. May God bless you richly and often.
Rev. Dalton Lilly
Narrow Road Ministries
Fredericksburg VA
[email protected]
Published in: Culpeper Star Exponent Culpeper VA Photography: Owen Pearson
May 2020
You Shall Know a Tree by Its Fruit
us who may be continually observing our lives. What we say to someone or how we treat someone may have an everlasting effect on their lives. Our deeds and actions can inspire lifechanging experiences to those around us either for good or for bad. When we commit our lives to the Lord Jesus Christ, He becomes our Savior forgiving us of our sins and He also becomes the Lord of our life. He immediately begins replacing our old sinful nature with a new nature inspired by His Holy Spirit. This is the renewing of our heart referenced by the psalmist in Psalms 51:10 “Create in me a clean heart, O God and renew a steadfast spirit within me”. God alone transforms the human heart. We also see a clear reference to this inward changing of the heart from the apostle Paul in 2nd Cor 5:17 as he writes, “Therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new creation, old things pass away, behold all things have become new.”
Through God’s amazing life-changing process, we start to think and act differently. Those around us then begin to see Christ living in and through us as we are transformed from our old lifestyles and deeds. Isn’t God amazing? We start a new life, we are “born again”. If this isn’t enough to
make us conscious of the influence we can have on others around us in everyday life, the apostle Paul goes on to remind us in 2nd Cor 5:20 that “we who are believers in Christ are also ambassadors of Christ”. This is an exciting but sobering revelation to us.
Through all of this, we should remember that there are oceans of witnesses around us every day and that we have the exciting ability through Christ to demonstrate the love of God to all of them through our words and our deeds. So, let your heart be full of love and compassion for others as Christ did. Let your actions and your lifestyle genuinely reflect the goodness of your heart to others. When your life has ended let people say that you were a true “Ambassador for Christ”. The good fruit that you bear in this world through your life are the eternal treasures you lay up in heaven where neither moth nor rust can destroy them (Math.6:20). Let your character always be the character of Christ bearing good fruit in every season. May God bless you richly and often as you seek His ways and His will in all things.
By Rev. Dalton Lilly Narrow Road Ministries Fredericksburg VA [email protected] 5 24 20
ave you ever thought you knew someone really well but later found through their words or deeds that you were really wrong about them? It actually happens more than we really know. Is it any wonder that the Bible says in Math 7:16-17 “You will know them by their fruits, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit”? So it is that the claims of a person can sometimes be deceiving and what they do and say may be a deception that can give us a false impression of one’s character. The sure way to know the true character and the heart of a person is by their life. The fruit they bear in living out their life tells us everything about them.
Through this perfect analogy, Matthew was drawing a comparison to the condition of the inward heart and the outward actions of people. Many times, we fail to realize how important our behavior is to those around
You Shall Know a Tree by Its Fruit
us who may be continually observing our lives. What we say to someone or how we treat someone may have an everlasting effect on their lives. Our deeds and actions can inspire lifechanging experiences to those around us either for good or for bad. When we commit our lives to the Lord Jesus Christ, He becomes our Savior forgiving us of our sins and He also becomes the Lord of our life. He immediately begins replacing our old sinful nature with a new nature inspired by His Holy Spirit. This is the renewing of our heart referenced by the psalmist in Psalms 51:10 “Create in me a clean heart, O God and renew a steadfast spirit within me”. God alone transforms the human heart. We also see a clear reference to this inward changing of the heart from the apostle Paul in 2nd Cor 5:17 as he writes, “Therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new creation, old things pass away, behold all things have become new.”
Through God’s amazing life-changing process, we start to think and act differently. Those around us then begin to see Christ living in and through us as we are transformed from our old lifestyles and deeds. Isn’t God amazing? We start a new life, we are “born again”. If this isn’t enough to
make us conscious of the influence we can have on others around us in everyday life, the apostle Paul goes on to remind us in 2nd Cor 5:20 that “we who are believers in Christ are also ambassadors of Christ”. This is an exciting but sobering revelation to us.
Through all of this, we should remember that there are oceans of witnesses around us every day and that we have the exciting ability through Christ to demonstrate the love of God to all of them through our words and our deeds. So, let your heart be full of love and compassion for others as Christ did. Let your actions and your lifestyle genuinely reflect the goodness of your heart to others. When your life has ended let people say that you were a true “Ambassador for Christ”. The good fruit that you bear in this world through your life are the eternal treasures you lay up in heaven where neither moth nor rust can destroy them (Math.6:20). Let your character always be the character of Christ bearing good fruit in every season. May God bless you richly and often as you seek His ways and His will in all things.
By Rev. Dalton Lilly Narrow Road Ministries Fredericksburg VA [email protected] 5 24 20
ave you ever thought you knew someone really well but later found through their words or deeds that you were really wrong about them? It actually happens more than we really know. Is it any wonder that the Bible says in Math 7:16-17 “You will know them by their fruits, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit”? So it is that the claims of a person can sometimes be deceiving and what they do and say may be a deception that can give us a false impression of one’s character. The sure way to know the true character and the heart of a person is by their life. The fruit they bear in living out their life tells us everything about them.
Through this perfect analogy, Matthew was drawing a comparison to the condition of the inward heart and the outward actions of people. Many times, we fail to realize how important our behavior is to those around
April 22, 2020
The Shelter of His Wings
My friend Mark just acquired ten little fuzzy baby chicks. He is building a small chicken pen and a shelter for them. He is looking forward to raising them and even one day having his own fresh eggs. Chickens are wonderful and amazing birds. They come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. They can be great pets and they even provide wonderful food for us. Fresh eggs. God blessed us richly with the wonderful chicken. Growing up on a small farm, our family raised chickens and I remember as a child how fascinating it was to watch a mother hen protect and sit on her eggs until they hatched the fuzzy little peeping miracles. Once the chicks were hatched, we were also fascinated with the way the mother hen called her little flock as she guided them to food and water. And when there was a threat of any harm to them, she would place her wings around them holding them close, protecting them from any danger that might harm them.
Did you know that Jesus used that vary analogy of a mother hen to describe His love for the people of Israel? As Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem to lay down His life for us and be crucified, He cried. “Oh Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing! (Matt. 23:37).” Did you know that God loves us so much that He gave His only begotten Son Jesus so that we could have the gift of eternal life? (John 3:16) His plea to the nation of Israel is a plea to all people of the world today. His offer still stands. He wants to gather us unto Him. If we would accept His free gift of salvation and ask forgiveness of our sins, the hope of eternal life and a future in heaven would be ours. Why do many still reject His love and protection today?
In our dramatically changing world, we will continue to experience tribulations and turmoil, but God continues to call us unto Him. He is our mighty protector and a shield to us. He wants to receive us and comfort us if we would turn to Him. His word reassures us. “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most-High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shall take refuge.” (Psalms 91:1-4) This is a promise from God to His people forever. Through our faith in Christ Jesus we have hope and a future. When our hearts turn to the one who created the universe and all that is in it, we can lose our fear of what may come in this world. We as a nation must realize that our true sustaining hope comes from our faith in God.
As our world is stricken with the deadly COVID-19 virus, is it any wonder that there is fear for life and for safety and for a future. If it is fear that causes a baby chick to run to its mother’s wings for safety, can we learn a lesson even today from the analogy that Jesus gave two thousand years ago to demonstrate His love for us?
Turn to the protecting wings of Jesus today and let Him be your Savior and protector with the hope of His salvation and the gift of eternal life.
May God bless you richly and often.
Rev. Dalton Lilly
Narrow Road Ministries
The Shelter of His Wings
My friend Mark just acquired ten little fuzzy baby chicks. He is building a small chicken pen and a shelter for them. He is looking forward to raising them and even one day having his own fresh eggs. Chickens are wonderful and amazing birds. They come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. They can be great pets and they even provide wonderful food for us. Fresh eggs. God blessed us richly with the wonderful chicken. Growing up on a small farm, our family raised chickens and I remember as a child how fascinating it was to watch a mother hen protect and sit on her eggs until they hatched the fuzzy little peeping miracles. Once the chicks were hatched, we were also fascinated with the way the mother hen called her little flock as she guided them to food and water. And when there was a threat of any harm to them, she would place her wings around them holding them close, protecting them from any danger that might harm them.
Did you know that Jesus used that vary analogy of a mother hen to describe His love for the people of Israel? As Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem to lay down His life for us and be crucified, He cried. “Oh Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing! (Matt. 23:37).” Did you know that God loves us so much that He gave His only begotten Son Jesus so that we could have the gift of eternal life? (John 3:16) His plea to the nation of Israel is a plea to all people of the world today. His offer still stands. He wants to gather us unto Him. If we would accept His free gift of salvation and ask forgiveness of our sins, the hope of eternal life and a future in heaven would be ours. Why do many still reject His love and protection today?
In our dramatically changing world, we will continue to experience tribulations and turmoil, but God continues to call us unto Him. He is our mighty protector and a shield to us. He wants to receive us and comfort us if we would turn to Him. His word reassures us. “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most-High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shall take refuge.” (Psalms 91:1-4) This is a promise from God to His people forever. Through our faith in Christ Jesus we have hope and a future. When our hearts turn to the one who created the universe and all that is in it, we can lose our fear of what may come in this world. We as a nation must realize that our true sustaining hope comes from our faith in God.
As our world is stricken with the deadly COVID-19 virus, is it any wonder that there is fear for life and for safety and for a future. If it is fear that causes a baby chick to run to its mother’s wings for safety, can we learn a lesson even today from the analogy that Jesus gave two thousand years ago to demonstrate His love for us?
Turn to the protecting wings of Jesus today and let Him be your Savior and protector with the hope of His salvation and the gift of eternal life.
May God bless you richly and often.
Rev. Dalton Lilly
Narrow Road Ministries
March 26
Is There Life After Death?
I hear this question a lot lately. Do you think there is life after death? Actually, the world has been asking this question with doubt for centuries. The answer is, absolutely! God says through His Word “Man is appointed once and only once to die and then a judgement” (Hebrews 9:27). Why would God tell us there is one death and then a judgement? Because after our death on earth we will be evaluated by God to determine where we will spend eternity. Our decisions and choices will hold consequences after death. God is being amazingly transparent with us concerning this eternal matter. He is clear about telling us that He will never allow sin near Him or anywhere in heaven which is His kingdom. Heaven is a place that is filled with His glory and there is no sin there. We being born into a sin-filled world with a sin nature must be changed before we can enter into heaven. Romans 6:23 tells us that all mankind, each and every one of us have sinned and come short of the glory of God. It is a natural fact. We need a remedy for our sin before we can ever be in the presence of God. God’s remedy for our sin problem is His Son Jesus Christ. (John 3:16) “For God so loved the world He gave his only begotten son that whosoever would believe upon Him would have eternal life.” In Acts 4:12 God tells us “There is no other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved.” Only through the name of Jesus can we be saved from our sin. God clearly tells us we must turn from sin and believe on the name of Jesus for transformation and change in our life to enter the kingdom of heaven. Why did God send his son Jesus to the world to shed His blood and pay the price for our sin? Because God loves us beyond our comprehension and wants to save us from the certain eternal death of sin which will come after death for those who do not repent and choose Christ.
God loves His creation, every soul. His desire is that we trust Him through faith by accepting Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior. Through faith and a personal relationship with Jesus we lovingly submit to Him. That is the beginning of our journey to eternal life in His glorious kingdom.
Is there life after death? Absolutely! But where will you live? In eternal darkness and torment and separation from God? Or will you choose the love, joy, peace and light of heaven? As you draw your last breath on earth will you enter into the light of heaven and the presence of God?
The Bible says today is the day of salvation. Don’t wait another minute. Choose Jesus while you still have the breath of life. After death it is too late. Those who choose Jesus are forgiven of sin, judged innocent, and will live in the kingdom of heaven for eternity. Yes, most definitely! there is life after death.
There is a life in a glorious new kingdom called Heaven in the presence of God. But there is also a life of darkness in a place of torment called Hell. It is a regretful place for those who reject God. God created Hell for those who do not want to be in His presence. Choose where you will spend eternity today. Choose Jesus now! Choose heaven for your life after death.
May God bless you richly and often.
Rev. Dalton Lilly
Narrow Road Ministries
Fredericksburg Virginia
Is There Life After Death?
I hear this question a lot lately. Do you think there is life after death? Actually, the world has been asking this question with doubt for centuries. The answer is, absolutely! God says through His Word “Man is appointed once and only once to die and then a judgement” (Hebrews 9:27). Why would God tell us there is one death and then a judgement? Because after our death on earth we will be evaluated by God to determine where we will spend eternity. Our decisions and choices will hold consequences after death. God is being amazingly transparent with us concerning this eternal matter. He is clear about telling us that He will never allow sin near Him or anywhere in heaven which is His kingdom. Heaven is a place that is filled with His glory and there is no sin there. We being born into a sin-filled world with a sin nature must be changed before we can enter into heaven. Romans 6:23 tells us that all mankind, each and every one of us have sinned and come short of the glory of God. It is a natural fact. We need a remedy for our sin before we can ever be in the presence of God. God’s remedy for our sin problem is His Son Jesus Christ. (John 3:16) “For God so loved the world He gave his only begotten son that whosoever would believe upon Him would have eternal life.” In Acts 4:12 God tells us “There is no other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved.” Only through the name of Jesus can we be saved from our sin. God clearly tells us we must turn from sin and believe on the name of Jesus for transformation and change in our life to enter the kingdom of heaven. Why did God send his son Jesus to the world to shed His blood and pay the price for our sin? Because God loves us beyond our comprehension and wants to save us from the certain eternal death of sin which will come after death for those who do not repent and choose Christ.
God loves His creation, every soul. His desire is that we trust Him through faith by accepting Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior. Through faith and a personal relationship with Jesus we lovingly submit to Him. That is the beginning of our journey to eternal life in His glorious kingdom.
Is there life after death? Absolutely! But where will you live? In eternal darkness and torment and separation from God? Or will you choose the love, joy, peace and light of heaven? As you draw your last breath on earth will you enter into the light of heaven and the presence of God?
The Bible says today is the day of salvation. Don’t wait another minute. Choose Jesus while you still have the breath of life. After death it is too late. Those who choose Jesus are forgiven of sin, judged innocent, and will live in the kingdom of heaven for eternity. Yes, most definitely! there is life after death.
There is a life in a glorious new kingdom called Heaven in the presence of God. But there is also a life of darkness in a place of torment called Hell. It is a regretful place for those who reject God. God created Hell for those who do not want to be in His presence. Choose where you will spend eternity today. Choose Jesus now! Choose heaven for your life after death.
May God bless you richly and often.
Rev. Dalton Lilly
Narrow Road Ministries
Fredericksburg Virginia
March 2, 2020
Hearing God’s Voice Brings Peace In A Noisy World
I can't wait for the warming days of spring. I miss the stillness of the mornings and the sound of doves in meadows and roosters crowing in the distance. This I enjoy from the rocking chair on my front porch. It is a most special time of day for me when I sit myself down and listen to my Father in heaven. I look forward to this early quiet time away from the noise and the bustle of the world. When winter days descend, I still enjoy quiet time with just me and God but I retreat to the couch in front of the fireplace. I still get to see the forest and the morning sky, but it appears at sunrise through glass windowpanes to the East.
You know it doesn’t matter where you find it, but you must find it. It is a different place for all of us. A place where you can separate yourself from the noise of this world and hear the voice of God. You may ask, how do I hear God’s voice? God speaks in many ways. He speaks through His word. He speaks through His Holy Spirit teaching us how to understand scripture. His Spirit transforms the written word to the stillness of our heart and mind. When we quiet ourselves before the Lord away from distractions and seek our Father in heaven, He is there. He hears our voice and will share His wisdom and peace with our heart and soul (Jeramiah 33:3). His strength and encouragement we so desperately need to just get through another day in this crazy and busy world we live in.
Our society today is filled with noise and dangerous inputs. A lot of television programming is saturated with violence, immorality and hatred. Things that our families should never see or hear. We are overwhelmed with social media influences that thrive on dissension, lies and social discourse. You can see anything and everything from your cell phone or iPad on YouTube, Twitter and Facebook. I am stunned at the immediacy of the distribution and speed of information. No one gets a rest. God never intended for our lives to be like this. That is why we must guard our hearts and minds and strive daily to hear God’s voice. We all need a quiet place of retreat to stay in touch with the heavenly Father to absorb the influence of His truth, His way, and His peace that can only come from Him in such a time as this.
In Psalms 23 God’s word says, “He leadeth me beside still waters, He maketh me to lie down in green pastures, He prepares a table for me in the presence of my enemies.” God alone brings structure and peace to our lives. He alone can provide the peace we need if we spend time with Him and desire His presence in our lives. In II Corinthians 10:5 we are instructed to capture our thoughts and to be obedient to God. This is a difficult thing to do if we allow the forces of this runaway world to overtake our lives without seeking the wisdom of God daily.
If we truly want the presence of God in our lives to influence us, we have to pursue Him. We do that by allowing time each day to pray and listen for God’s voice. Find your quiet place to meet with God. Protect your heart from the distractions of the world. The quiet time you spend with God will change everything as you experience His peace beyond all understanding in today’s noisy world. (Philip. 4:7).
May God bless you richly and often.
Rev. Dalton Lilly
Fredericksburg, VA.
Hearing God’s Voice Brings Peace In A Noisy World
I can't wait for the warming days of spring. I miss the stillness of the mornings and the sound of doves in meadows and roosters crowing in the distance. This I enjoy from the rocking chair on my front porch. It is a most special time of day for me when I sit myself down and listen to my Father in heaven. I look forward to this early quiet time away from the noise and the bustle of the world. When winter days descend, I still enjoy quiet time with just me and God but I retreat to the couch in front of the fireplace. I still get to see the forest and the morning sky, but it appears at sunrise through glass windowpanes to the East.
You know it doesn’t matter where you find it, but you must find it. It is a different place for all of us. A place where you can separate yourself from the noise of this world and hear the voice of God. You may ask, how do I hear God’s voice? God speaks in many ways. He speaks through His word. He speaks through His Holy Spirit teaching us how to understand scripture. His Spirit transforms the written word to the stillness of our heart and mind. When we quiet ourselves before the Lord away from distractions and seek our Father in heaven, He is there. He hears our voice and will share His wisdom and peace with our heart and soul (Jeramiah 33:3). His strength and encouragement we so desperately need to just get through another day in this crazy and busy world we live in.
Our society today is filled with noise and dangerous inputs. A lot of television programming is saturated with violence, immorality and hatred. Things that our families should never see or hear. We are overwhelmed with social media influences that thrive on dissension, lies and social discourse. You can see anything and everything from your cell phone or iPad on YouTube, Twitter and Facebook. I am stunned at the immediacy of the distribution and speed of information. No one gets a rest. God never intended for our lives to be like this. That is why we must guard our hearts and minds and strive daily to hear God’s voice. We all need a quiet place of retreat to stay in touch with the heavenly Father to absorb the influence of His truth, His way, and His peace that can only come from Him in such a time as this.
In Psalms 23 God’s word says, “He leadeth me beside still waters, He maketh me to lie down in green pastures, He prepares a table for me in the presence of my enemies.” God alone brings structure and peace to our lives. He alone can provide the peace we need if we spend time with Him and desire His presence in our lives. In II Corinthians 10:5 we are instructed to capture our thoughts and to be obedient to God. This is a difficult thing to do if we allow the forces of this runaway world to overtake our lives without seeking the wisdom of God daily.
If we truly want the presence of God in our lives to influence us, we have to pursue Him. We do that by allowing time each day to pray and listen for God’s voice. Find your quiet place to meet with God. Protect your heart from the distractions of the world. The quiet time you spend with God will change everything as you experience His peace beyond all understanding in today’s noisy world. (Philip. 4:7).
May God bless you richly and often.
Rev. Dalton Lilly
Fredericksburg, VA.
February 5, 2020
Friends Forever
Do you like to meet people and make new friends? I do. I like to talk to people wherever I go. I find people interesting and most people have a lot to share with those who care about them. Having family and making new friends are an important part of life. Friends and family are the wonderful blessings that God has given us in life to provide companionship, pleasure and support in this sometimes hard and difficult world we live in. God knew in His wisdom that the world would be a difficult place to get along without the companionship of friends and family. In life, friends can join in our laughter, share our victories with us, care for us, and also be there to come alongside of us when life gets tough. Being a good friend to others is reciprocating with the things in life that they have given to you. Things like a helping hand or a listening ear when it is desperately needed. But friends are human, and people have their limitations. Sometimes they are not always available or sometimes they become wrapped in their own struggles of life and being there for another isn’t always possible. I am so thankful for every wonderful friend that I have in this world and my lovely family, but even they have their limitations in life.
As I reflect on the many wonderful people I have come to know in life, I remain amazed at the love and friendship of God. It is He who loves me more than any human being is capable of. He is my Father from Heaven who brought me into this world. His interest in my life and well-being surpasses all others. Though He has brought wonderful people into my life who care for me, they cannot be like God. He is the One who sent a Savior who gave His life for my sins on a rugged cross at Calvary. He is the One who is here day and night through all of the good times and even the bad. He is with me on the mountains and with me in the valleys of life. The Psalmist wrote, “If I ascend into heaven, You are there if I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there. If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there Your hand shall lead me and your right hand shall hold me.” Psalms 139:8-10. When I meditate on the love that God has for me, I am overwhelmed. I cannot comprehend how He can love me that much. Because I know who I really am and a lot of the time I am not that easy for others to love. Yes, friends are a wonderful blessing from God. They are the priceless treasures we find along the road of life. They are a savoring fragrance to the heart and soul. When they come along, they enhance our journey. So as you go through life, pursue good friends and treasure them. They are a gift from God. But as you travel this journey remember that there is no friend on earth who is like our Father in heaven. He gave, His own Son, Jesus, so that you and I would have a way to eternal life and a home forever in Heaven (John 3:16). Believe on the name of Jesus today and let Him be your friend. Friends forever.
May God Bless you richly and often.
Rev. Dalton Lilly,
Narrow Road Ministries
Friends Forever
Do you like to meet people and make new friends? I do. I like to talk to people wherever I go. I find people interesting and most people have a lot to share with those who care about them. Having family and making new friends are an important part of life. Friends and family are the wonderful blessings that God has given us in life to provide companionship, pleasure and support in this sometimes hard and difficult world we live in. God knew in His wisdom that the world would be a difficult place to get along without the companionship of friends and family. In life, friends can join in our laughter, share our victories with us, care for us, and also be there to come alongside of us when life gets tough. Being a good friend to others is reciprocating with the things in life that they have given to you. Things like a helping hand or a listening ear when it is desperately needed. But friends are human, and people have their limitations. Sometimes they are not always available or sometimes they become wrapped in their own struggles of life and being there for another isn’t always possible. I am so thankful for every wonderful friend that I have in this world and my lovely family, but even they have their limitations in life.
As I reflect on the many wonderful people I have come to know in life, I remain amazed at the love and friendship of God. It is He who loves me more than any human being is capable of. He is my Father from Heaven who brought me into this world. His interest in my life and well-being surpasses all others. Though He has brought wonderful people into my life who care for me, they cannot be like God. He is the One who sent a Savior who gave His life for my sins on a rugged cross at Calvary. He is the One who is here day and night through all of the good times and even the bad. He is with me on the mountains and with me in the valleys of life. The Psalmist wrote, “If I ascend into heaven, You are there if I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there. If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there Your hand shall lead me and your right hand shall hold me.” Psalms 139:8-10. When I meditate on the love that God has for me, I am overwhelmed. I cannot comprehend how He can love me that much. Because I know who I really am and a lot of the time I am not that easy for others to love. Yes, friends are a wonderful blessing from God. They are the priceless treasures we find along the road of life. They are a savoring fragrance to the heart and soul. When they come along, they enhance our journey. So as you go through life, pursue good friends and treasure them. They are a gift from God. But as you travel this journey remember that there is no friend on earth who is like our Father in heaven. He gave, His own Son, Jesus, so that you and I would have a way to eternal life and a home forever in Heaven (John 3:16). Believe on the name of Jesus today and let Him be your friend. Friends forever.
May God Bless you richly and often.
Rev. Dalton Lilly,
Narrow Road Ministries
January 2, 2020
Thank God For New Beginnings
I love the thought of new beginnings. I love the possibilities that come with starting over. How many times in life have we done things or said things we ultimately regret? I can’t count the times I have wanted to take back something I said to someone or something I did in life. I think about how different things might have been with just one more chance. I remember as a child my mother would give coloring books to my sister and me. In our carefree exuberance wielding the Crayola crayons we often made a mess of the pictures we thought were our best works of art. But our final pictures were often finished with bad color choices and too many scribbles outside of the picture lines. But as we finished our works of art and submitted them for her review, she politely admired our work and without discouragement insisted we turn the page and try again. We were always given a second chance. A new beginning. There were no wrong ways to express our talents but just better ways that would certainly come to light with just one more chance. She would turn the page and offer her suggestions and Walla! We were starting all over again with a clean new picture and a second chance with all things being possible.
I am so thankful that our loving Father in heaven is a God of second chances. I know this to be true. He is the author of new beginnings and our hope for all things possible. We see it in every aspect of His wonderful creation. Did you know that every time you see a sunrise, someone sees a sunset? Someone sees a new day beginning and someone sees their day come to a close. This repetitive miracle happens every minute of every day to someone somewhere all around the world.
God is so kind and understanding He urges us to focus on the day that is at hand. He tells us in advance that the day to come will have worries of its own (Matthew 6:34). He created the world and our life for living one day at a time. What we find or lose today we will have the possibilities of retrieving tomorrow. When we fall short in sin today, He gives us hope and a second chance through Christ on the morrow. What a wonderful gift from God. He is the author of new beginnings and hope through salvation for our future.
God has given us a life full of second chances and new beginnings. He knows that we are humans of flesh full of shortcomings. He knows the world of sin in which we live. He knows we need a new and fresh beginning in our souls to overcome the fatal effects of sin. For the ultimate new beginning in life we need a Savior. His name is Jesus. 2019 has ended. Are you ready for a fresh and new beginning and a second chance at life? Imagine a new beginning with God. You could be forgiven from all of your sin with all things new and possible.
Splash the colors of your heart and soul into the hands of God and let Him put you back within the lines of His care and love. He has a full and beautiful picture of your future that He has always planned and seen for you (Jeremiah 29:11-13). Let God turn the page and share it with you. Receive His gift of salvation. Jesus is our new beginning and I thank God for new beginnings.
May God bless you richly and often.
Rev. Dalton Lilly
Fredericksburg, Va.
Thank God For New Beginnings
I love the thought of new beginnings. I love the possibilities that come with starting over. How many times in life have we done things or said things we ultimately regret? I can’t count the times I have wanted to take back something I said to someone or something I did in life. I think about how different things might have been with just one more chance. I remember as a child my mother would give coloring books to my sister and me. In our carefree exuberance wielding the Crayola crayons we often made a mess of the pictures we thought were our best works of art. But our final pictures were often finished with bad color choices and too many scribbles outside of the picture lines. But as we finished our works of art and submitted them for her review, she politely admired our work and without discouragement insisted we turn the page and try again. We were always given a second chance. A new beginning. There were no wrong ways to express our talents but just better ways that would certainly come to light with just one more chance. She would turn the page and offer her suggestions and Walla! We were starting all over again with a clean new picture and a second chance with all things being possible.
I am so thankful that our loving Father in heaven is a God of second chances. I know this to be true. He is the author of new beginnings and our hope for all things possible. We see it in every aspect of His wonderful creation. Did you know that every time you see a sunrise, someone sees a sunset? Someone sees a new day beginning and someone sees their day come to a close. This repetitive miracle happens every minute of every day to someone somewhere all around the world.
God is so kind and understanding He urges us to focus on the day that is at hand. He tells us in advance that the day to come will have worries of its own (Matthew 6:34). He created the world and our life for living one day at a time. What we find or lose today we will have the possibilities of retrieving tomorrow. When we fall short in sin today, He gives us hope and a second chance through Christ on the morrow. What a wonderful gift from God. He is the author of new beginnings and hope through salvation for our future.
God has given us a life full of second chances and new beginnings. He knows that we are humans of flesh full of shortcomings. He knows the world of sin in which we live. He knows we need a new and fresh beginning in our souls to overcome the fatal effects of sin. For the ultimate new beginning in life we need a Savior. His name is Jesus. 2019 has ended. Are you ready for a fresh and new beginning and a second chance at life? Imagine a new beginning with God. You could be forgiven from all of your sin with all things new and possible.
Splash the colors of your heart and soul into the hands of God and let Him put you back within the lines of His care and love. He has a full and beautiful picture of your future that He has always planned and seen for you (Jeremiah 29:11-13). Let God turn the page and share it with you. Receive His gift of salvation. Jesus is our new beginning and I thank God for new beginnings.
May God bless you richly and often.
Rev. Dalton Lilly
Fredericksburg, Va.
December 4, 2019
God’s Perfect Gift Is Jesus
By Rev. Dalton Lilly
I love Christmas. It is such a wonderful time of year. I wish the season would last all year instead of just between Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. People seem to change during this short period of time each year. They seem happier and they become more friendly. They decorate their homes for the season and they even become more generous. Some who never give anything to anyone suddenly get an urge to give gifts. Moms and dads give to their children, families give to one another and friends exchange gifts across the country. December office parties spring up everywhere and people even give gifts to those they hardly speak to all year long. It’s quite amazing how the Christmas season primes people all over the world to begin thinking about giving a gift whether it be to a loved one or to a friend. What a wonderful season it is. As I reflect on the spirit of giving, I also reflect on a very disappointing aspect of giving. What if the people who received gifts refused their gift? What if a very special and costly gift were given to someone you loved, and they refused to even open the gift? What a heart-breaking experience Christmas would be if people all over the world purchased costly and wonderful gifts for their friends and loved ones and no one accepted the gifts. What a dark Christmas it would be. Sometimes, I think that God must feel that way when we reject the wonderful and priceless gift that He gave to us so long ago.
When I ponder Christmas, I still experience and cherish the gift that was given by God over 2000 years ago in the small town of Bethlehem. The gift was Jesus, His only begotten son. Yes, one starry special night in December He was born in a lowly stable next to the animals because there was no room that night anywhere in town where His mother could give birth to the child. He was born of the virgin Mary. He was and is the Son of God, Emanuel, which means “God with us.” He was the One whom God sent to the world to be the perfect gift. He was the “Word,” the “Son of God,” “He became flesh and dwelt among us.” (John 1:14)
He was the one Messiah spoken of by God’s prophets 740 years earlier. Yes, Jesus, who after only 33 years of life on earth gave Himself sinless to a terrible wooden cross where He was scourged, beaten and crucified for the sins of the world. In His death He bled His precious perfect blood for every sin of man. In a tomb He was laid and on the third day He rose from the grave and conquered death for us all. Yes, it is God who has given the most excellent Gift to us, His Son Jesus. He has given us the gift of life through forgiveness of our sins. When we realize that there is absolutely no way that we ourselves can pay for our sin, we then realize that the only way to eternal life is through Jesus the Messiah (Rom 6:23). It is He and He alone who can save us and give eternal life.
Christmas is receiving and celebrating the gift of life from God Himself. Won’t you receive God’s perfect gift this Christmas? His name is Jesus. He is the reason for this wonderful Christmas season. Receive God’s gift and pass it on to others.
May God bless you richly and often.
Rev. Dalton Lilly,
Narrow Road Ministries
God’s Perfect Gift Is Jesus
By Rev. Dalton Lilly
I love Christmas. It is such a wonderful time of year. I wish the season would last all year instead of just between Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. People seem to change during this short period of time each year. They seem happier and they become more friendly. They decorate their homes for the season and they even become more generous. Some who never give anything to anyone suddenly get an urge to give gifts. Moms and dads give to their children, families give to one another and friends exchange gifts across the country. December office parties spring up everywhere and people even give gifts to those they hardly speak to all year long. It’s quite amazing how the Christmas season primes people all over the world to begin thinking about giving a gift whether it be to a loved one or to a friend. What a wonderful season it is. As I reflect on the spirit of giving, I also reflect on a very disappointing aspect of giving. What if the people who received gifts refused their gift? What if a very special and costly gift were given to someone you loved, and they refused to even open the gift? What a heart-breaking experience Christmas would be if people all over the world purchased costly and wonderful gifts for their friends and loved ones and no one accepted the gifts. What a dark Christmas it would be. Sometimes, I think that God must feel that way when we reject the wonderful and priceless gift that He gave to us so long ago.
When I ponder Christmas, I still experience and cherish the gift that was given by God over 2000 years ago in the small town of Bethlehem. The gift was Jesus, His only begotten son. Yes, one starry special night in December He was born in a lowly stable next to the animals because there was no room that night anywhere in town where His mother could give birth to the child. He was born of the virgin Mary. He was and is the Son of God, Emanuel, which means “God with us.” He was the One whom God sent to the world to be the perfect gift. He was the “Word,” the “Son of God,” “He became flesh and dwelt among us.” (John 1:14)
He was the one Messiah spoken of by God’s prophets 740 years earlier. Yes, Jesus, who after only 33 years of life on earth gave Himself sinless to a terrible wooden cross where He was scourged, beaten and crucified for the sins of the world. In His death He bled His precious perfect blood for every sin of man. In a tomb He was laid and on the third day He rose from the grave and conquered death for us all. Yes, it is God who has given the most excellent Gift to us, His Son Jesus. He has given us the gift of life through forgiveness of our sins. When we realize that there is absolutely no way that we ourselves can pay for our sin, we then realize that the only way to eternal life is through Jesus the Messiah (Rom 6:23). It is He and He alone who can save us and give eternal life.
Christmas is receiving and celebrating the gift of life from God Himself. Won’t you receive God’s perfect gift this Christmas? His name is Jesus. He is the reason for this wonderful Christmas season. Receive God’s gift and pass it on to others.
May God bless you richly and often.
Rev. Dalton Lilly,
Narrow Road Ministries
November 2019
Yes, You Have To Make A Decision
Decisions, decisions. Sometimes making a decision is easy to do, think fast act decisively. Then there are those times when making a decision is the last thing we want to do. Example, selecting my favorite flavor of ice cream is not too hard to do when standing at the ice cream parlor. Thoughts of a double dip chocolate ice cream cone motivate me tremendously. On the other hand, when it comes to preparing my taxes, I am not so motivated. In fact, I find myself procrastinating until the last minute. Making decisions can be fun but they can also be agonizing. Did you know that researchers who study our wonderful human brain believe that the average person makes around 35,000 conscious decisions a day? Our brain also makes an infinite number of subconscious decisions within our bodies that keep us alive. Things like heart movement, blood circulation, breathing, lung activity and on and on. God has created us wonderfully. We have a brain that is complex, making it possible for us to enjoy this wonderful world that He has given us to live in. He has also put in the heart and mind of every man the knowledge of eternity. (Eccl 3:11) In our hearts we know that life on earth is for a short period of time. But we also think about what lies beyond life on earth and the significance of our deeds and activities. Beyond the sky, the clouds, the stars and into an eternity beyond the blue. Deep down within us the knowledge of good and evil and life and death exists. With that knowledge we are confronted with important decisions about life. How will we live our lives and what will we ultimately believe when it comes to eternal life? Will we believe that God is who He says He is? Will we trust Him for our salvation and eternal life? These questions pull at our heart and demand a personal decision. The decisions we make about Jesus will change our eternal destiny. The Bible tells us that today is the day of salvation. (2nd Cor. 6:2). Today arrived with a shout of urgency invoking the greatest cutting question. What will you do with Jesus? You have to answer the question decisively. We have to decide. Even no decision in this matter becomes your decision. Will you accept Jesus and trust Him, or will you continue on your own way which leads further away from Him? A decision to turn from sin into a relationship with God is a choice that will bring immediate gratification. His Spirit will enter your life and bring peace through forgiveness of your sin. You will experience the peace and joy of knowing you will spend eternity with Him in a place called heaven. You will never see the gates of a terrible and dark place called hell or experience its pain and suffering and gnashing of teeth. You will live the miracle of companionship and friendship with God every moment of every day. You will experience true life and even more abundantly. God is for real. Jesus is for real. Salvation is for real. Today you stand in the midst of the most important decision you will ever make. What will you do about Jesus? He loves you and He is not going away. But we are. And very soon. Where will you be going for eternity? (Eccl. 12:13-14)
I hope today you have chosen Jesus. If not, please make that decision today while there is still time.
May god bless you richly and often.
Rev. Dalton Lilly
Narrow Road Ministries 540-785-9919
Yes, You Have To Make A Decision
Decisions, decisions. Sometimes making a decision is easy to do, think fast act decisively. Then there are those times when making a decision is the last thing we want to do. Example, selecting my favorite flavor of ice cream is not too hard to do when standing at the ice cream parlor. Thoughts of a double dip chocolate ice cream cone motivate me tremendously. On the other hand, when it comes to preparing my taxes, I am not so motivated. In fact, I find myself procrastinating until the last minute. Making decisions can be fun but they can also be agonizing. Did you know that researchers who study our wonderful human brain believe that the average person makes around 35,000 conscious decisions a day? Our brain also makes an infinite number of subconscious decisions within our bodies that keep us alive. Things like heart movement, blood circulation, breathing, lung activity and on and on. God has created us wonderfully. We have a brain that is complex, making it possible for us to enjoy this wonderful world that He has given us to live in. He has also put in the heart and mind of every man the knowledge of eternity. (Eccl 3:11) In our hearts we know that life on earth is for a short period of time. But we also think about what lies beyond life on earth and the significance of our deeds and activities. Beyond the sky, the clouds, the stars and into an eternity beyond the blue. Deep down within us the knowledge of good and evil and life and death exists. With that knowledge we are confronted with important decisions about life. How will we live our lives and what will we ultimately believe when it comes to eternal life? Will we believe that God is who He says He is? Will we trust Him for our salvation and eternal life? These questions pull at our heart and demand a personal decision. The decisions we make about Jesus will change our eternal destiny. The Bible tells us that today is the day of salvation. (2nd Cor. 6:2). Today arrived with a shout of urgency invoking the greatest cutting question. What will you do with Jesus? You have to answer the question decisively. We have to decide. Even no decision in this matter becomes your decision. Will you accept Jesus and trust Him, or will you continue on your own way which leads further away from Him? A decision to turn from sin into a relationship with God is a choice that will bring immediate gratification. His Spirit will enter your life and bring peace through forgiveness of your sin. You will experience the peace and joy of knowing you will spend eternity with Him in a place called heaven. You will never see the gates of a terrible and dark place called hell or experience its pain and suffering and gnashing of teeth. You will live the miracle of companionship and friendship with God every moment of every day. You will experience true life and even more abundantly. God is for real. Jesus is for real. Salvation is for real. Today you stand in the midst of the most important decision you will ever make. What will you do about Jesus? He loves you and He is not going away. But we are. And very soon. Where will you be going for eternity? (Eccl. 12:13-14)
I hope today you have chosen Jesus. If not, please make that decision today while there is still time.
May god bless you richly and often.
Rev. Dalton Lilly
Narrow Road Ministries 540-785-9919
October 11, 2019
A Season For Everything
Its autumn again! The leaves here on the lane where we live have turned to beautiful shades of red, yellow and gold. They are a sight to behold. As I enjoy an early cup of coffee, I am mesmerized as the morning sun rises and reflects their many colors. The beauty of fall has also come to the mountains and countryside of Virginia. The grass and trees in their vibrant colors of summer greens are slowly dressing themselves in the pastels of the new season. But we all know that the cascade of autumn colors is short lived. The brisk air will soon come with its frost and winter snow will follow. As I see each season come and go, I think how exciting and wonderful the world is that we live in. God has given us seasons of change. His creation is full of changes that keep life fresh and new to us for our enjoyment and pleasure. The seasons are so wonderful! And as the colors on the lane begin to change again, I am reminded that change is a part of life.
In God’s word (Ecclesiastes 3:1) King Solomon wrote “For everything there is a season.” This is so true in life. In our youth we enjoy new beginnings through the Spring of life. The short but carefree and wonderful time of life soon passes. Spring with its sunshine and newness prepares us to enjoy the days of summer as we begin to enter a new time of responsibility and fullness of life. Then autumn begins to come without a whisper of warning. We soon find ourselves reflecting on everything that has past in life. And then winter and the prospect of closure. Every season is a wonderful gift from God. Every experience and every road we travel is a journey and a gift. In (Jeremiah 29:11) God tells us “For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” God wants to walk with us through every season of our life. He wants to enrich us and guide us with His Spirit and to provide for us all along the way. His intentions are to help us grow in His wisdom and apply His strength to our weaknesses. As a father to a child He wants to watch over us and protect us. He wants to give us hope and fulfillment in every season. In (John 6:35) Jesus said, “I am the bread of life, he that comes to me shall never hunger, and he that believes on me shall never thirst.” Jesus gave us the perfect prescription for contentment and complete eternal life. He invites us to come to Him and to receive Him so that our life will become as colorful and beautiful as the autumn leaves. His presence alone in our life changes everything.
It’s now autumn in Virginia. But what season of life are you walking through today? I hope you will not let another autumn come and go without reaching out to the Lord Jesus Christ. He will make every season of your life complete and full of contentment and hope. He is calling you today to a relationship with Him. I pray you call upon His name today for truth, hope and salvation. The Bible tells us (Acts 4:12) “There is no other name given under heaven among men whereby we can be saved.” It is the name of Jesus. (see John 3:16)
May God bless you richly and often!
Rev. Dalton Lilly
Narrow Road Ministries 540-785-9919
A Season For Everything
Its autumn again! The leaves here on the lane where we live have turned to beautiful shades of red, yellow and gold. They are a sight to behold. As I enjoy an early cup of coffee, I am mesmerized as the morning sun rises and reflects their many colors. The beauty of fall has also come to the mountains and countryside of Virginia. The grass and trees in their vibrant colors of summer greens are slowly dressing themselves in the pastels of the new season. But we all know that the cascade of autumn colors is short lived. The brisk air will soon come with its frost and winter snow will follow. As I see each season come and go, I think how exciting and wonderful the world is that we live in. God has given us seasons of change. His creation is full of changes that keep life fresh and new to us for our enjoyment and pleasure. The seasons are so wonderful! And as the colors on the lane begin to change again, I am reminded that change is a part of life.
In God’s word (Ecclesiastes 3:1) King Solomon wrote “For everything there is a season.” This is so true in life. In our youth we enjoy new beginnings through the Spring of life. The short but carefree and wonderful time of life soon passes. Spring with its sunshine and newness prepares us to enjoy the days of summer as we begin to enter a new time of responsibility and fullness of life. Then autumn begins to come without a whisper of warning. We soon find ourselves reflecting on everything that has past in life. And then winter and the prospect of closure. Every season is a wonderful gift from God. Every experience and every road we travel is a journey and a gift. In (Jeremiah 29:11) God tells us “For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” God wants to walk with us through every season of our life. He wants to enrich us and guide us with His Spirit and to provide for us all along the way. His intentions are to help us grow in His wisdom and apply His strength to our weaknesses. As a father to a child He wants to watch over us and protect us. He wants to give us hope and fulfillment in every season. In (John 6:35) Jesus said, “I am the bread of life, he that comes to me shall never hunger, and he that believes on me shall never thirst.” Jesus gave us the perfect prescription for contentment and complete eternal life. He invites us to come to Him and to receive Him so that our life will become as colorful and beautiful as the autumn leaves. His presence alone in our life changes everything.
It’s now autumn in Virginia. But what season of life are you walking through today? I hope you will not let another autumn come and go without reaching out to the Lord Jesus Christ. He will make every season of your life complete and full of contentment and hope. He is calling you today to a relationship with Him. I pray you call upon His name today for truth, hope and salvation. The Bible tells us (Acts 4:12) “There is no other name given under heaven among men whereby we can be saved.” It is the name of Jesus. (see John 3:16)
May God bless you richly and often!
Rev. Dalton Lilly
Narrow Road Ministries 540-785-9919
September 13, 2019
A Perfect Match
Nearly a year ago my dear friend Mark was battling cancer. In one of his darkest weeks while in the hospital, his wife Kate came to visit bringing him a card with wishes to get well. At the bottom of the card she signed; “I love you, get well soon, for I just can’t be me without you my love.” Those words from Kate brought life lifting encouragement to Mark and thank God he went on to recover from his cancer and is doing well today. In those darkest hours of battle Kate had realized that Mark was the center piece of her life and without him she would be lost. In fact, to the point that she couldn’t be herself without him in her life. Mark and Kate have reminded me that some people and some things in life are a perfect match, they are just meant to be together. For instance, apple pie is just meant for a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Baseball has to have hot dogs; the ocean has to have sand and clouds need to have rain. And did you know that we are meant to be with God? We are His perfect match in creation. The Bible tells us that we were even created in His image (Genesis 1:27). God has always meant for us to be in a relationship with Him. Did you know that we just can’t be the one He intended for us to be without Him? For true contentment and fulfillment in life we need a relationship with our Creator.
Many people in the world today are experiencing emptiness deep down inside their souls. They sense that something in their life is missing but often times they are not sure what it is. They attempt to fill their emptiness inside with things of the world. Things they see and know. Things like money, personal possessions, other people, long hours of work or the pursuit of power, but nothing they possess or achieve can fill the place that was meant for God. He has created us with a longing for Him and a relationship with Him. We are lonely for Him when we are separated from Him by sin. We sometimes don’t understand that it is He whom we need so desperately. It is only He who can give us true peace, joy and fulfillment. His presence in us brings forgiveness of sin, hope and an eternal future of life. There is nothing that can replace or substitute God in us. We are meant to be together.
Since He brought us into the world from the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:27), God meant for us to walk with Him. He meant for us to know Him as our Father and Creator. Every soul born into the world is brought into the world to walk with God and to glorify Him. He wants us to trust Him through faith and live in the light of His love and mercy toward us.
Our sin separates us from God, but we can join Him by acknowledging that we have separated from Him in our sinful nature. We can find forgiveness and reconciliation today by turning from our sin and accepting Jesus as the one who paid for our sins on the cross at that place called Calvary (John 3:16). The reality is I can’t be the one God intended me to be without Jesus and neither can you. Won’t you ask Christ into your life today. Receive His love and forgiveness. In Him alone there is peace and contentment for life as He has always meant to be our perfect match.
May God bless you richly and often.
Rev. Dalton Lilly, Narrow Road Ministries
Fredericksburg, Va. 540-785-9919
August 20, 2019
Finding Safe Harbor
Last week my wife and I stood on the Northern shores of Upper Michigan while visiting the historical town of Marquette. We stood among the birches of Presque Isle and look out over the water of Lake Superior to the North. We witnessed the surging of Lake Superior waves sprawling all the way to the Northern Province of Ontario, Canada. The morning sun joined in from the East like a birthing star rising out of the crimson lake. There was a chill in the air as we watched the waves of the great lake crashing against the north side of the city break water wall.
The old breaker wall of concrete and stone is the only obstacle separating the raging waves of Lake Superior from damaging the small harbor town of Marquette. On one side of us the waves blasted upward and fell upon the rocks of the breaker wall but on the harbor side of the wall the blue water was different. It was placid and calm. Small fishing boats tied to the wooden pylons rested in their inner place of calm water. Sailboats of all sizes flecked the inner harbor with color as they floated carelessly. Their canvas mainsails in pastels of yellow, red and white rocked gently in the morning sunlight.
As I witnessed the morning panorama of Marquette harbor, I imagined the waves and storms of life in their most hostile form while yet a contrast to their sometimes calm and peaceful presence. Is not our life somewhat like these waters? I have felt the storms of disappointment and the waves of hopelessness in life. I think we all have. When those times come to us in life we can feel as though we are sinking in troubled waters. One day everything in life can seem perfect. We sail smoothly with a forecast of sunshine. But oh, how things can change when we encounter high winds and dark clouds and the waves become a storm.
When storms come upon us, we need a safe harbor. We need a strong wall to protect us from what we may encounter. Our safe harbor is Jesus. His is God and He is mighty to save us. He may allow us to face the physical pain and disappointments of life, but while doing so He brings peace and calmness within us that can only come from His presence. His Spirit within us is our strength in times of trouble. He is our strong tower where we find impenetrable refuge from our enemies. He goes before us and makes the road straight. He is our eternal salvation (John 3:16). He is our mighty fortress and our counselor. He is our Savior. He is our friend. And still, He is God.
Are you struggling today from life’s storm damage? Are you lonely? Do you feel defeated? You may think there is no hope and that you are sinking in the deepest waters of life but there is good news. God can change every circumstance in your life. Call upon the name of Jesus, turn from sin and ask Him into your life today. He is the safe harbor. He is the rock to cling to. He is the only one who can bring eternal peace beyond all understanding to your life. He is God. He is the compass in all ways of truth, only a prayer away. Find safe harbor. Call upon the name of the Lord today and He will answer you. (Jeremiah 33:3)
Rev. Dalton Lilly, Narrow Road Ministries
May God bless you richly and often.
Finding Safe Harbor
Last week my wife and I stood on the Northern shores of Upper Michigan while visiting the historical town of Marquette. We stood among the birches of Presque Isle and look out over the water of Lake Superior to the North. We witnessed the surging of Lake Superior waves sprawling all the way to the Northern Province of Ontario, Canada. The morning sun joined in from the East like a birthing star rising out of the crimson lake. There was a chill in the air as we watched the waves of the great lake crashing against the north side of the city break water wall.
The old breaker wall of concrete and stone is the only obstacle separating the raging waves of Lake Superior from damaging the small harbor town of Marquette. On one side of us the waves blasted upward and fell upon the rocks of the breaker wall but on the harbor side of the wall the blue water was different. It was placid and calm. Small fishing boats tied to the wooden pylons rested in their inner place of calm water. Sailboats of all sizes flecked the inner harbor with color as they floated carelessly. Their canvas mainsails in pastels of yellow, red and white rocked gently in the morning sunlight.
As I witnessed the morning panorama of Marquette harbor, I imagined the waves and storms of life in their most hostile form while yet a contrast to their sometimes calm and peaceful presence. Is not our life somewhat like these waters? I have felt the storms of disappointment and the waves of hopelessness in life. I think we all have. When those times come to us in life we can feel as though we are sinking in troubled waters. One day everything in life can seem perfect. We sail smoothly with a forecast of sunshine. But oh, how things can change when we encounter high winds and dark clouds and the waves become a storm.
When storms come upon us, we need a safe harbor. We need a strong wall to protect us from what we may encounter. Our safe harbor is Jesus. His is God and He is mighty to save us. He may allow us to face the physical pain and disappointments of life, but while doing so He brings peace and calmness within us that can only come from His presence. His Spirit within us is our strength in times of trouble. He is our strong tower where we find impenetrable refuge from our enemies. He goes before us and makes the road straight. He is our eternal salvation (John 3:16). He is our mighty fortress and our counselor. He is our Savior. He is our friend. And still, He is God.
Are you struggling today from life’s storm damage? Are you lonely? Do you feel defeated? You may think there is no hope and that you are sinking in the deepest waters of life but there is good news. God can change every circumstance in your life. Call upon the name of Jesus, turn from sin and ask Him into your life today. He is the safe harbor. He is the rock to cling to. He is the only one who can bring eternal peace beyond all understanding to your life. He is God. He is the compass in all ways of truth, only a prayer away. Find safe harbor. Call upon the name of the Lord today and He will answer you. (Jeremiah 33:3)
Rev. Dalton Lilly, Narrow Road Ministries
May God bless you richly and often.
July 22, 2019
Are You Ready For The Harvest?
I love gardening. Every year I look forward to the end of winter as the colder days begin to subside. I anxiously wait for the warm spring days that appear at the end of March. As spring begins to unfold in Virginia, I begin charting my garden plan gathering tomato plants, peppers, green onions and all of the various seeds I will plant to round out my summer garden. Fruitful gardens require a lot of love and care throughout the growing season. Over many years of gardening I have learned that good garden results depend on some essential conditions. Good gardens require enriched soil. They also need a lot of water and optimum exposure to long hours of warm sunlight.
When I think about gardening, I am amazed how much we as people are like a garden. Our souls depend on much of the same things that a garden needs to be fruitful. We need a heart full of good soil ready to accept the good seeds of God’s word to grow in our life. We need the living water of His Spirit that brings renewal and strength to our soul through God’s nurturing. And our spirit is designed to absorb as much of the light of God’s word that we can seek and find throughout each day. His light and living water is essential for us to grow strong productive spiritual lives. Strong spiritual lives filled with His Holy Spirit reach out to others demonstrating His love and the message of His salvation through Christ to the world.
The growing season of life is much like my little garden. We will have a few months in summer to grow and produce fruit. As fall comes the gardening and growing season will be over and the fruit will be harvested. Our souls are experiencing a growing season for only the days of life here on earth. One day our season will come to an end. God will see all that was in each day of our lives. And then the harvest. He will look for the fruit of our journey and it will be harvest time for us all. I wonder how much good fruit will be found in my life and yours. I hope He finds a lot.
In 2nd Cor. 5:10 the Bible tells us that one day each of us will stand before the judgement seat of Christ to receive what is due to us for things done while in our body here on earth whether good or bad. By seeking His words of light and His Spirit with a fertile and willing heart we can receive the seeds of His mercy and salvation and enjoy a most fruitful life during our short time of growing.
In Galatians 5:22 God reveals the fruits of His Spirit. These characteristics are the evidence of renewal of life in us. They are the evidence of God’s Spirit growing life and changing us. They are love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance. The Bible tells us that against these things there is no law. And I am sure you would agree that no one in the world would object to these character signatures in anyone.
I pray that today you will allow Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Savior. Allow Him to soften the soil of your heart and His Spirit to grow within you. The gardening season will be over sooner than we know. Are you ready for the harvest?
May God bless you richly and often.
Rev. Dalton Lilly,
Narrow Road Ministries
Are You Ready For The Harvest?
I love gardening. Every year I look forward to the end of winter as the colder days begin to subside. I anxiously wait for the warm spring days that appear at the end of March. As spring begins to unfold in Virginia, I begin charting my garden plan gathering tomato plants, peppers, green onions and all of the various seeds I will plant to round out my summer garden. Fruitful gardens require a lot of love and care throughout the growing season. Over many years of gardening I have learned that good garden results depend on some essential conditions. Good gardens require enriched soil. They also need a lot of water and optimum exposure to long hours of warm sunlight.
When I think about gardening, I am amazed how much we as people are like a garden. Our souls depend on much of the same things that a garden needs to be fruitful. We need a heart full of good soil ready to accept the good seeds of God’s word to grow in our life. We need the living water of His Spirit that brings renewal and strength to our soul through God’s nurturing. And our spirit is designed to absorb as much of the light of God’s word that we can seek and find throughout each day. His light and living water is essential for us to grow strong productive spiritual lives. Strong spiritual lives filled with His Holy Spirit reach out to others demonstrating His love and the message of His salvation through Christ to the world.
The growing season of life is much like my little garden. We will have a few months in summer to grow and produce fruit. As fall comes the gardening and growing season will be over and the fruit will be harvested. Our souls are experiencing a growing season for only the days of life here on earth. One day our season will come to an end. God will see all that was in each day of our lives. And then the harvest. He will look for the fruit of our journey and it will be harvest time for us all. I wonder how much good fruit will be found in my life and yours. I hope He finds a lot.
In 2nd Cor. 5:10 the Bible tells us that one day each of us will stand before the judgement seat of Christ to receive what is due to us for things done while in our body here on earth whether good or bad. By seeking His words of light and His Spirit with a fertile and willing heart we can receive the seeds of His mercy and salvation and enjoy a most fruitful life during our short time of growing.
In Galatians 5:22 God reveals the fruits of His Spirit. These characteristics are the evidence of renewal of life in us. They are the evidence of God’s Spirit growing life and changing us. They are love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance. The Bible tells us that against these things there is no law. And I am sure you would agree that no one in the world would object to these character signatures in anyone.
I pray that today you will allow Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Savior. Allow Him to soften the soil of your heart and His Spirit to grow within you. The gardening season will be over sooner than we know. Are you ready for the harvest?
May God bless you richly and often.
Rev. Dalton Lilly,
Narrow Road Ministries
June 21, 2019
The Road To Heaven
My wife and I took a road trip to Lancaster, Pennsylvania a couple of years ago. We enjoyed a wonderful weekend of peace and solitude in a lovely 18th century Victorian Bed and Breakfast nestled in the back hills of Amish farm country. In looking for interesting things to do on our stay, the innkeeper suggested we join a local Amish family on their farm for an evening of local culture and a wonderful home-cooked dinner. At first, we hesitated at the thought of dining with strangers but then after a minute of reconsideration and prompting from the innkeeper, we thought why not? Let’s try it. It could be fun. So, we did.
The folks at the inn then gave us specific detailed directions to the Amish farm. They warned of winding turns and narrow roads. Leave before dark they suggested strongly.
With good intentions we left a bit late and found ourselves driving through the countryside at dusk. My wife read the directions from the copilot seat of our car and I proceeded to drive as she directed. Turn after turn through curves and hills the landscape grew darker. We made our final way through the Pennsylvania hills and fields with little light but for a rising full moon. In following the directions exactly as given we soon arrived in front of a large two-story farmhouse. A gas lantern by the front door dimly lit the white clapboard siding on both sides of the weathered front steps. Crossing our fingers, we hoped that it was the right house. We soon found it was. We were greeted by a wonderful family with five little children. That night we got to know them and other wonderful guests from around the world. We enjoyed a wonderful time of social interaction and a wonderful home cooked meal. It was one of the most delightful evenings we had ever experienced.
Thinking back, we realize that if we hadn’t followed the directions given to us exactly as they were given, we would have never arrived at our destination. We would have missed everything. This is also true about eternal life. Did you know that God has given us specific instructions on how we get to heaven at the end of our earthly life? Heaven is an eternal destination, one that we can arrive at and enjoy throughout eternity. We are specifically reminded in John 14:6 that there is only one way to eternal life and to see heaven we must go through the son Jesus Christ to the one true Father in heaven. Some people would have you believe that all roads lead to heaven. According to God’s word, they don’t. Some say, “God is forgiving and the way to heaven is variable.” Forgiving yes, variable He is not. Nothing could be farther from the truth. A personal relationship with Jesus by asking Him into your life is the only way to heaven and eternal life. God in His love for us and His desire that none would miss the gift of eternal life, gives us specific directions for our journey in John 3:16. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son and who ever believes upon Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” In Math. 7:13 Jesus tells us there is a narrow road with a strait gate to eternal life and few will enter into it.
I pray that today you choose God’s path to eternal life. Don’t miss this wonderful destination. By asking Jesus into your life He seals your heavenly future with eternal life.
May God bless you richly and often.
Rev. Dalton Lilly, Narrow Road Ministries
The Road To Heaven
My wife and I took a road trip to Lancaster, Pennsylvania a couple of years ago. We enjoyed a wonderful weekend of peace and solitude in a lovely 18th century Victorian Bed and Breakfast nestled in the back hills of Amish farm country. In looking for interesting things to do on our stay, the innkeeper suggested we join a local Amish family on their farm for an evening of local culture and a wonderful home-cooked dinner. At first, we hesitated at the thought of dining with strangers but then after a minute of reconsideration and prompting from the innkeeper, we thought why not? Let’s try it. It could be fun. So, we did.
The folks at the inn then gave us specific detailed directions to the Amish farm. They warned of winding turns and narrow roads. Leave before dark they suggested strongly.
With good intentions we left a bit late and found ourselves driving through the countryside at dusk. My wife read the directions from the copilot seat of our car and I proceeded to drive as she directed. Turn after turn through curves and hills the landscape grew darker. We made our final way through the Pennsylvania hills and fields with little light but for a rising full moon. In following the directions exactly as given we soon arrived in front of a large two-story farmhouse. A gas lantern by the front door dimly lit the white clapboard siding on both sides of the weathered front steps. Crossing our fingers, we hoped that it was the right house. We soon found it was. We were greeted by a wonderful family with five little children. That night we got to know them and other wonderful guests from around the world. We enjoyed a wonderful time of social interaction and a wonderful home cooked meal. It was one of the most delightful evenings we had ever experienced.
Thinking back, we realize that if we hadn’t followed the directions given to us exactly as they were given, we would have never arrived at our destination. We would have missed everything. This is also true about eternal life. Did you know that God has given us specific instructions on how we get to heaven at the end of our earthly life? Heaven is an eternal destination, one that we can arrive at and enjoy throughout eternity. We are specifically reminded in John 14:6 that there is only one way to eternal life and to see heaven we must go through the son Jesus Christ to the one true Father in heaven. Some people would have you believe that all roads lead to heaven. According to God’s word, they don’t. Some say, “God is forgiving and the way to heaven is variable.” Forgiving yes, variable He is not. Nothing could be farther from the truth. A personal relationship with Jesus by asking Him into your life is the only way to heaven and eternal life. God in His love for us and His desire that none would miss the gift of eternal life, gives us specific directions for our journey in John 3:16. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son and who ever believes upon Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” In Math. 7:13 Jesus tells us there is a narrow road with a strait gate to eternal life and few will enter into it.
I pray that today you choose God’s path to eternal life. Don’t miss this wonderful destination. By asking Jesus into your life He seals your heavenly future with eternal life.
May God bless you richly and often.
Rev. Dalton Lilly, Narrow Road Ministries
May 2019
It’s Time to Slow Down America
Has your life gotten too busy? If you answered yes to this question, you’re like most of us in America today. For most people life is a very busy struggle of unending commitments and chaos from morning to night.
Most of us go to bed too late, get up extremely early, stagger to the shower, find very little if anything to eat and plop ourselves into a car where we then over stimulate our mind with horrible news or loud music. We then sit in hectic lines of traffic for at least an hour and finely end up at our workplace. This is just the beginning of our day. Then there is the stress of the job. Relationships in the workplace. Finally, the workday is over, or it should be. But then there is the cell phone, the texting, the email and phone calls. Then back into the car, the horrible news again or loud music, and at least another hour in lines of traffic to get back home. Whoa. This is hard to think about or even read and we as Americans do this almost every day, most of us, I should say. Then Friday comes to an end and Saturday is a breath taker. Kids to the games. Family time. Work at the house that doesn’t get done during the week. Time for recreation if any. Then Sunday is ushered in early and for most people it is more of the same. Statistics show that for nearly 72 percent of Americans, Sunday is just another workday or a day for catching up on their lives. The larger sector of our society does not attend a weekly religious gathering nor do they allow any time for daily devotion or prayer.
God never intended for us to become so busy that we struggle from day to day physically exhausted and spiritually empty. We have lost our peace. We have lost control of our lives by giving ourselves up to all of the things the world demands of us. The world cannot give us the true peace that can only come from God. Jesus said “I give you peace. Peace that the world cannot give.” (John 14:27) It is God’s peace that brings clarity and purpose to our life.
The mediator and counselor between the chaos of the world and heaven is Jesus. Jesus spoke to the woman at the well, (John 4:14) and said, “In drinking of the water I give, you will never thirst again.”
When we fail to spend quiet time with God our life can become out of control and unmanageable. We lose focus on what real life is about. According to God’s Word, true life is a relationship with Him. Putting Him first in your life brings the total tapestry of your existence together. Without Him we are lost.
Set aside moments of meaningful prayer and conversation with God throughout your day. Consult with Him and trust Him. Spend time with Him. He will revitalize your life. Never forsake your time with God or the gathering together with other believers on a regular basis. It is time to get back to church America. It is time for us to slow down, back away from this chaotic world and allow the peace of our living God to enter into our lives.
Life will always be full of cares, worries and distractions. Today is a good day to commit yourself to a change from all of that. Choose change! Set aside time for you and God. Your life will change for the better.
Rev. Dalton Lilly, Narrow Road Ministries
May God bless you richly and often.
It’s Time to Slow Down America
Has your life gotten too busy? If you answered yes to this question, you’re like most of us in America today. For most people life is a very busy struggle of unending commitments and chaos from morning to night.
Most of us go to bed too late, get up extremely early, stagger to the shower, find very little if anything to eat and plop ourselves into a car where we then over stimulate our mind with horrible news or loud music. We then sit in hectic lines of traffic for at least an hour and finely end up at our workplace. This is just the beginning of our day. Then there is the stress of the job. Relationships in the workplace. Finally, the workday is over, or it should be. But then there is the cell phone, the texting, the email and phone calls. Then back into the car, the horrible news again or loud music, and at least another hour in lines of traffic to get back home. Whoa. This is hard to think about or even read and we as Americans do this almost every day, most of us, I should say. Then Friday comes to an end and Saturday is a breath taker. Kids to the games. Family time. Work at the house that doesn’t get done during the week. Time for recreation if any. Then Sunday is ushered in early and for most people it is more of the same. Statistics show that for nearly 72 percent of Americans, Sunday is just another workday or a day for catching up on their lives. The larger sector of our society does not attend a weekly religious gathering nor do they allow any time for daily devotion or prayer.
God never intended for us to become so busy that we struggle from day to day physically exhausted and spiritually empty. We have lost our peace. We have lost control of our lives by giving ourselves up to all of the things the world demands of us. The world cannot give us the true peace that can only come from God. Jesus said “I give you peace. Peace that the world cannot give.” (John 14:27) It is God’s peace that brings clarity and purpose to our life.
The mediator and counselor between the chaos of the world and heaven is Jesus. Jesus spoke to the woman at the well, (John 4:14) and said, “In drinking of the water I give, you will never thirst again.”
When we fail to spend quiet time with God our life can become out of control and unmanageable. We lose focus on what real life is about. According to God’s Word, true life is a relationship with Him. Putting Him first in your life brings the total tapestry of your existence together. Without Him we are lost.
Set aside moments of meaningful prayer and conversation with God throughout your day. Consult with Him and trust Him. Spend time with Him. He will revitalize your life. Never forsake your time with God or the gathering together with other believers on a regular basis. It is time to get back to church America. It is time for us to slow down, back away from this chaotic world and allow the peace of our living God to enter into our lives.
Life will always be full of cares, worries and distractions. Today is a good day to commit yourself to a change from all of that. Choose change! Set aside time for you and God. Your life will change for the better.
Rev. Dalton Lilly, Narrow Road Ministries
May God bless you richly and often.
April 2019
Dalton Lilly's recent column.What Does Easter Mean To You?
Well it’s been about a week now since we celebrated Easter. It was a holiday in many parts of the world. But I have a question, what happened in your life this Easter? What does Easter mean to you personally? I ask because Easter has become one of the most misunderstood holidays on our calendar. In the last few decades it has lost much of its true meaning in America.
For many it is a day of chocolate rabbits, Easter egg hunts, football games and the notion of an Easter Bunny bringing baskets of candy to children in the night. For some it’s new clothes for spring. For some it’s the one day a year they get up early and attend church to hear an Easter sermon. For some it is a spring break from college and a few days of rest from the classroom. Yes, Easter has become so many things it is hard for us to tell what Easter really is.
Our family no longer refers to Easter as just “Easter.” To us it is “Resurrection Day.” We memorialize it as the greatest life-changing event that ever took place on planet earth. The death and resurrection of Jesus the Christ, the Messiah. According to God’s Word, He is the Son of God, born of a virgin into the world and lived a sinless life giving His life for our sins. Even the sins of the world. It is “Resurrection Day” that marks the beginning of new life. A pathway for every man and woman to receive forgiveness of all sin and to have eternal life through believing in the Savior Jesus the Christ.
Many people have forgotten what really took place in Jerusalem two thousand years ago. Jesus humbly road a small donkey into the city and was celebrated by multitudes of people who even laid palm leaves before him honoring him as a king for His compassion and love for them. That same week Pharisees in their jealousy, hatred and disbelief plotted to murder Him. On Thursday of that holy week they began persecuting Him and finally on Friday declared Him guilty in a Roman court of crimes He never committed. They mocked Him, scourged Him and drug Him through the streets bleeding and suffering to a hill called Golgotha (The place of death). There they nailed his hands and feet to a rugged wooden cross and as He bled, they crucified Him. It was there He cried out “Forgive them Father for they know not what they do.” And there he said, “It is finished” and gave up His spirit for the sins of every human being that will ever touch foot on planet earth. It was there He paid for my sins and yours. But the greatest and most wonderful thing then happened. They laid His dead body in a tomb and shut it up with a stone. Then on Sunday, the third day, Jesus rose from the dead, the angels rolled away the stone, He was not there. He had risen! He has risen indeed! Jesus triumphed over death and sin. He alone was born into the world to give himself for our sins so that we may have life.
So now you see why Easter is not just another holiday to us. It is “Resurrection Day.” It is about new life in Christ, our hope and salvation. What does Easter mean to you? I hope it will mean this to you from this day forward.
May God bless you richly and often.
Rev. Dalton Lilly, Narrow Road Ministries
Dalton Lilly's recent column.What Does Easter Mean To You?
Well it’s been about a week now since we celebrated Easter. It was a holiday in many parts of the world. But I have a question, what happened in your life this Easter? What does Easter mean to you personally? I ask because Easter has become one of the most misunderstood holidays on our calendar. In the last few decades it has lost much of its true meaning in America.
For many it is a day of chocolate rabbits, Easter egg hunts, football games and the notion of an Easter Bunny bringing baskets of candy to children in the night. For some it’s new clothes for spring. For some it’s the one day a year they get up early and attend church to hear an Easter sermon. For some it is a spring break from college and a few days of rest from the classroom. Yes, Easter has become so many things it is hard for us to tell what Easter really is.
Our family no longer refers to Easter as just “Easter.” To us it is “Resurrection Day.” We memorialize it as the greatest life-changing event that ever took place on planet earth. The death and resurrection of Jesus the Christ, the Messiah. According to God’s Word, He is the Son of God, born of a virgin into the world and lived a sinless life giving His life for our sins. Even the sins of the world. It is “Resurrection Day” that marks the beginning of new life. A pathway for every man and woman to receive forgiveness of all sin and to have eternal life through believing in the Savior Jesus the Christ.
Many people have forgotten what really took place in Jerusalem two thousand years ago. Jesus humbly road a small donkey into the city and was celebrated by multitudes of people who even laid palm leaves before him honoring him as a king for His compassion and love for them. That same week Pharisees in their jealousy, hatred and disbelief plotted to murder Him. On Thursday of that holy week they began persecuting Him and finally on Friday declared Him guilty in a Roman court of crimes He never committed. They mocked Him, scourged Him and drug Him through the streets bleeding and suffering to a hill called Golgotha (The place of death). There they nailed his hands and feet to a rugged wooden cross and as He bled, they crucified Him. It was there He cried out “Forgive them Father for they know not what they do.” And there he said, “It is finished” and gave up His spirit for the sins of every human being that will ever touch foot on planet earth. It was there He paid for my sins and yours. But the greatest and most wonderful thing then happened. They laid His dead body in a tomb and shut it up with a stone. Then on Sunday, the third day, Jesus rose from the dead, the angels rolled away the stone, He was not there. He had risen! He has risen indeed! Jesus triumphed over death and sin. He alone was born into the world to give himself for our sins so that we may have life.
So now you see why Easter is not just another holiday to us. It is “Resurrection Day.” It is about new life in Christ, our hope and salvation. What does Easter mean to you? I hope it will mean this to you from this day forward.
May God bless you richly and often.
Rev. Dalton Lilly, Narrow Road Ministries
March 2019
Recognizing The Truth
When I was a child my older brother told me that the moon was following me. He led me in the dark around our yard and proved it. I was convinced, no question about it, the moon was following me. This knowledge scared me and for a long time I didn’t want to go outside at night because I believed it. Now as I am older, I laugh at my folly in believing what my brother had told me about the moon. But you know there have been others in history who have made similar ridiculous assertions about the world and the universe.
Throughout the centuries there has been numerous so-called intellectual scholars who set out to convince people that the world was flat. And some believed it. We have even had some in the past tell us that certain people were witches with evil powers and that they should be put to death. And some believed it. But I am thankful that as time goes by, we look back and realize that many of the fables and lies we are told in life are just that. They are lies and philosophies made up by so-called smart people. Ultimately, they are recognized to be false teachers who disrupt society and lead gullible people away believing their lies.
Yes, we have to be careful who and what we put our trust in. Even today we have so-called scholars and even government officials who claim, in their own wisdom, to know the future of planet earth. In their arrogance and ignorance of God’s Word they even go so far as to put a time limit on the remaining years of our world. These are modern day false teachers and false criers who disrupt our society. They are irresponsible lacking truth and wisdom. They cause dissention among the people and the nations. In (2nd Peter of God’s Word the Holy Bible), they are referred to as “Wells without water, clouds carried by a tempest, for whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever.” Not a good outcome for them.
America, I pray that you will recognize truth and see through these false narratives and dangerous agendas. I pray that we as a nation turn back to our founding belief systems which were grounded in the belief of God Jehovah the one and only God of the universe.
I urge you to put your faith and trust in God and His Holy inerrant Word. Everything you ever wanted to know about life, the planet, creation and eternity, is found in His Word. When you begin to read the Bible, you will see how wonderfully comprehensive and perfect it is. You will discover the truth about all things, and you will see through the obvious misguided philosophies and false teaching we are experiencing by some in our Country today.
I am so thankful for God’s Word because it provides the ultimate truth about all things. His Word can set you free from all things. Believe that God is still on His throne and He is still in sovereign control of His creation. In the book of Genesis, He declares His sovereign creation of all things. In Revelations He declares His sovereignty concerning the end of all things. Trust Him and Him alone, give your heart and life to Him today and sleep well America. “He is the way, the truth and life itself” (John 14:6).
May God bless you richly and often.
Rev. Dalton Lilly
Recognizing The Truth
When I was a child my older brother told me that the moon was following me. He led me in the dark around our yard and proved it. I was convinced, no question about it, the moon was following me. This knowledge scared me and for a long time I didn’t want to go outside at night because I believed it. Now as I am older, I laugh at my folly in believing what my brother had told me about the moon. But you know there have been others in history who have made similar ridiculous assertions about the world and the universe.
Throughout the centuries there has been numerous so-called intellectual scholars who set out to convince people that the world was flat. And some believed it. We have even had some in the past tell us that certain people were witches with evil powers and that they should be put to death. And some believed it. But I am thankful that as time goes by, we look back and realize that many of the fables and lies we are told in life are just that. They are lies and philosophies made up by so-called smart people. Ultimately, they are recognized to be false teachers who disrupt society and lead gullible people away believing their lies.
Yes, we have to be careful who and what we put our trust in. Even today we have so-called scholars and even government officials who claim, in their own wisdom, to know the future of planet earth. In their arrogance and ignorance of God’s Word they even go so far as to put a time limit on the remaining years of our world. These are modern day false teachers and false criers who disrupt our society. They are irresponsible lacking truth and wisdom. They cause dissention among the people and the nations. In (2nd Peter of God’s Word the Holy Bible), they are referred to as “Wells without water, clouds carried by a tempest, for whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever.” Not a good outcome for them.
America, I pray that you will recognize truth and see through these false narratives and dangerous agendas. I pray that we as a nation turn back to our founding belief systems which were grounded in the belief of God Jehovah the one and only God of the universe.
I urge you to put your faith and trust in God and His Holy inerrant Word. Everything you ever wanted to know about life, the planet, creation and eternity, is found in His Word. When you begin to read the Bible, you will see how wonderfully comprehensive and perfect it is. You will discover the truth about all things, and you will see through the obvious misguided philosophies and false teaching we are experiencing by some in our Country today.
I am so thankful for God’s Word because it provides the ultimate truth about all things. His Word can set you free from all things. Believe that God is still on His throne and He is still in sovereign control of His creation. In the book of Genesis, He declares His sovereign creation of all things. In Revelations He declares His sovereignty concerning the end of all things. Trust Him and Him alone, give your heart and life to Him today and sleep well America. “He is the way, the truth and life itself” (John 14:6).
May God bless you richly and often.
Rev. Dalton Lilly
March 2019
Life Is Precious
Our three year old granddaughter is amazing. There is no one else in the world like her. We first saw her when she was 12 weeks old in her mother’s womb. I am amazed at the modern-day technology available in our healthcare systems here in America. We saw her little face for the first time through a sonogram when she was 20 weeks old. We were thrilled to see the person God was so wonderfully forming before we ever held her in our arms.
Ammerie is a gift from heaven. Her beautiful soul was actually born into existence the day she was conceived. She has strawberry blond hair that reaches past her little waist. She has smiling blue eyes. She is learning for the first time the sounds of strange animals. She has already decided that a Happy Meal at McDonalds is her favorite food. She insists that Poppi put coffee in her vanilla ice cream to make her own Mocha. Her favorite color is pink. She has her own apron and she helps Grammy make peanut butter cookies. She thinks it rains just for her so that she can stand in water puddles that form in our front yard. She sees no problem with socks that don’t match, and shoes are fine on the wrong feet. She doesn’t care whether you are black, brown, or white, young or old. It doesn’t matter to her. Everyone she meets is her friend. She is three years old and I am an old man and every time I am with her, I learn something new about life. She is a precious gift from God, here with great purpose. I would do anything in the world for her. I would lay down my life for her without one thought or hesitation. Yes, she is one of a kind. I can’t imagine anyone thinking less of any child.
My heart sunk into the deepest part of my soul this week as the state of Vermont passed law to allow the killing of unborn children from conception to time of birth. This law allows the mother to end a child’s life at will, for any reason. Oh America, in the deepest place of our hearts we know this is wrong. The killing of the unborn will bring destruction to this nation. When sanctity of life no longer exists in a society, every life becomes irrelevant, and unimportant. We have to ask what is next?
In the 1940’s a nation called Germany decided it was appropriate and necessary to exterminate an entire ethnic group of Jewish people. Was their ideology and judgement correct? Of course not. Good nations including America went to war to protect the innocent, the week, and helpless from slaughter. Have we forgotten so soon what is possible in the hearts of wayward leaders? How long will America turn from our fundamental founding principles that believe in the sanctity of life and liberty for all. Even the unborn.
God’s word in Exodus 20:13 says “Thou shalt not kill.” Have we become so heartless and arrogant that we ignore this commandment? I fear for the future. Will the next necessary forfeiture of life be our elderly? Will cost of healthcare for the ill and aging necessitate exclusion of their right to life? Who will be next in America to lose their right to life? I pray that God will open the eyes of our people and that we will turn from our wickedness so that God will hear our prayers from heaven and heal our nation called America.
By Rev. Dalton Lilly
Narrow Road Ministry
[email protected]
Life Is Precious
Our three year old granddaughter is amazing. There is no one else in the world like her. We first saw her when she was 12 weeks old in her mother’s womb. I am amazed at the modern-day technology available in our healthcare systems here in America. We saw her little face for the first time through a sonogram when she was 20 weeks old. We were thrilled to see the person God was so wonderfully forming before we ever held her in our arms.
Ammerie is a gift from heaven. Her beautiful soul was actually born into existence the day she was conceived. She has strawberry blond hair that reaches past her little waist. She has smiling blue eyes. She is learning for the first time the sounds of strange animals. She has already decided that a Happy Meal at McDonalds is her favorite food. She insists that Poppi put coffee in her vanilla ice cream to make her own Mocha. Her favorite color is pink. She has her own apron and she helps Grammy make peanut butter cookies. She thinks it rains just for her so that she can stand in water puddles that form in our front yard. She sees no problem with socks that don’t match, and shoes are fine on the wrong feet. She doesn’t care whether you are black, brown, or white, young or old. It doesn’t matter to her. Everyone she meets is her friend. She is three years old and I am an old man and every time I am with her, I learn something new about life. She is a precious gift from God, here with great purpose. I would do anything in the world for her. I would lay down my life for her without one thought or hesitation. Yes, she is one of a kind. I can’t imagine anyone thinking less of any child.
My heart sunk into the deepest part of my soul this week as the state of Vermont passed law to allow the killing of unborn children from conception to time of birth. This law allows the mother to end a child’s life at will, for any reason. Oh America, in the deepest place of our hearts we know this is wrong. The killing of the unborn will bring destruction to this nation. When sanctity of life no longer exists in a society, every life becomes irrelevant, and unimportant. We have to ask what is next?
In the 1940’s a nation called Germany decided it was appropriate and necessary to exterminate an entire ethnic group of Jewish people. Was their ideology and judgement correct? Of course not. Good nations including America went to war to protect the innocent, the week, and helpless from slaughter. Have we forgotten so soon what is possible in the hearts of wayward leaders? How long will America turn from our fundamental founding principles that believe in the sanctity of life and liberty for all. Even the unborn.
God’s word in Exodus 20:13 says “Thou shalt not kill.” Have we become so heartless and arrogant that we ignore this commandment? I fear for the future. Will the next necessary forfeiture of life be our elderly? Will cost of healthcare for the ill and aging necessitate exclusion of their right to life? Who will be next in America to lose their right to life? I pray that God will open the eyes of our people and that we will turn from our wickedness so that God will hear our prayers from heaven and heal our nation called America.
By Rev. Dalton Lilly
Narrow Road Ministry
[email protected]
February 2019
No Worries!
Are you a worrier? If you are, you’re not alone. Many of us are like that. We tend to worry about everything in life. We worry about our jobs. We worry about money and having enough of it. We worry about our health and our children. We worry about our parents, politics, and even the planet. Most of the time we just can’t help ourselves from worrying about something. For many of us it becomes a way of life. But worry can be dangerous. Worry causes anxiety, illness and depression. It can cause high blood pressure. It can devastate your personality and affect relationships with others. Worry is not good for anyone.
Jesus had a lot to say about our worrying. In fact, He was adamant about his advice concerning worries. He said don’t do it. Worry is useless. He said you cannot change yourself or circumstances by worrying, so why do it (Luke 12). But rather, He reminded us that our Father in heaven knows whenever a sparrow falls from the sky and reassured us that if He knew the perils of small birds, He surely knows about our personal needs.
It’s easy in this world to sometimes think you are unseen and alone. But in fact, you and I are not alone. No matter what we think. We have a Father in heaven who created us, and He even knew our name before we were born. He never intended for us to live our lives without hope and His intervention. He knows about every aspect of our life. He knows our thoughts and our fears. We are personal to Him and He desires a loving relationship with us. He wants nothing but good things for us in life. But this funny thing happens to us, we forget all of this or we just may not know it. Or maybe we know it and refuse to believe it. So we go our own way navigating through life without God.
The Bible tells us in (Proverbs 3:5) “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto our own understanding.” What good advice! God wants to save us from ourselves. I am so glad He is there to love and protect us and to lead us through this rough and tumble world we live in.
It is our hope in Christ Jesus that gives us confidence to face tomorrow without worrying. The same God who created the world and the universe and all that is in it is alive and well. He is still on His throne and He is there waiting for us to trust Him. That is a hard thing for some to understand, that the King of Kings and Lord of the universe desires a personal relationship with us. Our worries can bring us down in life, but God can lift us up. In (Isaiah 40:31) God’s word says, “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary and they shall walk and not faint.” Wow! I want that in my life. How about you?
Why not start the new year with new hope in Jesus Christ. Make Him the center of your life. He will never leave you or forsake you. If you seek Him first in life all other things will be added unto you (Luke 12:31). Won’t you trust in Jesus our Lord and Savior who loves you today; and please stop worrying!
Rev. Dalton Lilly
Narrow Road Ministries
[email protected]
No Worries!
Are you a worrier? If you are, you’re not alone. Many of us are like that. We tend to worry about everything in life. We worry about our jobs. We worry about money and having enough of it. We worry about our health and our children. We worry about our parents, politics, and even the planet. Most of the time we just can’t help ourselves from worrying about something. For many of us it becomes a way of life. But worry can be dangerous. Worry causes anxiety, illness and depression. It can cause high blood pressure. It can devastate your personality and affect relationships with others. Worry is not good for anyone.
Jesus had a lot to say about our worrying. In fact, He was adamant about his advice concerning worries. He said don’t do it. Worry is useless. He said you cannot change yourself or circumstances by worrying, so why do it (Luke 12). But rather, He reminded us that our Father in heaven knows whenever a sparrow falls from the sky and reassured us that if He knew the perils of small birds, He surely knows about our personal needs.
It’s easy in this world to sometimes think you are unseen and alone. But in fact, you and I are not alone. No matter what we think. We have a Father in heaven who created us, and He even knew our name before we were born. He never intended for us to live our lives without hope and His intervention. He knows about every aspect of our life. He knows our thoughts and our fears. We are personal to Him and He desires a loving relationship with us. He wants nothing but good things for us in life. But this funny thing happens to us, we forget all of this or we just may not know it. Or maybe we know it and refuse to believe it. So we go our own way navigating through life without God.
The Bible tells us in (Proverbs 3:5) “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto our own understanding.” What good advice! God wants to save us from ourselves. I am so glad He is there to love and protect us and to lead us through this rough and tumble world we live in.
It is our hope in Christ Jesus that gives us confidence to face tomorrow without worrying. The same God who created the world and the universe and all that is in it is alive and well. He is still on His throne and He is there waiting for us to trust Him. That is a hard thing for some to understand, that the King of Kings and Lord of the universe desires a personal relationship with us. Our worries can bring us down in life, but God can lift us up. In (Isaiah 40:31) God’s word says, “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary and they shall walk and not faint.” Wow! I want that in my life. How about you?
Why not start the new year with new hope in Jesus Christ. Make Him the center of your life. He will never leave you or forsake you. If you seek Him first in life all other things will be added unto you (Luke 12:31). Won’t you trust in Jesus our Lord and Savior who loves you today; and please stop worrying!
Rev. Dalton Lilly
Narrow Road Ministries
[email protected]
January 2019
Stick To The Plan
Happy New Year! I don’t know about you, but to me, it seems that 2018 came and left in a whirlwind. The old year has now disappeared, and another year is set before us with potential for so many new horizons. If you’re like most folks you’re making plans for the new year including some New Year resolutions. It’s and ideal time to look inward to adjust or even replace things in our lives that just aren’t working out. Right now is a good time to start planning a new path for your life turning away from those old roads that may have misguided your journey. Yes, making changes and planning courses for life are some of the most important things we do as human beings.
I never used to be a very good planner. Earlier in life my tendency was to take off after my goals and hope for the best outcome. That approach has gotten me into trouble more than once. I thank God for my wife. After we were married, she became the one in our house with the gifts of insight, patience and planning. She is the one who tempers my zeal and ambitions and keeps us on an even keel avoiding what might otherwise be storms in this wonderful life.
But you know over the years my wife and I have also learned that even the best of plans should be laid before our Father in heaven for His approval, insight and blessing to keep us on the right path. He has known us from the beginning of our journey and has brought us into this world for a planned purpose. In Jeremiah 29:11 God tells us “For I know the thoughts and plans I have for you, they are thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you an expected end.” His word goes on to say in verses 12 and 13 that when we call upon Him and seek Him in prayer with all our heart He will be found, and He will answer us. Planning in life is a good thing and it is done best in prayer before God seeking Him and asking for His guidance in all things. It is comforting to know that our relationship with God is personal and He is interested in us. If we isolate ourselves from God and seek our own desires and our own plans, we increase our vulnerability to things in life that can draw us away from all that He has planned for us. We never really know the truth concerning God’s plan for our life until we come to know Him personally. When we finally ask Him into our heart and into our life, trusting Him through faith, He is so willing to reveal His personal plans for us. It is only then that we truly begin to live the life that God has always intended for us. In John 14:6 Jesus says, “I am the way the truth and life”. All truth comes from the one and only true God. His name is Jesus and He waits to reveal His plan for your life’s journey.
In Jeremiah 33:3 He tells us “Call upon the name of the Lord and He will answer you and show you great and wonderful things you never knew.” In 2019 why not seek God for the plan He has for your life. Call upon Him now and stick to the plan. He is waiting for you.
May God bless you richly and often in the coming year.
Rev. Dalton Lilly
Narrow Road Ministries
[email protected]
Stick To The Plan
Happy New Year! I don’t know about you, but to me, it seems that 2018 came and left in a whirlwind. The old year has now disappeared, and another year is set before us with potential for so many new horizons. If you’re like most folks you’re making plans for the new year including some New Year resolutions. It’s and ideal time to look inward to adjust or even replace things in our lives that just aren’t working out. Right now is a good time to start planning a new path for your life turning away from those old roads that may have misguided your journey. Yes, making changes and planning courses for life are some of the most important things we do as human beings.
I never used to be a very good planner. Earlier in life my tendency was to take off after my goals and hope for the best outcome. That approach has gotten me into trouble more than once. I thank God for my wife. After we were married, she became the one in our house with the gifts of insight, patience and planning. She is the one who tempers my zeal and ambitions and keeps us on an even keel avoiding what might otherwise be storms in this wonderful life.
But you know over the years my wife and I have also learned that even the best of plans should be laid before our Father in heaven for His approval, insight and blessing to keep us on the right path. He has known us from the beginning of our journey and has brought us into this world for a planned purpose. In Jeremiah 29:11 God tells us “For I know the thoughts and plans I have for you, they are thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you an expected end.” His word goes on to say in verses 12 and 13 that when we call upon Him and seek Him in prayer with all our heart He will be found, and He will answer us. Planning in life is a good thing and it is done best in prayer before God seeking Him and asking for His guidance in all things. It is comforting to know that our relationship with God is personal and He is interested in us. If we isolate ourselves from God and seek our own desires and our own plans, we increase our vulnerability to things in life that can draw us away from all that He has planned for us. We never really know the truth concerning God’s plan for our life until we come to know Him personally. When we finally ask Him into our heart and into our life, trusting Him through faith, He is so willing to reveal His personal plans for us. It is only then that we truly begin to live the life that God has always intended for us. In John 14:6 Jesus says, “I am the way the truth and life”. All truth comes from the one and only true God. His name is Jesus and He waits to reveal His plan for your life’s journey.
In Jeremiah 33:3 He tells us “Call upon the name of the Lord and He will answer you and show you great and wonderful things you never knew.” In 2019 why not seek God for the plan He has for your life. Call upon Him now and stick to the plan. He is waiting for you.
May God bless you richly and often in the coming year.
Rev. Dalton Lilly
Narrow Road Ministries
[email protected]
December 2018
Make Room For Jesus
How much room is left in your life? Sometimes our life can become so busy and so full of activities that there is just no room left for even one more thing. Sometimes we pack so much into the days and weeks that even an hour of personal time would be a treasure. It’s funny how time does seem to slip away right before our eyes. And while we are busy, busy, busy, we are robbed by things of little or no significance only to miss out on the things that are of greater importance in our lives.
Don’t get me wrong, the Christmas and holiday season is my favorite time of year. But for so many of us this can be a difficult time of year that sometimes has a way of bringing more worries into our life than the joy it is truly about. We can lose ourselves in so many things, like the excitement of Black Friday sales, Cyber Monday on-line shopping, holiday parties, and buying special gifts for people who have everything. It’s easy to find ourselves working too many hours, nights and even weekends to make more money to buy even more things that we probably don’t need. Through the bustle of the holidays it’s easy to lose our sense of direction and even find ourselves with additional financial commitments that we may not be able to afford. Yes, it’s easy this time of year to lose our way and to depart from the things in life that really do matter.
Over two thousand years ago there were people just like you and I who were busy, busy, busy. They, too, missed the most wonderful thing that ever happened in this world. They missed the birth of our living Savior, the Messiah, the one named Jesus, the one who came from heaven to save us from our sins. Surprising as it may seem, there was no room in their lives then, either. No room to receive Him. There was not even a place in the town of Bethlehem for His birth to take place. He was relegated then to a small and lowly place where He was born in humility and silence in the stall of a manger. Yes, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords came to the world on a silent star-filled night where there was no room. Luke 2:7 “And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.”
I hope this year that you will not miss Christmas. I pray that you will pause and make room in your life for Jesus. He is the absolute reason we have the joy of Christmas for He is the one who brings the gift. The gift of Himself, life everlasting. He is the living Savior of the world, sent from Heaven to give us hope and eternal life. Yes, He is the breath of life, the truth, the way to eternal life itself. He alone can give you living water that will satisfy your soul forever. In Him and through Him your soul will never thirst again. He is Christmas.
My Christmas wish and prayer is that you will make room for Jesus this year. Please pause for a moment today, right now. Make room for Jesus. Ask the Savior of the world to enter into your heart. Receive His free gift of love and forgiveness. If you make room, I promise you, you will never miss Christmas again.
May God bless you richly and often. Merry Christmas.
Rev. Dalton Lilly
[email protected]
Make Room For Jesus
How much room is left in your life? Sometimes our life can become so busy and so full of activities that there is just no room left for even one more thing. Sometimes we pack so much into the days and weeks that even an hour of personal time would be a treasure. It’s funny how time does seem to slip away right before our eyes. And while we are busy, busy, busy, we are robbed by things of little or no significance only to miss out on the things that are of greater importance in our lives.
Don’t get me wrong, the Christmas and holiday season is my favorite time of year. But for so many of us this can be a difficult time of year that sometimes has a way of bringing more worries into our life than the joy it is truly about. We can lose ourselves in so many things, like the excitement of Black Friday sales, Cyber Monday on-line shopping, holiday parties, and buying special gifts for people who have everything. It’s easy to find ourselves working too many hours, nights and even weekends to make more money to buy even more things that we probably don’t need. Through the bustle of the holidays it’s easy to lose our sense of direction and even find ourselves with additional financial commitments that we may not be able to afford. Yes, it’s easy this time of year to lose our way and to depart from the things in life that really do matter.
Over two thousand years ago there were people just like you and I who were busy, busy, busy. They, too, missed the most wonderful thing that ever happened in this world. They missed the birth of our living Savior, the Messiah, the one named Jesus, the one who came from heaven to save us from our sins. Surprising as it may seem, there was no room in their lives then, either. No room to receive Him. There was not even a place in the town of Bethlehem for His birth to take place. He was relegated then to a small and lowly place where He was born in humility and silence in the stall of a manger. Yes, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords came to the world on a silent star-filled night where there was no room. Luke 2:7 “And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.”
I hope this year that you will not miss Christmas. I pray that you will pause and make room in your life for Jesus. He is the absolute reason we have the joy of Christmas for He is the one who brings the gift. The gift of Himself, life everlasting. He is the living Savior of the world, sent from Heaven to give us hope and eternal life. Yes, He is the breath of life, the truth, the way to eternal life itself. He alone can give you living water that will satisfy your soul forever. In Him and through Him your soul will never thirst again. He is Christmas.
My Christmas wish and prayer is that you will make room for Jesus this year. Please pause for a moment today, right now. Make room for Jesus. Ask the Savior of the world to enter into your heart. Receive His free gift of love and forgiveness. If you make room, I promise you, you will never miss Christmas again.
May God bless you richly and often. Merry Christmas.
Rev. Dalton Lilly
[email protected]
November 2018
Someone Is Watching You
Have you ever found yourself doing something silly and then notice that the kids were watching? You were caught red-handed with no alibi and no excuses. Was it drinking out of the milk bottle in the fridge or putting a finger into a fresh cake with chocolate frosting? Or maybe throwing a pillow across the room or saying a word that was a bit out of line. You were caught in the act by little eyes and ears that will probably never forget what they saw and heard and will probably mimic you in what you did. Some day. I’m sure we have all been in that predicament. Too late to take it back, too late to hide…just plain caught.
I have been there and done that myself. Sometimes we forget how many people in life are watching what we do. Did you know the things you do in life have great impact on others? The things we do, our actions, our words and our attitudes influence people around us. In (Hebrews 1:1-2) the apostle Paul wrote, “There are clouds of witnesses around us” Sometimes we forget that we are all on a stage in life whether we choose to admit it or not and the audience is our friends, our spouses, our children and even people we may never know.
Often we think our life is personal and that what we do does not affect others. It is wrong to think that undesirable behavior in our personal life is ok if we do not harm others. The reality of this is that what we do in our own life affects all of those around us. Our actions have consequences and our words make a difference.
Many of the things in life that we do is learned by the actions of others. Our life is a culmination of influences formed by what we have seen and heard others do. Friends influence friends and children will follow in the steps of mommy and daddy. What they see in the home early in life will change them forever. When our adolescents begin school they see other children every day and they absorb behavior patterns and habits of others. People are constantly growing, developing and changing through out life. Knowing and understanding this truth is important because what we do can change others around us. What if our goal in life was to always remember that our actions and our life is impacting others every day. What if we always remembered that we have the power to change clouds of witnesses for goodness.
We often do not realize how many people we interact with throughout the course of just one day. For most of us, the number would surprise you. Whether it is in the work place, with our family or any number of people through our daily travels. Every person we meet or converse with is an opportunity for us to be a living witness and a testimony for good. God’s word tells us in (Luke 11:33) “no one should light a light and put it in a basement or under a basket.” We are to shine our light where it can be seen. Our Christian walk is to be an influence for good in this world and that is important. So, as you go through life and as you walk through this day, remember you are influencing someone, somewhere in some way. Make the most of it while you can in this crazy world we live in. May God bless you richly and often.
Rev. Dalton Lilly
Narrow Road Ministries
Someone Is Watching You
Have you ever found yourself doing something silly and then notice that the kids were watching? You were caught red-handed with no alibi and no excuses. Was it drinking out of the milk bottle in the fridge or putting a finger into a fresh cake with chocolate frosting? Or maybe throwing a pillow across the room or saying a word that was a bit out of line. You were caught in the act by little eyes and ears that will probably never forget what they saw and heard and will probably mimic you in what you did. Some day. I’m sure we have all been in that predicament. Too late to take it back, too late to hide…just plain caught.
I have been there and done that myself. Sometimes we forget how many people in life are watching what we do. Did you know the things you do in life have great impact on others? The things we do, our actions, our words and our attitudes influence people around us. In (Hebrews 1:1-2) the apostle Paul wrote, “There are clouds of witnesses around us” Sometimes we forget that we are all on a stage in life whether we choose to admit it or not and the audience is our friends, our spouses, our children and even people we may never know.
Often we think our life is personal and that what we do does not affect others. It is wrong to think that undesirable behavior in our personal life is ok if we do not harm others. The reality of this is that what we do in our own life affects all of those around us. Our actions have consequences and our words make a difference.
Many of the things in life that we do is learned by the actions of others. Our life is a culmination of influences formed by what we have seen and heard others do. Friends influence friends and children will follow in the steps of mommy and daddy. What they see in the home early in life will change them forever. When our adolescents begin school they see other children every day and they absorb behavior patterns and habits of others. People are constantly growing, developing and changing through out life. Knowing and understanding this truth is important because what we do can change others around us. What if our goal in life was to always remember that our actions and our life is impacting others every day. What if we always remembered that we have the power to change clouds of witnesses for goodness.
We often do not realize how many people we interact with throughout the course of just one day. For most of us, the number would surprise you. Whether it is in the work place, with our family or any number of people through our daily travels. Every person we meet or converse with is an opportunity for us to be a living witness and a testimony for good. God’s word tells us in (Luke 11:33) “no one should light a light and put it in a basement or under a basket.” We are to shine our light where it can be seen. Our Christian walk is to be an influence for good in this world and that is important. So, as you go through life and as you walk through this day, remember you are influencing someone, somewhere in some way. Make the most of it while you can in this crazy world we live in. May God bless you richly and often.
Rev. Dalton Lilly
Narrow Road Ministries
October 2018
Sharing Your Light
I was in a grocery store the other day and I remembered a song we learned in Sunday school as children, it went like this; “If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands, if you’re happy and you know it then your face will surely show it, if you’re happy and you know it clap your hands.” It sounds so childish, but the lyrics are actually filled with a lot of wisdom and truth. Yes, there is a lot of truth in that little chorus. When you are settled in your soul and you are at peace, you possess a joy that is life changing. That inner peace and joy only comes from a relationship with God. It is God’s peace that He gives to you (Philippians 4:7) which is meant to be shared with the rest of the world. Why is that? Because it is life changing! It changes circumstances and it changes the lives of others in so many ways. Yes. That inner peace and joy and goodness from God, when freely shared, has the power to change everything.
So while I was in the grocery store, there was a little boy sitting in his mother’s shopping cart in front of me. He was experiencing a terrible day. His mournful shrieks could be heard throughout the entire store and his tears were streaming down his face like little rain drops. As I followed the upset shopping cart on the move, I winked at him and smiled broadly. I followed with a wave and a few more smiles. Within seconds, he had refrained from the mournful cries and his little tears had slowed to a stop. And then a crooked smile appeared across his little cheeks and at last an attempted double wink and the store was devoid of his cries. If only for a moment a life is changed for the better, then we have made an impact in this world for goodness. I wonder how many adults are walking beside us through life with the same level of unhappiness as that little boy in the shopping cart. The only difference is that when we become adults we learn to hide our pain and our tears are kept deep inside.
When you possess God’s peace and His joy your life will surely show it. You have a treasure to be shared with others. The state of your inner spirit says volumes about your attitude toward life and other people. Spiritual peace within our soul cascades into our outward actions. When our inner soul is content and filled with the light of God, (John 8:12) we speak differently, we think differently, and our conscience reflects the conscious of God’s Holy Spirit. Only when we are in fellowship with Jesus can we be a light in the darkness of the world.
Why does God want us to share His love with the rest of the world? Because it brings precious healing to the lost and hurting. It is the inner need of every human being. It is salvation, the necessity for healing and happiness in life.
Jesus said in Matthew 5:14 “You are the light of the world, a city set on a hill cannot be hid”. God wants us to reveal the light of life to others through His word and our actions and to show the peace and joy of knowing Him through our life. If you’re walking with the Lord and you’re happy and you know it, let your life begin to show it! May God bless you richly and often.
Rev. Dalton Lilly
Sharing Your Light
I was in a grocery store the other day and I remembered a song we learned in Sunday school as children, it went like this; “If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands, if you’re happy and you know it then your face will surely show it, if you’re happy and you know it clap your hands.” It sounds so childish, but the lyrics are actually filled with a lot of wisdom and truth. Yes, there is a lot of truth in that little chorus. When you are settled in your soul and you are at peace, you possess a joy that is life changing. That inner peace and joy only comes from a relationship with God. It is God’s peace that He gives to you (Philippians 4:7) which is meant to be shared with the rest of the world. Why is that? Because it is life changing! It changes circumstances and it changes the lives of others in so many ways. Yes. That inner peace and joy and goodness from God, when freely shared, has the power to change everything.
So while I was in the grocery store, there was a little boy sitting in his mother’s shopping cart in front of me. He was experiencing a terrible day. His mournful shrieks could be heard throughout the entire store and his tears were streaming down his face like little rain drops. As I followed the upset shopping cart on the move, I winked at him and smiled broadly. I followed with a wave and a few more smiles. Within seconds, he had refrained from the mournful cries and his little tears had slowed to a stop. And then a crooked smile appeared across his little cheeks and at last an attempted double wink and the store was devoid of his cries. If only for a moment a life is changed for the better, then we have made an impact in this world for goodness. I wonder how many adults are walking beside us through life with the same level of unhappiness as that little boy in the shopping cart. The only difference is that when we become adults we learn to hide our pain and our tears are kept deep inside.
When you possess God’s peace and His joy your life will surely show it. You have a treasure to be shared with others. The state of your inner spirit says volumes about your attitude toward life and other people. Spiritual peace within our soul cascades into our outward actions. When our inner soul is content and filled with the light of God, (John 8:12) we speak differently, we think differently, and our conscience reflects the conscious of God’s Holy Spirit. Only when we are in fellowship with Jesus can we be a light in the darkness of the world.
Why does God want us to share His love with the rest of the world? Because it brings precious healing to the lost and hurting. It is the inner need of every human being. It is salvation, the necessity for healing and happiness in life.
Jesus said in Matthew 5:14 “You are the light of the world, a city set on a hill cannot be hid”. God wants us to reveal the light of life to others through His word and our actions and to show the peace and joy of knowing Him through our life. If you’re walking with the Lord and you’re happy and you know it, let your life begin to show it! May God bless you richly and often.
Rev. Dalton Lilly
September 2018
What Will It Take To Heal America?
Beloved, our nation is in great need of healing. I find it so hard to turn on my television any more. It breaks my heart to listen to the news and to hear the way our fellow citizens have begun to treat one another. I see growing animosity and even hatred between people at all levels within our great nation called America. We have become divided by political beliefs and various ideologies. There is a root of bitterness that has begun to grow within the hearts of our people. It is heartbreaking and even frightening to see our country fall to this level of discourse among the hearts of its people. We are so blessed, we have so much! We are a free nation and we have the best government of any nation in the world. We have a strong financial system, we are blessed with natural resources, we enjoy a government by the people and for the people, we are the greatest democracy in the world. We are free to worship and practice our religious beliefs. We have countless things in America to be thankful for and yet our hearts have grown cold toward one another. When this happens to the people of a nation it can and will destroy the nation. But do not lose hope folks, there is a cure for our problem. It is not an easy cure, and it will require the collective hearts of all of our people. It is a cure that is absolutely guaranteed to be successful and it is given to us by our Father in heaven, our creator and our God. The remedy is found in His inerrant word in the book of 2nd Chronicles Chapter 7 verse 14. God’s remedy to heal a nation is this: “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear them from heaven, and I will forgive their sin, and I will heal their land. What does this mean? Well I want to make this very clear because it requires us as people of this nation to do what God is asking us to do for His perfect healing and restoration of America. Our sins, iniquities, and idiosyncrasies are innumerable and at first glance we look hopeless as a people and a nation, but the God of heaven who brought us into being can fix us. He loves us in spite of what we have become. He can repair us. He can salvage our hearts individually if we are willing. He alone has the power to sustain a nation or to allow it to fall to it’s own separation from Him into it’s own inevitable demise. It has happened to many nations in history. If we as a people are willing to turn to God and simply repent of what and who we have become and be willing to change our direction He will help us. He will heal us. To repent means to stop going in the direction in which you are going and to change your direction. Change the direction from sin in our lives to the direction of God. In other words, be willing to change, ask Him to forgive us of our sin and come into our hearts and fill us with His Holy Spirit releasing all of the fruits of the Spirit in us to make us a different person. A person who loves God and honors Him by our obedience to His commandments. When this happens, the heart of God is within us and we begin to see people differently. We begin to love one another as He loves us, we forgive one another and treat each person we encounter as our neighbor. We respect one another, and we begin to share the love of God with one another in the way that He intended
for all mankind. God’s word in Corinthians Chapter 13:4-8 tells us what His real love is. His love is patient, His love is kind, His love does not envy, His love is not prideful, His love is not puffed up, it does not cause us to act unseemly, His love does not seek itself first, it is not easily provoked, and it does not think evil of people. His love causes us to leave wrong and rejoice in the truth. His love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. And God’s perfect love never fails. This is the love that He will put in our hearts of stone if we will turn to Him. The love He gives is life giving and life changing. His love is like fresh clean-living water to our soul. And it has the power to change a people and it will change and save our nation called America. If every person would just turn from their direction right now, humble themselves by praying an honest prayer to God, our heavenly Father, and ask for His forgiveness, invite Him to come into their heart, and be willing to abide in His Holy Spirit, this people and country would be healed. Immediately! There would be a release of forgiveness and healing across this land and it would smell like the fragrance of spring flowers. Can you imagine the daily news commentators telling the news with honesty through loving eyes? Can you imagine politicians seeking to help and love the people instead of seeking the bribes of money while falling to corruption? Can you imagine each of us treating every other person with respect, kindness, patience and loving them as ourselves? Well if you can imagine this, then you can see what God envisioned for the cure and healing of a nation. I believe His word and I believe in His cure for healing a nation. If you want to see this great nation of America healed and restored to a nation of love and kindness and spiritual renewal, please join me this very day in following every word of God’s instructions in 2nd Chronicles 7:14. After all beloved, is there anything too difficult for God to achieve? I don’t think so when I read Jeremiah 32:27 “Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh: is there anything too hard for me?” What I have shared with you today is what it will require to heal America. I am praying that all people will turn their eyes to God and that He will restore and heal our great nation called America. Please join me in repentance and trust in the God of our salvation, Jesus Christ our Lord and Messiah. May He revive us again. May God bless you richly and often.
Rev. Dalton D. Lilly
July 2018
Pondering The Truth and Mystery Of God
I like getting up early, just before dawn, and heading to our front porch with a cup of hot morning coffee. My favorite place to sit is in an old white rocking chair overlooking the yard. From there, I can see across the tops of the flowers, past the lawn, and to the branches of the tall oaks that reach along the sky line at daybreak. When the sun comes up, it slowly washes the tops of the trees with faded arks of golden light, then down to the flower gardens, and across the lawn in just minutes. It is a time each day I look forward to, sitting quietly and enjoying the sights and sounds as God begins another one of His miraculous days.
Recently, while relaxed in that chair, I pondered the sovereignty and the mystery of God. As I contemplated the many things in this world that we just don’t know, I thought about some things that I absolutely do know through my faith in God. My thoughts were something like this…
As I saw the sun beginning to peak above the trees, I thought, how far is it to the sun, really, does anyone really know? My eighth-grade science teacher was convinced that it is 93 million miles. I can’t even imagine how far that is. How is it that over the distance between sun and earth the temperature is so tightly maintained that it never varies more than a few minuscule degrees. That perfect balance sustains our life on planet earth day after day. Oh, and while that’s going on, another phenomenon takes place. We get to enjoy four wonderful seasons called spring, summer, winter and fall every 365 days. And oh yes, I almost forgot, the seasons are split and reversed between the equator of the planet so two different seasons are being experienced at the same time on two opposing ends of the planet. How does that happen? If anything moved in the most finite manner within 93 million miles, all of this would not occur, and we would cease to exist.
Where does lightening come from? We see it. How does it begin and where does it end? Job 39:35 “Canst thou send lightnings, that they may go, and say unto thee, here we are?” Why do little humming birds that are barely 3 inches in length fly all the way from South America to my back-yard bird feeder in North America for a few months and then return to exactly where they came from a continent away? And another thing. If it is true, as some so-called scholars say, that the earth emerged in space from an exploding nuclear generated star, how did it transform itself from a nuclear fire ball into a wonderful fertile planet of soil and water with fields filled with plant life, animals of their own kind, oceans filled with fish and aquatic life, humans, and more wonderful things than we can name or understand. How did that happen?
Then I began to think about the complete inerrant word of God with full logical and perfect explanation for all things we do not know. The truth concerning all things about the world we do not know is revealed in Gods explicit wonderful word. He created, yes, He did!
In Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning, God created the heaven and earth.” we see that God in fact, did create the world intentionally without mistake in less than seven days. He creates because He is sovereign, and He likes doing it because He can. In Genesis 1:1-31, His word tells us that after He created the earth and sky, the waters, light, darkness, seasons, dry land, sun, moon and stars, the animals and man, He declared that it was very good to Him. He liked it. And then He rested.
It is amazing to me how over time man has contrived ridiculous lies and illogical theories to explain away the truth and reality of God and His sovereign creation. In John 1:1-3 we see that all things were made by Him and without Him nothing was made. Wow!
When I think about what we don’t know in our limited wisdom, I reflect on what exciting things we do know through God’s perfect word. In John 14:6 Jesus says that He is the way, the truth and the life. And that by following Him, He will bring those three things into our very being. His word and His Spirit will deliver the unvarnished pure truth to us in every dimension of our being when we invite Him into our life. He provides the truth about creation and all other things relative to our life. He reveals our sinful nature in Romans 3:23. “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” He provides the answer to our salvation and becomes our rescuer in John 3:16. ”For God so loved the world He gave His only Son and who ever believes upon Him will not perish but have everlasting life”.
Today, we all woke up one day closer to the end of our short, tightly-packed little life here on planet earth. Maybe we all need to spend a little more time on the porch pondering what our eternal life will be like in the very near future. Will it be with a loving God in a place called heaven because we trusted Him and believed His word? Or will it be in dark separation from Him because we chose to believe a lie that anyone would know is not true.
Life is good despite some undesirable things that exist because of man’s sin. It is a gift given freely by God in this wonderful place called planet earth. It is a place where we alone will make a personal decision to accept or reject the God of creation. Your decision will determine your fate for eternity. Our greatest and only hope is in Jesus, His love for us through the cross and what is yet to come when we trust Him completely. Just a thought or two this week in pondering the truth and the mystery of God. May God bless you richly and often.
Rev. Dalton Lilly, Narrow Road Ministries
Pondering The Truth and Mystery Of God
I like getting up early, just before dawn, and heading to our front porch with a cup of hot morning coffee. My favorite place to sit is in an old white rocking chair overlooking the yard. From there, I can see across the tops of the flowers, past the lawn, and to the branches of the tall oaks that reach along the sky line at daybreak. When the sun comes up, it slowly washes the tops of the trees with faded arks of golden light, then down to the flower gardens, and across the lawn in just minutes. It is a time each day I look forward to, sitting quietly and enjoying the sights and sounds as God begins another one of His miraculous days.
Recently, while relaxed in that chair, I pondered the sovereignty and the mystery of God. As I contemplated the many things in this world that we just don’t know, I thought about some things that I absolutely do know through my faith in God. My thoughts were something like this…
As I saw the sun beginning to peak above the trees, I thought, how far is it to the sun, really, does anyone really know? My eighth-grade science teacher was convinced that it is 93 million miles. I can’t even imagine how far that is. How is it that over the distance between sun and earth the temperature is so tightly maintained that it never varies more than a few minuscule degrees. That perfect balance sustains our life on planet earth day after day. Oh, and while that’s going on, another phenomenon takes place. We get to enjoy four wonderful seasons called spring, summer, winter and fall every 365 days. And oh yes, I almost forgot, the seasons are split and reversed between the equator of the planet so two different seasons are being experienced at the same time on two opposing ends of the planet. How does that happen? If anything moved in the most finite manner within 93 million miles, all of this would not occur, and we would cease to exist.
Where does lightening come from? We see it. How does it begin and where does it end? Job 39:35 “Canst thou send lightnings, that they may go, and say unto thee, here we are?” Why do little humming birds that are barely 3 inches in length fly all the way from South America to my back-yard bird feeder in North America for a few months and then return to exactly where they came from a continent away? And another thing. If it is true, as some so-called scholars say, that the earth emerged in space from an exploding nuclear generated star, how did it transform itself from a nuclear fire ball into a wonderful fertile planet of soil and water with fields filled with plant life, animals of their own kind, oceans filled with fish and aquatic life, humans, and more wonderful things than we can name or understand. How did that happen?
Then I began to think about the complete inerrant word of God with full logical and perfect explanation for all things we do not know. The truth concerning all things about the world we do not know is revealed in Gods explicit wonderful word. He created, yes, He did!
In Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning, God created the heaven and earth.” we see that God in fact, did create the world intentionally without mistake in less than seven days. He creates because He is sovereign, and He likes doing it because He can. In Genesis 1:1-31, His word tells us that after He created the earth and sky, the waters, light, darkness, seasons, dry land, sun, moon and stars, the animals and man, He declared that it was very good to Him. He liked it. And then He rested.
It is amazing to me how over time man has contrived ridiculous lies and illogical theories to explain away the truth and reality of God and His sovereign creation. In John 1:1-3 we see that all things were made by Him and without Him nothing was made. Wow!
When I think about what we don’t know in our limited wisdom, I reflect on what exciting things we do know through God’s perfect word. In John 14:6 Jesus says that He is the way, the truth and the life. And that by following Him, He will bring those three things into our very being. His word and His Spirit will deliver the unvarnished pure truth to us in every dimension of our being when we invite Him into our life. He provides the truth about creation and all other things relative to our life. He reveals our sinful nature in Romans 3:23. “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” He provides the answer to our salvation and becomes our rescuer in John 3:16. ”For God so loved the world He gave His only Son and who ever believes upon Him will not perish but have everlasting life”.
Today, we all woke up one day closer to the end of our short, tightly-packed little life here on planet earth. Maybe we all need to spend a little more time on the porch pondering what our eternal life will be like in the very near future. Will it be with a loving God in a place called heaven because we trusted Him and believed His word? Or will it be in dark separation from Him because we chose to believe a lie that anyone would know is not true.
Life is good despite some undesirable things that exist because of man’s sin. It is a gift given freely by God in this wonderful place called planet earth. It is a place where we alone will make a personal decision to accept or reject the God of creation. Your decision will determine your fate for eternity. Our greatest and only hope is in Jesus, His love for us through the cross and what is yet to come when we trust Him completely. Just a thought or two this week in pondering the truth and the mystery of God. May God bless you richly and often.
Rev. Dalton Lilly, Narrow Road Ministries
June 2018
America are you listening?
Hearing and listening through our ears is a wonderful gift we have been given by God in our magnificent composure as human beings. Two wonderful and essential miracles given to us for communication and conversation. Hearing is one thing, but listening is another. How much do we hear and how much do we listen? Sometimes I think not much of the later. I am as guilty as anyone, I admit. My wife will tell you that. I’m smiling.
Have you ever been introduced to someone and then within the first few moments of conversation you forgot their name? I have. It happens all the time to all of us. We hear someone speak directly to us, but we don’t really listen closely. Have you ever met someone and attempted a conversation with them but found they really weren’t listening to you but rather waiting for you to finish speaking so that they could speak? Of course, we all have been in these circumstances. When any of these things happen to us we feel uncomfortable and for good reason. It is important for us to listen to one another. I think that listening to someone is probably one of the most important things that we can do in life. As humans we want and need to communicate with one another and we want to know that when we speak, someone is listening to us. Really listening and not checking their email, texting, or taking a phone call.
An old friend of mine was just in town visiting for a couple of days. One of the things we always enjoy is good old-fashioned conversation filled with thoughts, stories, and laughter. We just enjoy talking and sharing life with one another. For me I believe its medicinal. But as we visited this time, we both came to a conclusion. There are a lot of people talking to one another today in America, but few are pausing to listen to what is being said.
I am making a pledge to do better. I’m starting with my granddaughter Ammerie. She is three years old, and when she speaks to me I get down on my knees and I look into her eyes and I listen to what she has to say. Either that, or I lift her up to my level and I listen to her. I want her to always know that when she speaks to her grandfather, he will listen. I wonder how many of our children and youth of today would have less problems in life if they knew someone was there and really listening when they needed someone to talk to.
We should be intent on hearing what others have to say. You may not always agree with them, but at least listen, and then give your kindly response based on what you have heard. This is called a conversation. Someone speaks, you listen, and then you speak back. I want my grandchildren to know what real conversation is. I want them to experience conversation and develop the ability to listen to others. I fear that the art of conversation is being lost in the transformation of our wild and runaway society that is tethered to small electronic devices.
It is actually getting more and more difficult to find someone who can hold a conversation without interrupting to answer a phone call or return a text message. We should never stop caring what others have to say to us, and we should always be interested in other’s opinions enough to listen to them.
I fear in America we have stopped listening to one another. And I also fear we have become so transformed in our politics and ideologies that we sometimes seek to even keep others from voicing their concerns and opinions. I fear we are losing our ability to hear others. When we stop listening, we stop hearing, and when we have lost our ability to communicate we cannot exist as a peaceful community nor as a nation.
We all want to be heard. We want God to hear our prayers and answer them. We want our government to hear us and respond to our needs as citizens. We all want our wife or husband to hear us and to understand what we need and desire in our relationships. And we also want our children to hear what we have to say so that they will mature and be good, kind, and informed citizens contributing to our society.
God’s word has much to say about hearing and listening. In (Romans 10:17) Paul tells us that faith comes by hearing and by hearing the Word of God. We would not have the faith in God that He provides to us without listening and hearing His essential Word. The Bible tells us that Jesus also emphasized to His disciples the importance of listening. Many times, as He shared life changing parables with them. He beckoned them, “He that has an ear, let him hear” (Matt. 13:9). He said this because it was vital that they listen to what He was saying to them. It preserves our existence and connects us to others. No one can prosper or coexist in a society without listening and communicating effectively. Nations must coexist with nations and people must coexist with other people and to do this, we must communicate, listen to one another, and care about one another.
Finally, in God’s word we see some of the best advise of all about listening and speaking from our own Creator. In (James 1:19), Paul tells us to be swift to hear people, be slow to speak, and be slow to anger. Now this is some advice from God I think we can all use. I know I sure can. Imagine the world tomorrow if we all lived by God’s word and followed His perfect counsel.
I have an idea! Let’s make a pledge today to be better listeners. Let’s pause to really listen when someone speaks to us. Let’s give undivided attention to one another, and for at least a little while throughout every day, put the devices away and just talk to someone face to face. We can do this America. It sure sounds like a world I would love to live in. May God bless you richly!
Rev. Dalton Lilly
Narrow Road Ministries
America are you listening?
Hearing and listening through our ears is a wonderful gift we have been given by God in our magnificent composure as human beings. Two wonderful and essential miracles given to us for communication and conversation. Hearing is one thing, but listening is another. How much do we hear and how much do we listen? Sometimes I think not much of the later. I am as guilty as anyone, I admit. My wife will tell you that. I’m smiling.
Have you ever been introduced to someone and then within the first few moments of conversation you forgot their name? I have. It happens all the time to all of us. We hear someone speak directly to us, but we don’t really listen closely. Have you ever met someone and attempted a conversation with them but found they really weren’t listening to you but rather waiting for you to finish speaking so that they could speak? Of course, we all have been in these circumstances. When any of these things happen to us we feel uncomfortable and for good reason. It is important for us to listen to one another. I think that listening to someone is probably one of the most important things that we can do in life. As humans we want and need to communicate with one another and we want to know that when we speak, someone is listening to us. Really listening and not checking their email, texting, or taking a phone call.
An old friend of mine was just in town visiting for a couple of days. One of the things we always enjoy is good old-fashioned conversation filled with thoughts, stories, and laughter. We just enjoy talking and sharing life with one another. For me I believe its medicinal. But as we visited this time, we both came to a conclusion. There are a lot of people talking to one another today in America, but few are pausing to listen to what is being said.
I am making a pledge to do better. I’m starting with my granddaughter Ammerie. She is three years old, and when she speaks to me I get down on my knees and I look into her eyes and I listen to what she has to say. Either that, or I lift her up to my level and I listen to her. I want her to always know that when she speaks to her grandfather, he will listen. I wonder how many of our children and youth of today would have less problems in life if they knew someone was there and really listening when they needed someone to talk to.
We should be intent on hearing what others have to say. You may not always agree with them, but at least listen, and then give your kindly response based on what you have heard. This is called a conversation. Someone speaks, you listen, and then you speak back. I want my grandchildren to know what real conversation is. I want them to experience conversation and develop the ability to listen to others. I fear that the art of conversation is being lost in the transformation of our wild and runaway society that is tethered to small electronic devices.
It is actually getting more and more difficult to find someone who can hold a conversation without interrupting to answer a phone call or return a text message. We should never stop caring what others have to say to us, and we should always be interested in other’s opinions enough to listen to them.
I fear in America we have stopped listening to one another. And I also fear we have become so transformed in our politics and ideologies that we sometimes seek to even keep others from voicing their concerns and opinions. I fear we are losing our ability to hear others. When we stop listening, we stop hearing, and when we have lost our ability to communicate we cannot exist as a peaceful community nor as a nation.
We all want to be heard. We want God to hear our prayers and answer them. We want our government to hear us and respond to our needs as citizens. We all want our wife or husband to hear us and to understand what we need and desire in our relationships. And we also want our children to hear what we have to say so that they will mature and be good, kind, and informed citizens contributing to our society.
God’s word has much to say about hearing and listening. In (Romans 10:17) Paul tells us that faith comes by hearing and by hearing the Word of God. We would not have the faith in God that He provides to us without listening and hearing His essential Word. The Bible tells us that Jesus also emphasized to His disciples the importance of listening. Many times, as He shared life changing parables with them. He beckoned them, “He that has an ear, let him hear” (Matt. 13:9). He said this because it was vital that they listen to what He was saying to them. It preserves our existence and connects us to others. No one can prosper or coexist in a society without listening and communicating effectively. Nations must coexist with nations and people must coexist with other people and to do this, we must communicate, listen to one another, and care about one another.
Finally, in God’s word we see some of the best advise of all about listening and speaking from our own Creator. In (James 1:19), Paul tells us to be swift to hear people, be slow to speak, and be slow to anger. Now this is some advice from God I think we can all use. I know I sure can. Imagine the world tomorrow if we all lived by God’s word and followed His perfect counsel.
I have an idea! Let’s make a pledge today to be better listeners. Let’s pause to really listen when someone speaks to us. Let’s give undivided attention to one another, and for at least a little while throughout every day, put the devices away and just talk to someone face to face. We can do this America. It sure sounds like a world I would love to live in. May God bless you richly!
Rev. Dalton Lilly
Narrow Road Ministries
May 16, 2018
Kindness, Where Have You Gone?
Have you noticed lately, there seems to be a lot of anger in our country? People just seem angry to me. It’s manifest in their public behavior and the way they treat one another. I find myself saddened and appalled by it in my travels almost every day.
I was in traffic the other day about 4 pm. I try to avoid the roads at that time of day but there I was, stuck in traffic. Road work ahead had caused the lanes to narrow making matters even worse. As traffic finally began to move, a frustrated lady along side of me attempted to merge into the lane ahead. What I witnessed was so sad. Not one other person would allow her to enter the lane of traffic. Among gestures and nasty looks, all refused to let her in. When I saw what they were doing, I slowed down and allowed her to enter into my lane. After I did so, I was flabbergasted, because I then became the moving target of their nasty looks and gestures. What had I done? It was as though I had committed an unpardonable roadway sin, instead of a thoughtful act of kindness to another human being.
As a child growing up in rural America I don’t remember folks being like that. Most people were willing to help others in a dilemma. Kindness was usually the default response to those around you, and helping others was important. In fact, you were viewed as a bit odd, if you didn’t reach out to help others. But anger seems pervasive in our culture today. I wondered why there is so much anger and rudeness. But the more I pondered it; I considered a certain observation about our society in general. We seem to have forgotten the moral value of simple kindness. Just being kind to others has diminished from our cultural landscape, and we need to bring it back so desperately America. Kindness can be simple, but it is powerful. An act of kindness can change people’s lives and their circumstances for the better and sometimes in drastic ways you may never know.
My wife and I still open doors for folks whether man or woman, young or old. We still allow folks with fewer items ahead of us in the grocery line. We still help the elderly when they need it. We still speak to others we may not know. Call us old fashioned, but that’s the way we were taught as children and that’s the way we are today. We were also taught that kindness is a virtue from God and that people are important no matter how old they are or no matter what color they are. We were taught that everyone in this world is a miracle created by God, deserving respect and love as human beings, even if you don’t know them. And yes, that includes those in the car next to you in traffic.
God’s word says in Galatians 5:22-24 that the fruit of righteousness in our lives is love, joy, peace, patience and kindness and even self-control. Against this God inspired righteousness, there is no law -- In other words, you can be as kind and good and patient as you like toward others, and chances are, no one is going to be offended.
I think God’s word is great counsel for us to live by in any circumstance today. In Isaiah 55:8-9 the Bible says that God’s thoughts and His ways are much higher than our thoughts and ways. When we live by His thoughts and words and His ways, life in this world is so much better. It could be as peaceful here as He intended. Well just think about it; how wonderful would this world be, if we were all just a little kinder to even people we don’t know? Couldn’t we just show a tad more respect and love for one another? You know it all could start with you and me. That sounds like a world I would love to live in. How about you?
Just a thought from Rev. Dalton Lilly,
Fredericksburg Va.
Narrow Road Ministries
Kindness, Where Have You Gone?
Have you noticed lately, there seems to be a lot of anger in our country? People just seem angry to me. It’s manifest in their public behavior and the way they treat one another. I find myself saddened and appalled by it in my travels almost every day.
I was in traffic the other day about 4 pm. I try to avoid the roads at that time of day but there I was, stuck in traffic. Road work ahead had caused the lanes to narrow making matters even worse. As traffic finally began to move, a frustrated lady along side of me attempted to merge into the lane ahead. What I witnessed was so sad. Not one other person would allow her to enter the lane of traffic. Among gestures and nasty looks, all refused to let her in. When I saw what they were doing, I slowed down and allowed her to enter into my lane. After I did so, I was flabbergasted, because I then became the moving target of their nasty looks and gestures. What had I done? It was as though I had committed an unpardonable roadway sin, instead of a thoughtful act of kindness to another human being.
As a child growing up in rural America I don’t remember folks being like that. Most people were willing to help others in a dilemma. Kindness was usually the default response to those around you, and helping others was important. In fact, you were viewed as a bit odd, if you didn’t reach out to help others. But anger seems pervasive in our culture today. I wondered why there is so much anger and rudeness. But the more I pondered it; I considered a certain observation about our society in general. We seem to have forgotten the moral value of simple kindness. Just being kind to others has diminished from our cultural landscape, and we need to bring it back so desperately America. Kindness can be simple, but it is powerful. An act of kindness can change people’s lives and their circumstances for the better and sometimes in drastic ways you may never know.
My wife and I still open doors for folks whether man or woman, young or old. We still allow folks with fewer items ahead of us in the grocery line. We still help the elderly when they need it. We still speak to others we may not know. Call us old fashioned, but that’s the way we were taught as children and that’s the way we are today. We were also taught that kindness is a virtue from God and that people are important no matter how old they are or no matter what color they are. We were taught that everyone in this world is a miracle created by God, deserving respect and love as human beings, even if you don’t know them. And yes, that includes those in the car next to you in traffic.
God’s word says in Galatians 5:22-24 that the fruit of righteousness in our lives is love, joy, peace, patience and kindness and even self-control. Against this God inspired righteousness, there is no law -- In other words, you can be as kind and good and patient as you like toward others, and chances are, no one is going to be offended.
I think God’s word is great counsel for us to live by in any circumstance today. In Isaiah 55:8-9 the Bible says that God’s thoughts and His ways are much higher than our thoughts and ways. When we live by His thoughts and words and His ways, life in this world is so much better. It could be as peaceful here as He intended. Well just think about it; how wonderful would this world be, if we were all just a little kinder to even people we don’t know? Couldn’t we just show a tad more respect and love for one another? You know it all could start with you and me. That sounds like a world I would love to live in. How about you?
Just a thought from Rev. Dalton Lilly,
Fredericksburg Va.
Narrow Road Ministries
February 1, 2018
Let’s Try A Little More Kindness America?
Have you noticed lately, there seems to be a lot of anger in our country? People just seem angry to me. It’s manifest in their public behavior and the way they treat one another. I find myself saddened and appalled by it in my travels almost every day.
I was in traffic the other day about 4 pm. I try to avoid the roads at that time of day but there I was, stuck in traffic. Road work ahead had caused the lanes to narrow making matters even worse. As traffic finally began to move, a frustrated lady along side of me attempted to merge into the lane ahead. What I witnessed was so sad. Not one other person would allow her to enter the lane of traffic. Among gestures and nasty looks, all refused to let her in. When I saw what they were doing, I slowed down and allowed her to enter into my lane. After I did so, I was flabbergasted, because I then became the moving target of their nasty looks and gestures. What had I done? It was as though I had committed an unpardonable roadway sin, instead of a thoughtful act of kindness to another human being.
As a child growing up in rural America I don’t remember folks being like that. Most people were willing to help others in a dilemma. Kindness was usually the default response to those around you, and helping others was important. In fact, you were viewed as a bit odd, if you didn’t reach out to help others. But anger seems pervasive in our culture today. I wondered why there is so much anger and rudeness. But the more I pondered it; I considered a certain observation about our society in general. We seemed to have forgotten the moral value of simple kindness. Just being kind to others has diminished from our cultural landscape, and we need to bring it back so desperately.
My wife and I still open doors for folks whether man or woman, young or old. We still allow folks with fewer items ahead of us in the grocery line. We still help the elderly when they need it. Call us old fashioned, but that’s the way we were taught as children and that’s the way we are today. We were also taught that kindness is a virtue from God and that people are important no matter what color they are. We were taught that everyone in this world is a miracle created by God, deserving respect and love as human beings, even if you don’t know them. And yes, that includes those in the car next to you in traffic.
God’s word says in Galatians 5:22-24 that the fruit of righteousness in our lives is love, joy, peace, patience and kindness and even self-control. Against this God inspired righteousness, there is no law -- In other words, you can be as kind and good and patient as you like toward others, and chances are, no one is going to be offended.
I think God’s word is great counsel for us to live by in any circumstance today. In Isaiah 55:8-9 the Bible says that God’s thoughts and His ways are much higher than our thoughts and ways. When we live by His thoughts and words and His ways, life in this world is so much better. It could be as peaceful here as He intended. Well just think about it; how wonderful would this world be, if we were all just a little kinder to even people we don’t know? Couldn’t we just show a tad more respect and love for one another? You know it all could start with you and me. That sounds like a world I would love to live in. How about you?
Just a thought from Rev. Dalton Lilly,
Fredericksburg Va.
Narrow Road Ministries
December 20, 2017
The Narrow Road
By Dalton Lilly
Today you will make thousands of decisions, some will have good outcomes and some may not be so good. Good decisions can change circumstances for the better. Your decisions affect you and even those around you. The greatest decision you will ever make in your entire life will be concerning God, to follow Him or to reject Him. A decision to follow God will bring you peace and eternal life. He will change you forever if you let Him, and through Him you will be a light to others on the narrow road.
Matthew 7:14 Narrow is the way that leads to eternal life and broad is the road that leads to destruction.
December 20, 2017
The Truth About Me and God
By Dalton Lilly
I know that I am a sinner, the bible tells me so in the book of Romans chapter six verse twenty three, where the bible says “For all have sinned and come short of the kingdom of heaven”. It also says, “The wages of sin is death”. But as I read this I also see it says “But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord”. And my heart is now saddened but also excited because I see in the book of Ephesians chapter two verses eight and nine the words; “For by grace are you saved through faith; and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast”.
My heart is even more excited as I read on and find that in the book of Romans chapter five, verse eight, “God showed His love toward me, in that, while I was yet a sinner, He (Jesus) died for my sins a long time ago”. If this isn’t enough to continue my hope; in the book of John chapter three, verse sixteen, the bible says that “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” That means ME!
And as I read the book of John chapter ten, verse ten, I read the words of Jesus that say “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” And finally as I am learning the truth about me and the truth about God I see in the book of Revelation chapter three, verse twenty, and Jesus says “Behold I stand at the door and knock; if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come into him” And I now see that if I want forgiveness for my condition of sin, if I want eternal life, and I want Jesus to live within my heart and be in me, I can invite him into my heart and life today.
As I learn the truth about me and the truth about God’s love, I want to be forgiven, I want to have eternal life. But how do I do this? By simply talking to God, asking Him for these things in a simple and serious prayer. Like this….
Father in heaven, I know by your word I am a sinner. I know that you sent you’re only begotten Son Jesus to this world to live and to die and shed His blood as a sacrifice for my sins. I know that now you have given me a free gift of payment through His blood for my sins and all I need do is accept your free gift for renewal and forgiveness of all my sins. I repent of my sins today and I want you to come into my life and be my Savior and my Lord. Please come into my heart, forgive me of my sins and lead my life so that I am obedient to you as I live out the rest of my life on my way to heaven, my true eternal home with you. AMEN
Let’s Try A Little More Kindness America?
Have you noticed lately, there seems to be a lot of anger in our country? People just seem angry to me. It’s manifest in their public behavior and the way they treat one another. I find myself saddened and appalled by it in my travels almost every day.
I was in traffic the other day about 4 pm. I try to avoid the roads at that time of day but there I was, stuck in traffic. Road work ahead had caused the lanes to narrow making matters even worse. As traffic finally began to move, a frustrated lady along side of me attempted to merge into the lane ahead. What I witnessed was so sad. Not one other person would allow her to enter the lane of traffic. Among gestures and nasty looks, all refused to let her in. When I saw what they were doing, I slowed down and allowed her to enter into my lane. After I did so, I was flabbergasted, because I then became the moving target of their nasty looks and gestures. What had I done? It was as though I had committed an unpardonable roadway sin, instead of a thoughtful act of kindness to another human being.
As a child growing up in rural America I don’t remember folks being like that. Most people were willing to help others in a dilemma. Kindness was usually the default response to those around you, and helping others was important. In fact, you were viewed as a bit odd, if you didn’t reach out to help others. But anger seems pervasive in our culture today. I wondered why there is so much anger and rudeness. But the more I pondered it; I considered a certain observation about our society in general. We seemed to have forgotten the moral value of simple kindness. Just being kind to others has diminished from our cultural landscape, and we need to bring it back so desperately.
My wife and I still open doors for folks whether man or woman, young or old. We still allow folks with fewer items ahead of us in the grocery line. We still help the elderly when they need it. Call us old fashioned, but that’s the way we were taught as children and that’s the way we are today. We were also taught that kindness is a virtue from God and that people are important no matter what color they are. We were taught that everyone in this world is a miracle created by God, deserving respect and love as human beings, even if you don’t know them. And yes, that includes those in the car next to you in traffic.
God’s word says in Galatians 5:22-24 that the fruit of righteousness in our lives is love, joy, peace, patience and kindness and even self-control. Against this God inspired righteousness, there is no law -- In other words, you can be as kind and good and patient as you like toward others, and chances are, no one is going to be offended.
I think God’s word is great counsel for us to live by in any circumstance today. In Isaiah 55:8-9 the Bible says that God’s thoughts and His ways are much higher than our thoughts and ways. When we live by His thoughts and words and His ways, life in this world is so much better. It could be as peaceful here as He intended. Well just think about it; how wonderful would this world be, if we were all just a little kinder to even people we don’t know? Couldn’t we just show a tad more respect and love for one another? You know it all could start with you and me. That sounds like a world I would love to live in. How about you?
Just a thought from Rev. Dalton Lilly,
Fredericksburg Va.
Narrow Road Ministries
December 20, 2017
The Narrow Road
By Dalton Lilly
Today you will make thousands of decisions, some will have good outcomes and some may not be so good. Good decisions can change circumstances for the better. Your decisions affect you and even those around you. The greatest decision you will ever make in your entire life will be concerning God, to follow Him or to reject Him. A decision to follow God will bring you peace and eternal life. He will change you forever if you let Him, and through Him you will be a light to others on the narrow road.
Matthew 7:14 Narrow is the way that leads to eternal life and broad is the road that leads to destruction.
December 20, 2017
The Truth About Me and God
By Dalton Lilly
I know that I am a sinner, the bible tells me so in the book of Romans chapter six verse twenty three, where the bible says “For all have sinned and come short of the kingdom of heaven”. It also says, “The wages of sin is death”. But as I read this I also see it says “But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord”. And my heart is now saddened but also excited because I see in the book of Ephesians chapter two verses eight and nine the words; “For by grace are you saved through faith; and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast”.
My heart is even more excited as I read on and find that in the book of Romans chapter five, verse eight, “God showed His love toward me, in that, while I was yet a sinner, He (Jesus) died for my sins a long time ago”. If this isn’t enough to continue my hope; in the book of John chapter three, verse sixteen, the bible says that “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” That means ME!
And as I read the book of John chapter ten, verse ten, I read the words of Jesus that say “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” And finally as I am learning the truth about me and the truth about God I see in the book of Revelation chapter three, verse twenty, and Jesus says “Behold I stand at the door and knock; if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come into him” And I now see that if I want forgiveness for my condition of sin, if I want eternal life, and I want Jesus to live within my heart and be in me, I can invite him into my heart and life today.
As I learn the truth about me and the truth about God’s love, I want to be forgiven, I want to have eternal life. But how do I do this? By simply talking to God, asking Him for these things in a simple and serious prayer. Like this….
Father in heaven, I know by your word I am a sinner. I know that you sent you’re only begotten Son Jesus to this world to live and to die and shed His blood as a sacrifice for my sins. I know that now you have given me a free gift of payment through His blood for my sins and all I need do is accept your free gift for renewal and forgiveness of all my sins. I repent of my sins today and I want you to come into my life and be my Savior and my Lord. Please come into my heart, forgive me of my sins and lead my life so that I am obedient to you as I live out the rest of my life on my way to heaven, my true eternal home with you. AMEN